My line is apparently quite bad... I am only 1.55km from the exchange as the crow flies. But line attenuation is 55.5db!!!

I've cut bell wiles, connected straight into test socket, but all this onbviuosly did not help too much. The router seems to be choosing the SNR margin now, is probably going to stabilize at 7.5dB. Which gives me 1.5mbit downlink. Not very exciting, is it.
On the positive side, the uplink is 1mbit! Which is brilliant!!! Kudos to O2 for this. In my previous flat, I had 7Mbit downlink, but only 380kbit uplink. Which is crazy, internet was supposed to be a level playing field, symmetric, etc, with no "consumers and providers".
Also network latency seems to be quite low (20ms ping to a maidenhead server). And I have almost forgot in the past few weeks of using WCDMA (=internet over a 3g mobile) how quickly web-pages should load

What do you guys think about 55.5dB attenuantion, when I am so close to exchange? Is there anything realistic I can do about this (without moving flat or spending thousands)? Also I saw someone posted stats here, where they had 54dB attenuation, and downlink of 5.8Mbit (and that was without tweaking SNR margin). How was this possible?