Any opinions on o2 broadband?

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Im looking to get the Be Unlimited Package but what do I choose out of Static and Dynamic IP? Whats the differance?

Is the only differance between Unlimited and Pro the fact that you get higher upload speed on Pro?
As long as you're on LLU, truly unlimited and currently not involved with Phorm.

You should read up as much as you can though - don't jump into things just because cool people like "Aekeron" say it's good.

Excellent :)

The only thing that is putting me off is the 12 month contract. Also is the members discount deal still going on?

EDIT:Also with o2 do you have some sort of online panel where you can enable fastpath/interleaving etc...

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On your voice service, nothing. O2 don't touch it.
On the ADSL, less than a day. It'll be longer than a migration between BTw ISPs because there's some manual work involved, but it won't be that long.

sorry, what will be a longer migration? If its currently BT, or currently an LLU other isp?

I want to move from BT to 02, is there any kind of control over when the switchover happens or way it can be influenced to fall on a specific day for example?
LLU-LLU will take longer, whether one of the LLUs is BT Wholesale or not. What I meant was migrating between ISPs but continuing to use BT Wholesale should be virtually seamless.

You should get advance warning of what day it'll be - that's about as good as it gets.
Whats the friends and family deal?

I'm currently with be* and paying £14 for be unlimited at the moment (mistake they made when I downgraded in my first month). But I don't really need the speed (would be drop from ~14mbps to 6-7mbps) so looking to get cheaper broadband. Saving would have to be more than a pound or 2 though.
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Hi z0mbi3, is that deal still going? Would be looking for O2 premium or ultimate if cheap enough. You don't need to have an O2 mobile or anything? I've sent you an email. :)
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1. No.
2. Probably not, but so far you'd have to be downloading a silly amount (>300GB/month has been thrown about) to have any problem
3. More than you get already. Without more detail it's impossible to say.

1: No as in I don't have to use the supplied router, or No I can't use my netgear router?
1. no you dont have to use the supplied router, there are a fair few better alternatives but I dont know weather your existing router is compatable, somthing youll have to look into.
To be honest Ive never had much grief from the standard Thompson router, although others are said to be more stable and you can eek a bit more speed out of them.
1: No as in I don't have to use the supplied router, or No I can't use my netgear router?

You don't have to use a supplied router. What Netgear do you have including the version number?

I am on Be* and use a Netgear DG834G Version 4.
I got activated on O2 F&F today, so I unplugged my Be* 585v6 and replaced it with my O2 Wireless Box II 585v7.
I can get it working fine for normal usage, but I want to use it as just a modem (bridging router) for my Linksys Router.
This was simple enough to do with the Be* 585v6 but after a while of trying different ways I'm stumped with the O2 585v7. :confused:

Any help or guides will be appreciated........

I got activated on O2 F&F today, so I unplugged my Be* 585v6 and replaced it with my O2 Wireless Box II 585v7.
I can get it working fine for normal usage, but I want to use it as just a modem (bridging router) for my Linksys Router.
This was simple enough to do with the Be* 585v6 but after a while of trying different ways I'm stumped with the O2 585v7. :confused:

Any help or guides will be appreciated........


This post should help, though I couldn't get it to work myself.
I just got connected on O2 :D


I don't have time to read all through this thread but I just wanted to know is O2's non-LLU connection good too? I'm connected to a small exchange that hasn't been unbundled.

Is their non-LLU service also completely unlimited?
What is the support like?

Just got connected to o2 this morning, moved from Be as it's half the price of what I'm paying for with Be and I have an o2 mobile.

I'm not using te o2 wireless box, I've got a Netgear DG834N using the standard netgear firmware v1.02.08

I'm currently synced at:

I was generally syncing at just over 8000kbps while on Be and getting speedtest results about the 6500kb/s - 7000kbs range.

Very impressed with the slight speed increase....hope it stays permanently and isn't a line training period.
Heres something i didnt know, when i called to inquire about cancelling my subscription with o2 they said that under the contract the router is theirs and that if I ended it they would need it back and would supply return packaging.
Heres something i didnt know, when i called to inquire about cancelling my subscription with o2 they said that under the contract the router is theirs and that if I ended it they would need it back and would supply return packaging.

yes its theres, if you dont you get charged £50, all in terms and conditions, with BE they charge £100 if you nab it.
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