Anyone can do it.....can you

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dmpoole said:
I know he's going to put us in our place and I'm going to miss it.
Off to the Stoke match now.
Dmpoole is not around to recieve your mail. Send it to Otacon or myself as we're both online now. I'm don't do MSN so to reach me you'll have to send it to brian.brc12 at gmail dot com.
thats not too bad! suitably impressed..

can you record the big long one (ooer) that you posted a few pages back? because i still cant get the rhythm of that for the life of me!
BillytheImpaler said:
I installed Audacity and was able to compress Nitro Flow and a new one, Freestyle. Here ya' go with more of ElRazur's art...

Nitro Flow Compressed mp3, 500 KiB
Freestyle with Echo Compressed mp3, 943 KiB

Thanks for that man, i owe you one.

Can anyone blend it with a back track? i tried to but the sound recorder is just basic.

So where is everyone? :confused: :confused:
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El, your flow is tight and your accent rocks. All i can say is those who bashed you, were wrong you do seem talented.

However, your #### at freestyling (joke) :D
El Razur, that isn't bad at all. Nice one. :)

But can you understand why we took the **** before?

It isn't as though you've proved us wrong, as we have been asking all along for a recording, but I'm glad to see, hear infact, that you do indeed have some talent at this.
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