Anyone Using an Asus DSL-AC68U

Was installed Friday of last week. Overnight the speed has gone down even further and the connection was reset.

Its possible it will go back up, my connection every now and again gets interleved but returns. Id give it a chance as you have not had the service that long, its entirely possible mid 60Mbps would be the normal speed for your service.

This is why many have returned the product. In many cases including mine, it caused DLM to reduce my line from 28M to 22 MB. After 4 months of returning to the ECI, my line is now capped at 25M.

Suggest you get rid of it.

Thats either a poor line or a line fault, if you were at 28Mb before and then 22Mb That would indicate you had some kind of banding before the Asus and whatever problem is there is slowly getting worse, even more so if you have been stuck at 25Mb for 4 months on an ECI modem, that indicates a problem with the line or its just a rubbish line.

Well I've just ordered an ECI modem. I am on an ECI cabinet, and it is pretty close so hopefully it will work OK. I will keep the DSL AC68U and use it as a router as it is virtually the same price as the AC-68U, maybe in the future the modem will work better.
When the engineer came the HH5 was connecting at high 70s Mbits, and on speedtest I was getting 73Mbits, and the connection was showing as fastpath. Now I'm struggling to get 60 Mbits!!!

Is there a way to login to the Asus and force Fastpath??

What your connection speed is at FIRST install unless your line is A1 will not be the speed you will get indefinitely. DLM has to check and adjust for every line. Going from low 70Mbps to low to mid 60Mbps, indicates its only interleaving thats been applied, which may of happened with any device, especially when the service is only a week(ish) old.
How many times does it take of resetting the modem for DLM to kick in? I'm always a bit weary of switching it off. I've heard that when you do, Leave it off for a few minutes so it sees it as a power down rather than an issue. Can anyone backup what I've heard?
Typically between 11 to 21 resyncs daily, depending on the DLM profile chosen by the ISP when it placed the FTTC order. I wouldn't advise more than 2 resyncs within an hour either. To be absolutely safe, I'd suggest no more than 4 reyncs in 24 hours.

Also it's speculated and suggested that powering off the modem for slightly more than 30 minutes will make DLM consider that a user resync rather than one which might've been caused by problem on the line.
Thats either a poor line or a line fault, if you were at 28Mb before and then 22Mb That would indicate you had some kind of banding before the Asus and whatever problem is there is slowly getting worse, even more so if you have been stuck at 25Mb for 4 months on an ECI modem, that indicates a problem with the line or its just a rubbish line.

The line is not great but for 6 months before i had the Asus i was never banded. Within 2 hours of using the asus i had many disconnects - causing DLM to take effect eventually dropping my line from 28M to 22 m. With a sync of 28Mb (it was actually 27.56) my S/N was around 5.5dB so clearly not banded (or if it was i was clearly not reaching the banding level). At 22M i had a S/N of around 10.5dB. Within 1 week of removing the Asus, interleave has been significantly reduced and banded profile increased from 22M to 25M (im syncing with an average S/N of 8.5dB). Im waiting for DLM to increase the 25M banding as my Erroded Seconds are still very low (around 100/day).

I had an openreach visit to check the line - no issues were found.

Clearly the fault is with the Asus or it is not suitable for longer lines.
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Yeah, DLM is gradually increasing the downstream banding and reducing the INP here since removing the ASUS. On fastpath or light error correction (delay and INP) it's not particularly stable. It requires at least INP 3 with a delay of 8ms to maintaining a reasonable VDSL2 connection.

I'm on the Fritz!Box 7490, waiting to return to full speed at fastpath. I'm curious to see what CRC errors/ES/SES that produces. FEC errors are very reasonable in comparison to what the ASUS output when I used it, around 2,000-8,000 an hour on average on the Fritz!Box 7490 (but that can only be found by using 'dsl_monitor --supportdata' via telnet, not on the web UI unfortunately).
The line is not great but for 6 months before i had the Asus i was never banded. Within 2 hours of using the asus i had many disconnects - causing DLM to take effect eventually dropping my line from 28M to 22 m. With a sync of 28Mb (it was actually 27.56) my S/N was around 5.5dB so clearly not banded (or if it was i was clearly not reaching the banding level). At 22M i had a S/N of around 10.5dB. Within 1 week of removing the Asus, interleave has been significantly reduced and banded profile increased from 22M to 25M (im syncing with an average S/N of 8.5dB). Im waiting for DLM to increase the 25M banding as my Erroded Seconds are still very low (around 100/day).

I had an openreach visit to check the line - no issues were found.

Clearly the fault is with the Asus or it is not suitable for longer lines.

NO thats a problem line and 28Mb regardless is its limit. If the SNR was 5.5db at 28Mb then thats the best it could handle, anything such as a burst of noise on the line will alter that speed. (Everyone has burst noise now and again).

Banding being removed from 22Mb to 25Mb also seems strange, DLM would not AFAIK remove one banding level and replace it with another which is so close. That sounds to me more like the 22Mb banding had interleaving applied which has now been reduced/remove and bumped the speed up to 25Mb.

If after FOUR months back on the ECI openreach modem things have not improved drastically then thats a sign of your line just being rubbish. An engineer would find no issues if the line is basically performing as best or near as best it can 28Mb to 25Mb (a 3Mb loss/difference) would not be considered a fault.

Its highly unlikely you will ever get back all the speed, the most you are likely to get is 26-27Mb of that 28Mb back, DLM will be more cautious and also during this time more people have probably taken the service meaning more cross talk.

Most of your issues are the line not the equipment on it. A couple of Mb here and there difference with different equipment is entirely normal.

A FAULT caused by equipment and tinkering which induces banding normally results in massive loses, ask Ixel who went from 70Mbps to around 40Mbps (and no it was not the Asus which originally did that, i think it was a dreytek originally...... he will correct me).

Yeah, DLM is gradually increasing the downstream banding and reducing the INP here since removing the ASUS.

Yep :) thats what should happen if its been the modem to blame, any cap should get removed eventually it may take a month or two but after that time at most you should be back to normal. If i were a betting man id guess you are back over 50Mb now or close to it and all within a few days (NOT months)

Small improvements like you have seen Ixel will almost be immediate (typically around 48 hours before it makes a small but positive change).

Im sure you will be back up to the 60-70Mbps range soon Ixel, and your issues of banding due to your tinkering with (i think it was) a Dreytek which the Asus in turn never sorted will be a distant memory..... Did you keep the dreytek after your experimenting and it banding you ;) i can imagine the swearing LOL

ardsar line i imagine has a fault or is just poor if after being back on the openreach modem for FOUR months it has not cleared the banding so something not right there and can only assume if an engineer found no fault (and more than likely reset the line) its just a rubbish line.
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Nope, no swearing here. However it is frustrating having such heavy limits imposed for such a long duration. I've kept the ASUS DSL-AC68U in storage for now, incase something changes in the future. The ASUS is definitely not as stable as the other modems here on fastpath when I've had fastpath. I'm interested to see what the Fritz!Box 7490 will work like on fastpath if and when it gets there.

P.S. I've never had a Draytek.
I briefly tried again with the Asus for a few weeks but I found myself unable to have the confidence to just leave it doing its thing even though it appeared reasonably stable. I guess when you lose confidence in a device its incredibly hard to shake that feeling so I sold it along with my Billion and Zyxel.

At the moment I'm just using my trusty ECI/r modem with an old Netgear cable router.
I agree, it's been painful to say the least and they seem to make headway then bang it's down the pan again. It's a real shame as it could be a superb router. I am like you back to the OR box and router for the min.
Nope, no swearing here. However it is frustrating having such heavy limits imposed for such a long duration. I've kept the ASUS DSL-AC68U in storage for now, incase something changes in the future. The ASUS is definitely not as stable as the other modems here on fastpath when I've had fastpath. I'm interested to see what the Fritz!Box 7490 will work like on fastpath if and when it gets there.

P.S. I've never had a Draytek.

I've had DreyTek's they are normally good and solid bit's of kit. The web interface can be a bit daunting for novice users, I think they lose people because of that. I am looking at one again now (2860 Plus), but can't make my mind up.
Nope, no swearing here. However it is frustrating having such heavy limits imposed for such a long duration. I've kept the ASUS DSL-AC68U in storage for now, incase something changes in the future. The ASUS is definitely not as stable as the other modems here on fastpath when I've had fastpath. I'm interested to see what the Fritz!Box 7490 will work like on fastpath if and when it gets there.

P.S. I've never had a Draytek.

Apologies re:me incorrect about the Dreytek. i must have confused you with another user in an AC68U thread i was reading on another forum.

I've had DreyTek's they are normally good and solid bit's of kit. The web interface can be a bit daunting for novice users, I think they lose people because of that. I am looking at one again now (2860 Plus), but can't make my mind up.

On one version dreytek you can override the speed just like with the Asus (in fact its easier to do), i thought it was Ixel which had done this, but it turns out it was another user who also got banded after experimenting perhaps a step too far.
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Asus has made a new beta firmware (_2182) with usb fix
once Download Master installed then power cycle/ reboot DSL-AC68U then possibly that Internet connection cannot be established

I also can see a new dsl driver, but i don't know other changes
With my adsl line & the time now evening which has more noise my line, already synchronized with Max Rate Down 15+ (before 14.500)
& line attenuator 34.1 (before 35+)
Seems the dsl driver very aggressive ... so perhaps not good idea for UK users having DLM ... i am not sure about it, its my speculation ... so follow the rule ... IF it works Do Not touch (firmwares)

The dsl stats page now reacting different ... before with chrome, it will reload automatic the page for refreshing every 10 sec ... now is refreshing every 10 sec with out reloading all the stats page

I also had to make a small change at RouterStats dsl settings to make it work again with the _2182 firmware

it seems the bit swap (adsl) keeps well for my connection ... peak time now & spectrum always on, usually had more gaps the spectrum monitor... too early to tell but seems good sing at least for me
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Reason I was asking about DLM resync was due to me installing some solwise 1200av2 homeplugs. I thought all was working well but have noticed today that my IP profile has dropped from 71mb to 62mb, ping tines have also increased. Think the homeplugs are the cause? Everything is filtered through the homeplugs but just have a sneaking suspicion that this is causing interference to the incoming line.
Hi, Paul Lee is still issuing the stock answers:
Regarding the interruptions concern, please go to Advanced Settings > Administration > DSL Setting and configure with the following, see whether your DSL line could be stabilized. Any other issue please feel free to let us know. Thanks.

- Set "Stability Adjustment (VDSL)" to 12 dB.

- Set "Rx AGC GAIN Adjustment (VDSL)" to Stable.

- Set "Tx Power Control (VDSL)" to -2 dB.

Additionally, I am wondering whether VDSL faceplate installed?

VDSL faceplate:
The faceplate has to be installed at the master socket(NTE5) which is the first termination point from the external line.
Also the NEW 2014 MK2 Version allows a separate extension facility for extending the VDSL wiring if needed.

As for the Spectrum, actually it will affect the line performance a bit(according to some users) once Spectrum initiated and starts gathering data, once close the browser or leave that Spectrum page then back to normal.

Best regards,
Paul Lee
Thanks, I was told to upgrade mine, anyone else having issues with 2160? My max rate is down with Paul's settings as well...
Got my Asus DSL-AC68U today though i think it may have an issue unless im missing something obvious. It powers on but after about 15-25(ish) minutes powers off by itself and the only way to power it up again is to either pull the power cord or flick mains switch to off then on again.

Does the device perhaps have some standby setting ive obviously missed that causes this symptom???
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