Anyone can do it.....can you

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Arcade Fire said:
Seems to me like you're gettin' quite riled,
I ain't never seen a rap so full of bile,
Only one thing explains a message so vile,
You know what it is? I think you're in denial.

You seem to think you're some hip hop defender,
But hip hop ain't broken, there's no need to mend 'er,
Only one thing explains this view you engender,
You know what it is? I think you're a bender.

So keep your views to yourself, hide your opinion inside,
You tried to beat me, but you know what? DENIED.
So run away little pink boy, run away and hide,
We'll see what my rap attack makes of your pride.

Superb Arcade Fire! You really had me going,
You took me by surprise, without me even knowing,
You caught me by the short and curly's, with my panties down
Dressed up in my frilly satin womens undergown,

This to you may sound absurd and just a little wrong,
But while I read your rap aloud I stroked my furry thong,
You're obviously a man of taste, of charm and intellect,
So forgive me for informing you, you're completely incorrect,

Sure I joke of thongs and things, and gayness to the extreme,
But rest assured I do not partake in dousings of man-cream,
So stop the hate there ain't no need, to ever hold a grudge,
Upon a simple Essex boy, who never has packed fudge,

I'd like to take a moment here to let you fellows know,
It's pictures of the furry cup that make my willy grow,
I'm secure with my desires, but can you say the same?
Do you spend your days, dressed in leotards watching 'fame'?

I've seen it many times before, some were even mates,
As soon as we're alone I find they're anything but straight,
It always seems to be the ones so quick to shout out 'bent'!
Who secretly in the shower-rooms are hiding a pitched tent!

Note: Loved your rhyme AF, made my cry with laughter. :D
dmpoole said:
You do realise that I've cut and pasted your rap lyrics and when you make it big I'm going to blackmail you.

LOL matey! Now that would be embarrassing! These are more silly little rhymes than raps anyway. Rapping isn't exactly my style as i'm sure you're aware. This is fun though. :p
GordyR said:
LOL matey! Now that would be embarrassing! These are more silly little rhymes than raps anyway. Rapping isn't exactly my style as i'm sure you're aware. This is fun though. :p

Is fun indeed :), my style of rap is a song which is a story, which has little to no rymes.

BTW, you are very good at typing these

Where can i upload my MP3? :p
dmpoole said:
You do realise that I've cut and pasted your rap lyrics and when you make it big I'm going to blackmail you.

I thought they were genius! Although I'm sure the subject matter and style are somewhat different from his own music (:p), you can see the lyrical skills are there! :cool:

Very funny these little rap battles!
iBankAllDay said:
I thought they were genius! Although I'm sure the subject matter and style are somewhat different from his own music (:p), you can see the lyrical skills are there! :cool:

Very funny these little rap battles!

LoL i'm glad you like them dude. As silly as it sounds writing these silly little 'ditties' has helped cheer me up yesterday and today. My grandfather passed away yesterday morning and I really didn't think a smile would be possible for a while yet. Writing heals like nothing else, even if its comedy.
GordyR said:
LoL i'm glad you like them dude. As silly as it sounds writing these silly little 'ditties' has helped cheer me up yesterday and today. My grandfather passed away yesterday morning and I really didn't think a smile would be possible for a while yet. Writing heals like nothing else, even if its comedy.

I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandfather, I know what you're going through, so know that nothing I say can really help. But writing, like all of the art forms, is a good way to release and cheer you up. I believe there is no wrong way to deal with such matters, I'm glad you have found and have something that helps. Hope all goes as well as it can dude.
A few of you have started rhyming
And stopped caring about delivery and timing
Looking only for a rhyming couplet
Well stick this in your pipe and smoke it

Your pansy rhymes are quite bizarre
Whereas mine draw crowds from near and far
And though I'm a rather dashing gent
On pleasure and fulfilling pastimes bent
I don't succumb to morans and fools
Or even people like you mules
Who don't believe that I come first
And you lot really are the worst
But carry on spouting crap regardless
Of my superior ability to discuss
Proper rhymes, raps, poems and sonnets
I chortle to see your words in verse
Though far be it for me to lecture you on it
We're all aware compared to me you're worse

I won't bother to call you gay or say you're into men
For all I care you could be queer I'm still flying past at mach ten
I know you're gonna come back at this and defend yourselves as best you can
But give it up as a bad job, you need a better plan
You need to learn to be more literate and freeflowing with your verse
And into your rhymes and poems better words you must disperse
For once your vocab is better and you think fast upon your feet
Only then can you ever hope that Gilly may be beat

[edit]Sorry to hear about your grandad Gordy :(
Big up OCUK you betta pull the trigger,
Shoot me while ya can I'm a jumped up little wigga,

Poppin out lyrics that are really proper whack,
and shouting when your spoutin about talkin out my crack.
Mohinder and Gilly, hilarious contributions :D Gilly's rap cracked me up.

Thread died about half way through, and then I read this:

ElRazur said:
What ego? maybe you find it difficult to be neutral when it comes to El's case isnt? i meant why!

Im out.

ElRazur said:
Listen, i dont blow my trumpets, i dont need to give you NO proof.
Everythin i said in here, it is the truth (apart from gilly's recording i said i liked, he was getting all sensitive and i just said i do so as to avoid confrontation).
Now believe what you want....totally up to you.

ElRazur said:
Yes i am good at this and NO you aint good at all, the last time i told you i like it (your audio rap)......I lied.

And oh HOLY JEHOVAH did I laugh.

I don't understand, I really don't understand how you could be so hopelessly deluded. It's like those people that go on "Pop Idol" in the beginning stages and insist until they are blue in the face that they can sing beautifully, when everyone else in the room wants to stab themselves in the eye. "What ego?" is the quote of the year :p

Now I entered the thread, and saw it was started by you. But I saw the concept, and (you can choose to believe this, or not as you please. Carry on thinking everyone in the world is against you without reason if you want!) thought "Ok, I'll have a look to see if he can actually freestyle after all the stuff he's said about his interest in hip-hop etc etc". But seriously, I listen to a fair bit of rap, you really really can't and if you think you can, you are living in some kind of fairy cupcake land.

This thread is 5 star brilliance :D

Carry on lads, let's see some more rapping from GordyR, Arcade Fire, Belmit, Mohinder, Gilly...and where's Sic?
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