Ahh you're the one on my friends list! LOLGetting to grips with LOBA now. Had a 6 kill win this afternoon. I might finally move on from Lifeline as a main....
My origin name changes with the wind ....Ahh you're the one on my friends list! LOL
All excellent points and advice. A few in here could do with paying attention to some of them!My origin name changes with the wind ....
Can't play on discord unless the missus is out sadly. I get soooo frustrated with Randoms.
Simple tips like:
1) When Lifeline is on your team and close by, let her revive. She has a shield, drone and faster revive. You can use the shield as cover and pop in and out behind it.
2) If 2 teammates are down and one of them is Lifeline, pick her up first. She can then deploy drone and pick up the other teammate while you hold the fort. Otherwise, you have 1 player with 1hp trying to defend all 3 of you. It doesn't end well.
3) Don't drop bunker unless you have Caustic on your team....... Better still, don't drop bunker at all.
4) Don't stand still and loot. I run Sentinel as 2nd weapon with 2x whenever practical just for this reason![]()
5) Don't D/C when downed at the beginning of a match. The number of times I've killed off 4 or 5 enemy at the drop to have both teammates D/C is unbelievable. There should be a 5 minute cooldown if players D/C before squad wipe.
6) Ping everything. Especially enemy.
7) Engage at the appropriate time. If there is ground to cover to get to the zone and you have any weapon other than a Sniper, you won't kill them from across the map. But you will alert them to you and your squads' presence, and they will snipe you whilst you try to get to the zone....
7a) As above. Don't trade Assault rifle fire at distance with Sniper fire. You can't win and you will run out of ammo. Reposition closer to your advantage. If they have snipers, then they will only have 1 close quarter weapon. Get in and go for the knock.
8) If you are left alone, play centre zone. wait for 3 squads left and engage only when the last 2 squads are fighting. I've had maybe 20 solo wins like this, occasionally without firing a single shot.
9) If you are downed get to cover, don't crawl towards your teammates. It gives away their position especially if they need to heal.
10) After a fight, reload while taking cover, heal then loot. 3rd parties are always waiting for the knock/kill /squad count to decrease before jumping in with their gold armour, level 3 kitted R99, Havoc or whatever loaded and ready to go. Good teammates will listen to your pings and share the loot around.
11) Use your ears. Positional audio is good most of the time in Apex. Except when there is no audio .....
12) Prefire corners, especially with the Havoc.
I agree with 99% of that except sentinel is garbage and I still like a bunker run!My origin name changes with the wind ....
Can't play on discord unless the missus is out sadly. I get soooo frustrated with Randoms.
Simple tips like:
1) When Lifeline is on your team and close by, let her revive. She has a shield, drone and faster revive. You can use the shield as cover and pop in and out behind it.
2) If 2 teammates are down and one of them is Lifeline, pick her up first. She can then deploy drone and pick up the other teammate while you hold the fort. Otherwise, you have 1 player with 1hp trying to defend all 3 of you. It doesn't end well.
3) Don't drop bunker unless you have Caustic on your team....... Better still, don't drop bunker at all.
4) Don't stand still and loot. I run Sentinel as 2nd weapon with 2x whenever practical just for this reason![]()
5) Don't D/C when downed at the beginning of a match. The number of times I've killed off 4 or 5 enemy at the drop to have both teammates D/C is unbelievable. There should be a 5 minute cooldown if players D/C before squad wipe.
6) Ping everything. Especially enemy.
7) Engage at the appropriate time. If there is ground to cover to get to the zone and you have any weapon other than a Sniper, you won't kill them from across the map. But you will alert them to you and your squads' presence, and they will snipe you whilst you try to get to the zone....
7a) As above. Don't trade Assault rifle fire at distance with Sniper fire. You can't win and you will run out of ammo. Reposition closer to your advantage. If they have snipers, then they will only have 1 close quarter weapon. Get in and go for the knock.
8) If you are left alone, play centre zone. wait for 3 squads left and engage only when the last 2 squads are fighting. I've had maybe 20 solo wins like this, occasionally without firing a single shot.
9) If you are downed get to cover, don't crawl towards your teammates. It gives away their position especially if they need to heal.
10) After a fight, reload while taking cover, heal then loot. 3rd parties are always waiting for the knock/kill /squad count to decrease before jumping in with their gold armour, level 3 kitted R99, Havoc or whatever loaded and ready to go. Good teammates will listen to your pings and share the loot around.
11) Use your ears. Positional audio is good most of the time in Apex. Except when there is no audio .....
12) Prefire corners, especially with the Havoc.
Combat Revive now replaces Combat Medic.
Deploy D.O.C to revive teammates. D.O.C. will deploy a shield and revive Lifeline’s teammate, leaving Lifeline free to defend or revive someone else.
This fully replaces Lifeline’s old passive, including Fast Heal
Lifeline’s Tactical cooldown is now 45 seconds (was 60 seconds).
Lifeline’s Care Package now contains more items
Care Package will contain 3x more small healing items, when it decides to spawn small healing items
Care Package will contain 2x more attachments, when it decides to spawn attachments
Upon activation, Stim will remove movement impairing effects.
Stim sprinting speed is increased by 10%
Players can now double jump in mid-air after using Octane’s Launch Pad
Players can change direction easily from the double jump.
Will now cancel:
Pathfinder mid-grapple
Wraith mid-Phase Walk attempt (before Phase Walk activates)
Will now prevent:
Mirage cloaked revive
Mirage decoy control activation
Lifeline combat revive
Range removed on Death Totem
Deploying Hack (Crypto’s Drone) now takes 1.5 seconds (from 2.5 seconds)
EMP will now disable Wattson’s Pylons.
Burglar’s Best Friend will no longer be intercepted by Watton's Interception Pylon.
Black Market Boutique (ultimate) will now only pick up 1 stack of ammo (rather than 1 stack + the amount that was required to fill whatever partial stack you had in your inventory).
Ultimate Accelerants now give 20% ult charge (up from 17.5%).
You can now hold the tactical button, and release to auto-control decoys
Decoys will now say lines when shot
When cloaked, Mirage’s holo emitters will be visible to players that are less than 5 meters away
Will now create decoys for the entire squad when skydiving when still diving with your squad.
Fast Heal granted inside the Dome Shield, slowed down: 25% faster -> 15% faster
Enemies can cancel Caustic’s barrel by shooting it before it is fully inflated.
The intent of these changes is to create openings where enemies can breach Wattson positions. It is still possible for Wattson players to hold a position with a trophy indefinitely, but that should come at the cost of using Ultimate Accelerants.
Wattson’s Pylons now last for 90 seconds
Wattson can now have up to 3 pylons out at a time
Wattson can stack 2 Ultimate accelerants per inventory slot
Increasing Wraith’s tactical cooldown has proven to be ineffective at curbing her exceedingly high win rate and kill rate. These changes are meant to disincentivize Wraith players from using Phase Walk as a “get out of jail free” card, and move it into more of a repositioning and scouting ability.
Phase Walk
Phase Walk now takes 1.25 seconds to enable (was 0.4 seconds). During this time, Wraith will receive a 20% move slow
This does not affect Phase Walk while placing a Phase Portal
While in Phase Walk, Wraith now gets a 30% move speed boost
While in Phase Walk, Wraith can now see other players while in the Void.
Phase Walk now lasts 4 seconds (from 3 seconds)
Phase walk cooldown is now down to 25 (from 35 seconds)
It's more of a change rather than a direct nerf. Sure the activation time is higher and she can be 'silenced' before it starts but she now phases for 4 seconds instead of 3, moves faster and can see enemies in the Void too.Looking at the changes, I like most of them however, whilst they are saying that they are trying to disincentivise wraiths abilities, I read each one as more of a significant improvement ???
but if you see one bugging out then you can focus on them and they are extra vulnerable.But that's my point, they are commenting that she can bug out too easily, but they are increasing that bug out time, and adding the ability to see others whilst doing it.
So now they can escape whilst hiding , and also now have more ability to attack.
but if you see one bugging out then you can focus on them and they are extra vulnerable.
Anyone watched this? Very Surprising lol. At least he is honest. Think this chap is Predator Rank.
Just goes to show how much of a crutch aim assist is on consoles. Many of these Streamers boasting 20 kill games rely on it so badly.
Don't get me wrong there are still great players that use controller but for the majority of controller players its purely down to aim assist because it compensates and help so much.. it's little wonder people who have pc still use controllers.
They should disable or at least netf it to make it a level playing field. Is cross platform out yet?