Anyone can do it.....can you

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Mohinder said:
they take me out of context, i only want a contest, a lyrical face off, not to take my pants off, but i probably would if he bought me a dairy milk, my back's like hairy silk with tweety birds on it, you love it like you love my little urban sonnet, i'm a ginger molester, only the besta, my rhymes hit the boards, like a clash of music swords

I'm amazing at this. Can I be in your crew? Hip hop needs more ginger people.
lol thats ******* classic :D
ElRazur said:
Hey yo this is El, ra-ta-ta ta-takk/ you know im back with a brand new rap attack/ i grab the mic like a pimp called the mac/my temp so hot i do nothing but melt the track/you read my views in here and you can tell im untochable cuz Dons can do no jack/ Maybe i love controversy like your average rapper loves Hennesey/ Cant you see i bet my money on chelsea not to win/......
Respect El, that is sick. Did you pen that or gank it?:)
Mohinder said:
eee's a norvern monkey, and that's no joke
leave him alone wiv a sheep he'd probly give it a poke
the norf saahf divide aint never gonna fall
give me a big enough stick, an' I batter 'em all
i'm a cockney, I'm a cockney, i'm a cockney
apples and pears guv avin a geerafe whatnot whatnot
Yo, you ain't no cockney
But you got the first half right ;)
I'm comin to southend
And i'm lookin for a fight
Gonna take out all the grungers
They're gonna get stomped on
Cos you gothic/Emo weirdo's
Can't take a guy from Basildon

LMAO!!! This is the worst/best thread ever!!! I'm being forced to rate it one start though as i've participated and i suck!!! :D
yo its b to the r to the o to the c to the k to the s to the t to the a / mc's seem to think their hard if they can spell their name / better spell it right or your out of the game / holy crap this rap is lame! / check it!
cleanbluesky said:
Bit harsh TBH. You say he isn't intelligent but I bet there are some skills that he has that could outrank either of us in. Or maybe not.

My point is, just because you don't approve of him doesn't mean he doesn't have a use.

Also, you dont know ElRaz's background, so you dont know how he compares to where he has come from or how he will change in the process of being here... either way I don't think your comment in warranted.

If there was a yawn emoticon i would have used it over and over and over at this point.
ElRazur said:
I had a discussion in the studio yesterday in regards to the art of rapping and freestyling, i believe anyone can do regardless but roachie argued otherwise. Anyway can you guys have a go and prove him wrong

If there's anyone i like, it might be used in later recording.

Here is a blast.

Hey yo this is El, ra-ta-ta ta-takk/ you know im back with a brand new rap attack/ i grab the mic like a pimp called the mac/my temp so hot i do nothing but melt the track/you read my views in here and you can tell im untochable cuz Dons can do no jack/ Maybe i love controversy like your average rapper loves Hennesey/ Cant you see i bet my money on chelsea not to win/......

Sup' up with this ElRazur,
'Anyone can rap'... Now bro we can't see you!
You supposed to be back, preachin' your talents, sure.
C'mon dude, show us your worth, let's see what you can do.

For I'm merely iBank showing you what I can do...

I'm so street it hurts. :cool:
Chris [BEANS] said:
O/T:- The slogan in your sig happens to be the exact opposite to my phillosophy on women!! Coincidence?

Well that's a new interpretation of the philosophical message of my signature! It's exactly opposite you say? Well it can't be coincidence then! ;)

Good luck with your philosophy dude! :cool:
dmpoole said:
I hope we're not going to all turn into Soldjars and have Gangsta wars?
Kreeee already dissed Gilly and I can see a drive-by happening.

I fear the worst too. When I was typing my 'lyrics', I could just feel the fury and angst boiling up inside of me. I just hope I can control myself :mad:.

I don't think there is any doubt that my limited exposure to Gansta' rap is to blame either :(.
Mic said:
My name is mike,
I look like a tike,
I have two ears,
Just like all my peers,
My hair is short,
Im just home from dublin port,
Picked up a new car,
Hardy har har,
Its all Vtec yo!,
And I ride it like a ho,
Rap is kinda crappy,
Way too scrappy,
It does not make me happy.

Im so cool.

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