The environmental conditions.
Which would occur first the need for the organ or the organ itself?
The question - does DNA contain the information to build a complete life-form, is absolutely yes, no exceptions, this is mainstream knowledge.
DNA by itself obviously does not work - that is, if you put DNA out for culture it won't do anything, it'll just sit there, but DNA inside cells in a functioning body does a lot.
I know that DNA contains the information to build up proteins for a start but does it also hold information on how to build up these proteins into larger structures or does that depend on external chemical processes?
Some mutations are beneficial and are selected because they work - they offer an advantage for the 'machine' in which they reside, that allows the 'machine' to continue.
Many mutations are not beneficial - cancer, colour blindness, cardio defects, these put the machine at a disadvantage which makes it less likely those mutations will be passed on (because said machine will die before it can procreate)
Do we need to assume here that the only mutations that will be selected are those whose effect is great enough to show benefit within a single generation? Unless the positive benefit is realised within a generation then it won't be preserved by natural selection. I don't think that's what your saying but it sounds like it.
Which is exactly what happens, and is exactly why we have things like cancer, terrible genetically inherited birth defects - like grotesque harlequin syndrome (google it - it looks exactly like an explosion in a science lab, and it's entirely genetic)
We must assume that for the species to survive there must have been no mistakes in the process that could have blown everything up. In the liver for example, if some chemical reaction wasn't refined as it should have been, then the consequences could be disastrous.
The function of the liver is not 'regulatory control' it does a massive heap of functions, many of which we can't reproduce - unlike kidneys where you can survive on kidney dialysis, you cannot survive on liver dialysis - no machine can do it.
The liver's main responsibility is metabolism, which toxic substances, fat and other stuff are broken down and moved into waste.
The because all animals are putting things inside their mouths from the environment, food - the chemicals in the food, water and the chemicals inside that, we need an organ to deal with all of these - the evolution of the liver would be driven by what these animals are eating/drinking/being exposed to.
During this time, there would be a progressive 'battle' between good mutations and successful reproduction, which would caress the liver to being more and more suited to it's environment, change the environment - the things you eat/drink or are exposed too - and the liver changes with it over time.
This is adequate as an explanation for the refinement of the liver over time but not constructing it in the first place.
Let's assume that a mutation causes a "sack of cells" as you put it earlier. Unless there is a benefit observed, how or why will natural selection preserve that? I'd assume that the benefit must be observed very rapidly.
Of course your analogy assumes that the mouth existed before the liver. If animals are putting food into their mouths containing certain chemicals then the need for the liver would need to be fulfilled pretty darn quickly.
Well, information is obviously necessary, but it's unintelligent - it doesn't need any intelligence to work.
For me to build something that looks like a ********* out of bits of wood, i'd need intelligence, i'd need to design then i'd need to actually consciously build it and check it to make sure it's right.
Nature doesn't design the *********, it's simply the final phenomena that comes as the result of many natural laws, the exact same natural laws that make things like DNA, the atomic structures between molecules - everything is related in this way.
I fail to see where this information comes from in the first place. I'm a software dev, if I want to add functions to a program there has to be something completely new added like a new method for example. If I want to modify a trait, then I can change an existing method. A computer program with no information in the first place won't do anything. Will we ever know what that information source was?