Which would you expect to come first, the need for the organ in question, or the organ itself?
The environmental conditions.
That sounds like a no actually. If chemical relationships are important too then that would suggest that DNA-only doesn't work. It certainly is an interesting topic!
The question - does DNA contain the information to build a complete life-form, is absolutely yes, no exceptions, this is mainstream knowledge.
DNA by itself obviously does not work - that is, if you put DNA out for culture it won't do anything, it'll just sit there, but DNA inside cells in a functioning body
does a lot.
In this development of the liver, were all the mutations the correct ones each time? Considering some mutations are useless it is amazing that something as complex as a liver formed.
This has been answered a billion times, i'll answer it one last time.
Some mutations are beneficial and are selected because they work - they offer an advantage for the 'machine' in which they reside, that allows the 'machine' to continue.
Many mutations are not beneficial - cancer, colour blindness, cardio defects, these put the machine at a disadvantage which makes it less likely those mutations will be passed on (because said machine will die before it can procreate)
Again, I'm curious as to when the need for the liver arose. Bearing in mind that harmful mutations do occur would it not be like messing about with chemicals in a science lab hoping you don't blow the place up.
Which is exactly what happens, and is exactly why we have things like cancer, terrible genetically inherited birth defects - like grotesque harlequin syndrome (google it - it looks exactly like an explosion in a science lab, and it's entirely genetic)
If the function of the liver is regulatory control then the success rate of mutation must be been nearly perfect, otherwise it could have been disastrous.
The function of the liver is not 'regulatory control' it does a massive heap of functions, many of which we can't reproduce - unlike kidneys where you can survive on kidney dialysis, you cannot survive on liver dialysis - no machine can do it.
The liver's main responsibility is metabolism, which toxic substances, fat and other stuff are broken down and moved into waste.
The because all animals are putting things inside their mouths from the environment, food - the chemicals in the food, water and the chemicals inside that, we need an organ to deal with all of these - the evolution of the liver would be driven by what these animals are eating/drinking/being exposed to.
During this time, there would be a progressive 'battle' between good mutations and successful reproduction, which would caress the liver to being more and more suited to it's environment, change the environment - the things you eat/drink or are exposed too - and the liver changes with it over time.
These sorts of things have been documented and observed in animals, perhaps not with livers, but definitely with digestive systems and other organs.
Yes as you say a ********* maybe isn't the best example but it certainly is an amazing construct nonetheless.
It seems that information is absolutely necessary when dealing with living organisms.
Well, information is obviously necessary, but it's unintelligent - it doesn't need any intelligence to work.
For me to build something that looks like a ********* out of bits of wood, i'd need intelligence, i'd need to design then i'd need to actually consciously build it and check it to make sure it's right.
Nature doesn't design the *********, it's simply the final phenomena that comes as the result of many natural laws, the exact same natural laws that make things like DNA, the atomic structures between molecules - everything is related in this way.