Apex Legends BR

Yep. Just happened to me in a game, got about 5 mins in and the game just froze and crashed with server error message.
Can't say I've had any issues i since season 3 launched, makes a change.
Managed a win tonight in the discord channel so not too bad, but the little one was unsettled so ended up cutting it short. Kids eh..
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I played a game with some ocuk members I think it was, we were running from the blue with 3 teams left, would have been a manageable escape from it, but no.
The server went into this weird slow mode all of a sudden where we were moving 1 foot every 2 seconds the blue zone moved the same speed though and we got eaten, spectates the other teams to watch them fight in slow motion, 1 shot every 2 seconds at each other running at 0.1mph was very weird
Have any of you experienced mouse lag? It's an annoying bug that stutters your mouse movement for about 1 second every 5 seconds. Even if you exit the game to desktop it will persist for a few minutes. It's very annoying! I tried all sorts of fixes but finally solved the problem by plugging in a second mouse. It worked instantly and now I don't get the lag even with one mouse connected.
I think it might have something to do with origin. Anyway, I thought I'd post the fix that worked for me just in case anyone else suffers from the bug.
Have any of you experienced mouse lag? It's an annoying bug that stutters your mouse movement for about 1 second every 5 seconds. Even if you exit the game to desktop it will persist for a few minutes. It's very annoying! I tried all sorts of fixes but finally solved the problem by plugging in a second mouse. It worked instantly and now I don't get the lag even with one mouse connected.
I think it might have something to do with origin. Anyway, I thought I'd post the fix that worked for me just in case anyone else suffers from the bug.
Never had that but the discord and origin overlays do cause issues. Both should be disabled.
Playing briefly last night before bed, I was on a window ledge on 2nd story, could hear enemies in my building. Pinged them and ran across to my team across the road to next building to regroup as I wasn't sure how many there were. 1 guy decides to rambo in by himself before we'd regrouped fully and insta dies. Types in chat "Mak3R, go **** yourself" and DC'd. Other team mate and I go in and kill the guy, turns out it was just one person. How was that my fault?? :eek::p
Playing briefly last night before bed, I was on a window ledge on 2nd story, could hear enemies in my building. Pinged them and ran across to my team across the road to next building to regroup as I wasn't sure how many there were. 1 guy decides to rambo in by himself before we'd regrouped fully and insta dies. Types in chat "Mak3R, go **** yourself" and DC'd. Other team mate and I go in and kill the guy, turns out it was just one person. How was that my fault?? :eek::p

See this all to often with randoms, they leave as soon as there downed and then blame the squad rather than their gung ho approach.
I'm getting a complete freeze of the game after about 2 games in, ctrl, alt, Dell doesn't even work, I have to hold the power button down.

I'm using latest Nvidia drivers
This game is becoming a complete joke, I even have a bug where my team mates characters are wearing my outfits.

Has this happened to anyone else?
I'm getting a complete freeze of the game after about 2 games in, ctrl, alt, Dell doesn't even work, I have to hold the power button down.

I'm using latest Nvidia drivers
This game is becoming a complete joke, I even have a bug where my team mates characters are wearing my outfits.

Has this happened to anyone else?

Yes to both those things.
I wouldnt say the games a joke but the bugs are ripe and frustrating at times.
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