Any opinions on o2 broadband?

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Hi Wicksta,

I've tried to sent an email to your hotmail account 3 times, from 2 different emails (the other one is And I did not receive the emails back as undelivered - so they were most probably caught by spam filters.

I'll give it another try now, from the 3rd email address...


Oh right, the hotmail one I only ever used for my msn messenger, there is a different one in my trust. ;)

Anyway I've just logged into hotmail (for the first time in about 10 years ;) ) and it is indeed there. Will sort it tomorrow.

Oh right, the hotmail one I only ever used for my msn messenger, there is a different one in my trust. ;)

Anyway I've just logged into hotmail (for the first time in about 10 years ;) ) and it is indeed there. Will sort it tomorrow.

Ops... I screwed up :-) Sorry, I am new to this forum, and misinterpreted the word "trust". I did not realize that it refers to vcard. Have you discovered any interesting emails from the past 10 years in your hotmail account? :-)

Oh right, the hotmail one I only ever used for my msn messenger, there is a different one in my trust. ;)

Anyway I've just logged into hotmail (for the first time in about 10 years ;) ) and it is indeed there. Will sort it tomorrow.

Hi Wicksta - just sent you an email to your hotmail account also re O2 Broadband, be greatful of any help you could provide!
It's not the best for gaming, if your line gets interleaving turned on they won't switch it off. I tried numerous times in vain before having to use the 50 day money back guarantee, I would recommend one of the enta resellers if you're into gaming tbh.

A solution to improve pings is to reduce bandwidth. We had 20mb packages, it could never reach. Having dropped to 16mb package pings have improved.
Activated this afternoon. Trying to get my 585v6 to work with it, no success yet. (Have installed the templates but they aren't working)

Anyway syncing at 4.8mb roughly. Which is much better than 3.2 :) Interleaved is on, may try and get it turned off eventually. We shall see.
Activated this afternoon. Trying to get my 585v6 to work with it, no success yet. (Have installed the templates but they aren't working)

Anyway syncing at 4.8mb roughly. Which is much better than 3.2 :) Interleaved is on, may try and get it turned off eventually. We shall see.

Do you not get 585v7 with it anyway? I did.
Yeah I did I'd just like to use my 585v6. Mainly for dmt.

My pings have gone up by about 10ms which is unnoticeable. Hooray!
Well it's been running fine since I got connected on Tuesday but tonight like 5mins ago my line went down and it reconnected at 3.8mb, it was at 4.8 before. That sucks and I hope it isn't permanent. I restarted the router and it reconnected at the exact same speed, so now I'm concerned.

Noticed I got an email saying they had tested my line and I was on the right package earlier today as well.

Please tell me it will go back up.

*edit* yep went back up when I reconnected today, must be a night thing.
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Well it's been running fine since I got connected on Tuesday but tonight like 5mins ago my line went down and it reconnected at 3.8mb, it was at 4.8 before. That sucks and I hope it isn't permanent. I restarted the router and it reconnected at the exact same speed, so now I'm concerned.

Noticed I got an email saying they had tested my line and I was on the right package earlier today as well.

Please tell me it will go back up.

*edit* yep went back up when I reconnected today, must be a night thing.

Same thing happens to me. Around 9.00pm-10.00pm mine goes from around 5.4mb down to around 4.4mb. When i reboot the router the next morning it goes back up again. Strange :)
It's normal on a rate adaptive service - your SNR margin typically does downhill at night and if it goes far enough down, you'll lose sync and reconnect at a lower speed.

The best you can do is have the router attached to the master socket, with any extensions filtered, to eliminate your own wiring as a problem.
A strange thing happened. Yesterday the dialtone in my phone line completely disappeared. I am wondering, is this a result of O2 doing some work on my line (it's an LLU exchange)? or is it just an unrelated BT fault (and it's a coincidence, that it happened after I placed a broadband order)?

Has this happened to anyone? Is it normal? My broadband has never been via LLU before, and migrations/activations have always been smooth and without phone service disruptions.
I don't believe o2 are Full LLU, did this happen at the same time/before your o2 connection going live?

It's likely you may have had a line outage when the initially moved you over to LLU, as they have to install a splitter that splits off your adsl to your LLU providers equipment, and voice data to BT.

That said, even if they are full llu, it's still likely you would have seen a small outage, whilst they tied your line over to your provider.
Mike, Tolien, thanks for your replies.

Sorry, I was not precise enough. The dialtone disappeared on Monday - and has not re-appeared since (still no dialtone now). This happened after I placed a broadband order and set up direct debit, but 4 days before scheduled activation date.

I don't worry too much about the dialtone itself, I don't need this phoneline as a telephone. As long as my broadband gets connected as scheduled, and as long as this sounds like a normal installation disruption.
Sorry if this has already been asked in this topic but if you're already with O2 broadband would it still be possible to get this discount or is it new connections only?

I've just been connected on the ultimate package for £15 a month. Wish I'd have seen this before I signed up!
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