Anyone can do it.....can you

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I sense this thread is nearing its end, so before the end of time, so can i say thank you to everyone who was real all long and those who took the Star it all out ,someone with your post count should know better too - Your diss gave me te energy i needed! :D

The following people seem to have disappear into the realms of hyperspace but if they are still here or anyone can get hold of them let them know they owe me their views on the recording i made.

KREEEEEE - I wil love to here from you bro, .....your crtitical analysis.
MOHINDER - I remember disssing you on the track too but i still wanna here your view :)
DMPOOLE - I never realsied you are very good with sarcasm until i read your post over and over again. You wanted the track? well you got it, now i need your view! (you can disguised your sarcasm but i can detect them easily now - i learn quickly)

And can i say thanks to CHRIS R for seeing what most people didnt see in me - that i can do it!
Thanks also to those who in all HONESTY encouraged me to post the flow as well.
Fellas Below is a link for the recording, if you aint listen to it, the time is now!!

BillytheImpaler said:
I installed Audacity and was able to compress Nitro Flow and a new one, Freestyle. Here ya' go with more of ElRazur's art...

Nitro Flow Compressed mp3, 500 KiB
Freestyle with Echo Compressed mp3, 943 KiB
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ElRazur said:
The following people seem to have disappear into the realms of hyperspace but if they are still here or anyone can get hold of them let them know they owe me their views on the recording i made.

I was gigging with my band last night, 10 mile run this morning and I've just got back.

I'm not going to comment on a style I have absolutely no idea about.
To me Eminem is a genius but all I hear is you talking into a microphone.
I don't say this in a bad way because I don't understand it.
If your talking was put to music then it would make more sense to me and if I saw you freestyling like they did on 8 Mile it would make more sense to me.
I am an old man and stuff like this goes over my head, however I am well impressed that you did finally put something down.
I now look forward to hearing some proper recorded work.
ElRazur said:
The following people seem to have disappear into the realms of hyperspace but if they are still here or anyone can get hold of them let them know they owe me their views on the recording i made.
Not sure why you've got me on that list but I am sure that I don't owe you anything.
If you'd like my view I'll give it.
That sort of 'music' is just rubbish as far as I'm concerned, it's talentless, up your own **** drivel.
The lyrics are childish too, what I heard of them anyway as I couldn't listen any further once you spouted the 'I deserve respect' pap.
That's just my opinion of course:)
JohnnyG said:
Not sure why you've got me on that list but I am sure that I don't owe you anything.
If you'd like my view I'll give it.
That sort of 'music' is just rubbish as far as I'm concerned, it's talentless, up your own **** drivel.
The lyrics are childish too, what I heard of them anyway as I couldn't listen any further once you spouted the 'I deserve respect' pap.
That's just my opinion of course:)

You made a coment way back, check your post on this thread, that's why.
You just paid me and i must say i like it
As per the childish stuff maybe one day i will grow up, it is good to read from you again my next rap will be a step forward i promise. :)
JohnnyG said:
You've lost me girlfriend, could you please show me the post I made that meant I owe you my views:)

What da........Girlfriend? That sounds soooo feminie anyway check page 5 and post #145. And now compare that to your comments now....
I rest my case.
ElRazur said:
What da........Girlfriend? That sounds soooo feminie anyway check page 5 and post #145. And now compare that to your comments now....
I rest my case.

sar·casm (sär'kăz'əm) pronunciation

1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
dmpoole said:
sar·casm (sär'kăz'əm) pronunciation

1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

I did that already, i dont see your point.
iCraig said:
Come on mate, you insist you're intelligent but this must be the 100th "point" you haven't understood. :confused:

Honestly, from my view, i dont see you, as matter of fact you dont exist. This is my last reply ever to your non-sense.
ElRazur said:
What da........Girlfriend? That sounds soooo feminie anyway check page 5 and post #145. And now compare that to your comments now....
I rest my case.
Look darling I asked you a question about your lyrics that's all, how does that mean I owe you anything?
And my later comments are irrelevant as you seemed to think I was in your debt before I posted them.
You need some more man on man loving to help soothe that anger of yours:)
JohnnyG said:
Look darling I asked you a question about your lyrics that's all, how does that mean I owe you anything?
And my later comments are irrelevant as you seemed to think I was in your debt before I posted them.
You need some more man on man loving to help soothe that anger of yours:)

JohnnyG said:
Look darling I asked you a question about your lyrics that's all, how does that mean I owe you anything?
And my later comments are irrelevant as you seemed to think I was in your debt before I posted them.
You need some more man on man loving to help soothe that anger of yours:)

Okay, that's my cue

***El Runz**
ElRazur said:
You might wanna speak to chris R* because El aint listening!
*The word on the street is he's down with them kinda stuff.
The true word on the street (especially round Wandsworth) is that you is down with the batties:)
You've posted a few clues in here about liking caps in the ass etc. that gives you away;)
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