Apex Legends BR

Something weird has happened. Today in normal random play the matchmaking has me playing alongside and against VERY skilled players. I played ranked for a day yesterday and got to Silver quite quickly but surely that doesn't affect normal trio games? With 1800 hours behind me, the sudden leap in player abilities is really noticeable.

The 2nd half of the rank season just reset so the normal diamond, Master and Predators will be Gold +. So don't be surprised if you play against the stronger players before they move up the ranking order.

This happens every season. So even in casuals SBMM kicks in and will take into account of your rank to others similar in the bracket.
Playing ranked really jumps you up the SBMM. I used to have fun in casual but since I played rank up to Gold the matchmaking for me has got a lot harder!

Dev said sbmm in pubs is based on gunplay metrics ( accuracy etc )

I have around 2k hours in this game and I'm constantly getting paired against full pred stacks in pubs and I don't play ranked at all ( although I have a 4.5KD this season )

The issue with sbmm isn't the skill it's because when you que solo you get paired with people partying up which shouldn't happen but I don't think this game has the player base to fully separate stacks from Solos without 20 min ques due to different servers etc

Try NA servers early morning UK time for a more chilled out experience if your queing solo

I notice from 8pm onwards pub games are like people playing for a damn tournament
I don't think I'm a great player but thought I'd give you some tips I picked up on which helped improved my game so much

1/ go to firing range. grab an r99. no barrell, no scope, no attachments. Try one clipping the dummy whilst stood still, you should be able to if you get a decent amount of headshots. next, try one clipping it strafing left to right. next, stand on the far right side dummy, then do the same for middle one, then for far one on left. its practically impossible to one clip the dummy far left with no ext mag unless you're nuts, but you should do 100+ damage
2/ if you see 3 people on your screen, run. don't even try to shoot. if 3 people shoot at you, no matter how bad they are, you are dead. tired of seeing randoms not disengaging, just run and reposition
3/ if you are in a 1 v 1, for the love of god, don't jump whilst you shoot. this isn't fortnite, and it makes you so much easier to hit. do the ADAD etc strafe and throw in some crouches
4/ heal before you loot, the loot isn't going nowhere. I see lots of people stood over a deathbox looting, not even shield swapping. you can't loot whilst you are dead
5/ if you play with randoms, play for YOUR LIFE, chances are, they are garbage and running to help them in a **** position will get you killed. they made that choice, don't make the same one they did. This one sounds really harsh but as someone who used to que solo, I know all about the calibre of randoms ( remember most of the player base is below average and the good/really good players usually squad up )
Dev said sbmm in pubs is based on gunplay metrics ( accuracy etc )
Some casual games I am in absolute bot lobbies and others I'm in lobbies full of streamers and preds, it's weird. I think it updates pretty quickly because if I've had a heavy night on the booze (and do badly) the following few matches the next day are super easy.
Had a few games last night for the first time in over a month after taking a (rage quit fueled) break. Played ranked as noticed been reset to bronze 2 (harsh) and actually managed several kills per game as most people suck down here at my level haha. Mostly other bronzes and some golds thrown in. Lets see how long until the next rage quit.
Some casual games I am in absolute bot lobbies and others I'm in lobbies full of streamers and preds, it's weird. I think it updates pretty quickly because if I've had a heavy night on the booze (and do badly) the following few matches the next day are super easy.

I think if you have a few bad games it puts you in easier lobbies, but it varies. it has been toned down a lot. when sbmm was introduced halfway through season 3 it was brutal, triple stack pred squads, at least 10+ per game, now I only see 1 or 2, much more casual experience
I think if you have a few bad games it puts you in easier lobbies, but it varies. it has been toned down a lot. when sbmm was introduced halfway through season 3 it was brutal, triple stack pred squads, at least 10+ per game, now I only see 1 or 2, much more casual experience
Don’t go saying that on Twitter, they’d have you think that you end up with full pred squads every match!
Don’t go saying that on Twitter, they’d have you think that you end up with full pred squads every match!

I honestly think it's a lot better this season, and it was decent last season also. people only seem to remember the bad games, and forget the 10 kill games they got before that. it's not like you should be dropping 20 bombs every game

so SBMM, good players que solo and paired with bad players against full pred squads

full pred squads complaining it's too hard, well theres low level players on people's team when they que solo, so there must be some easy kills, right?

the only thing that ****** me off is that the lobbies die so quick, theres usually 3-5 squads left after end of round 1

although, this happened at start of this season


Still can't figure SBMM out. Yesterday I was getting matched with Pred's - today it's players who don't even know to press w when jumping ??? go figure.
Such a toxic gaming experience lately, my poor virgin ears have heard swear words in just about every language I think.
This is on the low end of ranked, bronze/silver as I have only just restarted playing since season 1.

Wise man once said, don't play games that make you mad, that's not what gaming is for.
Such a toxic gaming experience lately, my poor virgin ears have heard swear words in just about every language I think.
This is on the low end of ranked, bronze/silver as I have only just restarted playing since season 1.

Wise man once said, don't play games that make you mad, that's not what gaming is for.
One guy rushes straight towards the nearest gunfire, ends up miles ahead of everyone, gets cut down in seconds by three players sticking together, team mate comes to his aid, doesn’t wait on the third arriving, also gets cut down in seconds then you’re 1v3 and they say you’re trash and quit. Sadly all too common.
I love Titanfall 2 after buying it when it released for Steam, really shocked i missed the game when it first appeared and now i'm tempted to play Apex as the movement looks the same except for the loss of Titans.
First 9 kill game today. About time (1653 hours in). There were still 7 squads left when we got 3rd partied. Both teammates downed. One quit, the other in the open screaming for a revive calls me a retard. 1540 points for me, 240 0 kills for him and 389 2 kills for the other. Usual errors for randoms, standing still whilst looting. Not hearing enemies and not using any cover. Says it all really.
I spent more hours than I care to admit trying for 2k damage the weekend, best I could do was 1800 and that felt like a 6k damage game.
This game just breaks your soul sometimes, such high highs and such low lows in the space of an hour, I couldn't even log back in on Sunday I was wrecked.

Just one more round.....literally 12 hours later still playing, no YoungBlood no, you aint 16 anymore.
Anybody watch ShivFPS? as a Bangalore main, he is my man! yet for some reason I do way better with lifeline.
Yeah Shiv is an absolute beast, probably the best UK based Apex player.

For 2k just go Gibraltar and get a sniper rifle if you can't do it playing normally. Also get on a team if you haven't already, playing with randoms is awful.
I love Titanfall 2 after buying it when it released for Steam, really shocked i missed the game when it first appeared and now i'm tempted to play Apex as the movement looks the same except for the loss of Titans.

It's not quite as quick, I much prefer the movement in TF2 than Apex, it feels faster and 'snappier'.
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