Anyone can do it.....can you

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Rappin as if we are black, now that is whack.
Stop it everyone before you get a smack.
My rhymes are better with a little bit of swearing.
Cant do that because the dons will get a tearing.
Tearing, tearing a new one, out of my ass.
Will feel like getting bummed by a piece of glass.
I don't want that, neither do you, i wouldn't be able to do a number 2.
On the loo, when reading the paper, i'm the masked crusader, the masked caper.
You can't catch me, i'm too fast.
My name's Aruffell, that name will last.

Gilly said:
Aye, tha's reet, I'm from Yorkshire and I'm here to rock the beat
All up in yer wi' mi whippits at me feet
Check me style, ima bust up all yer ills
We're comin' from darn't pit or up in't mills

Tha nus tha's nowt compared to me
Step to this ima contemplate summat for thee
I'll be all up in yer like a muslim wit' relidgin
An' all be off t't track or to fly me pigeon

Well I read those lyrics on me way oot the door
I LOL'd and I ROFL'd then I fell on the floor
The boy from Yorkshire, he did real good
As a hip hoppin', hard drinkin' mo fo should

I iz a Geordie and I divvent eat coal
Just give me a pint and Shearer's greatest goals
I just carry on, me rap skills honed
El Razur my friend, you just bin owned
Aruffell said:
Rappin as if we are black, now that is whack.
Stop it everyone before you get a smack.
My rhymes are better with a little bit of swearing.
Cant do that because the dons will get a tearing.
Tearing, tearing a new one, out of my ass.
Will feel like getting bummed by a piece of glass.
I don't want that, neither do you, i wouldn't be able to do a number 2.
On the loo, when reading the paper, i'm the masked crusader, the masked caper.
You can't catch me, i'm too fast.
My name's Aruffell, that name will last.


Yo 'sup Aruffell, you're causing a kerfluffel.
All this gay speak isn't funny,
cut it out right now or you'll be crying for mummy.
Your name may last but that ain't good,
there's a price on your head get outta da hood.
This thread... is ... well... yeah, less said the better I guess.

Most rapping is for losers, for those lacking any talent,
They can't hit a note, so they just talk it all non-chalent[1].
These homies steal your dough selling gangsta rhyme and flow,
But the rhythm of the street ain't whats driving in their beats,
See its just the calling of the dollar is whats making them all holler.


[1]The observant will notice, just like 'talented' freestylers I even altered the pronounciation of "nonchalant" to make it rhyme tighter with Talent. OMG I'm so cool LOL!!11oneone
Kreeeee said:
Yo 'sup Aruffell, you're causing a kerfluffel.
All this gay speak isn't funny,
cut it out right now or you'll be crying for mummy.
Your name may last but that ain't good,
there's a price on your head get outta da hood.

That's my name, but it don't rhyme.
Don't ryhme with that, that were crap.
Gay speak's funny, but dont need my mummy.
Today's nice weather, it's nice and sunny.
Kreeeee dont like gay speak, why hunny bunny?
What about the other nite when you tried paying me with money?
It's all come out, stand up and shout.
Tell the homophobe people what it's all about.
SideWinder said:
Everyone seems to rap like a black gangster..or is it just me?
What? No way. You need to add the words ****, ***, ***** a few times to make it gangsta. Oh and say and mentioning how many times you got shot/shot someone helps your reps :p
Aruffell said:
That's my name, but it don't rhyme.
Don't ryhme with that, that were crap.
Gay speak's funny, but dont need my mummy.
Today's nice weather, it's nice and sunny.
Kreeeee dont like gay speak, why hunny bunny?
What about the other nite when you tried paying me with money?
It's all come out, stand up and shout.
Tell the homophobe people what it's all about.
Worlds first openly homosexual rapper? ;)
Gilly said:
No it isn't. Mine was perfectly serious. Are you dissing me?

Oooooooooooo. :eek:

Sparks gan flyin', Gilly got dissed.
He must be angry, hurt or ******
He'll be asking ' Where is Kreeeee from ? '
So he can come up and explode like a nuuu cleeaaaa bomb
Gilly said:
No it isn't. Mine was perfectly serious. Are you dissing me?

Kreeee's intention is educatin, but she's dissin my rappin hatin'
Can't spot the LANGUAGE takin' thats driving my typed out dissin'.

edit: Yes I know thats truly awful.
Von Smallhausen said:
Oooooooooooo. :eek:

Sparks gan flyin', Gilly got dissed.
He must be angry, hurt or ******
He'll be asking ' Where is Kreeeee from ? '
So he can come up and explode like a nuuu cleeaaaa bomb
I ain't got no fear, cos gilly ain't near.
He's bonded to his computer,
always searching for the next hooter.
Gilly ain't bad I have to agree,
but that's only stated so he doesn't kill me.
Kreeeee said:
I ain't got no fear, cos gilly ain't near.
He's bonded to his computer,
always searching for the next hooter.
Gilly ain't bad I have to agree,
but that's only stated so he doesn't kill me.

Thats too late, it is abhorrent
You just signed your own mo fo death warrant
The Leeds man cometh, he want you dead
By givin' you a kickin' in your goddamn head
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