Apex Legends BR

I just can't kill anyone. Seem to die so quick but everyone else is a bullet sponge.
All about that purple armour. That and judicious use of shield cells and syringes. Headshots also matter so aim for the head rather than spray and pray.

I'm loving the longbow right now. I got the gold scope on it and won the round (coincidence?). Breaks shield in two body shots or one headshot with rifling.
I can see the appeal of the game, I just don't find it that fun. Most of the game is just running around finding gear and then it all ends in a quick fire fight.
I just can't kill anyone. Seem to die so quick but everyone else is a bullet sponge.

I think I lost count of how many times last night I asked 'How did I die so quickly?!' It often literally seems to be less than a second, and I always had shields...

I definitely seem to have gotten worse at the game. First 42 games as Mirage I'd made top 3 12 times. I think now I'm at about 80 games with 17 top 3. I was almost a kill a game average, I think since then it's been maybe 1 kill in 3 games.

It's annoying as one reason I was enjoying it was I felt I could contribute more to the team than I used to when playing PubG, but now I feel like when it was PubG and I die so easy and don't really get to help the team out :(

Is there matchmaking? Should I be playing with other rubbish people?

I think part of it for me is finding a weapon I like. I was loving the Peacekeeper, but I think too often I take it and then die trying to get close enough to people to use it. Like I'm trying to force myself to use it. For a while I loved the Carbine 301 as it had almost no recoil, but then I realise it has very low damage. I don't remember well enough what each gun is like, I think I need to take notes!
I think the thing is that people are just hammering it at the moment and rather than getting any worse, others are simply getting better.

I was the same - first couple of days - numerous wins including 1st/1st/2nd back to back. Now can't buy a win. I ain't any worse but I suspect others are simply getting better now it's been out for 10 days or so.
I'm not awful at games but for some reason I just can't do anything in this one. I think I'm level 8 but only have around 4 kills in total lol, pathetic. The last game for example I found purple armour and a level 2 helmet, I found a gold AR with all the attachments already on it which I presume should be a decent weapon. Both my team mates disconnected before we landed so I played it safe and didn't engage unless I had to. It came down to me and another team, I had high ground and they didn't know I was there, I pinged one bloke at least 8 times and had to retreat due to fire from the others in his squad. I found a nice little place to camp but one of them snuck up on me and literally killed me in 2 shots before I even had a chance to react.
I can see the appeal of the game, I just don't find it that fun. Most of the game is just running around finding gear and then it all ends in a quick fire fight.
Pretty much my feeling. I've never got the whole battle royale thing but thought I'd give this a shot. Had absolutely no fun while playing it whatsoever. Maybe I'm missing something. Would probably prefer a solo mode or just a team death match to get used to fire fights. Barely get a chance to try out weapons as I die so quick.
So close to first win last night, last two squads left in round 5, enemy had a sniper rifle that knocked a full level 3 shield and 95% off my health off in one hit, can only assume it's the one from care package drops.
A much better morning so far. Had some half decent team mates... as you can see -


I also put my sensitivity back up to around 3.5. I dropped it to 2 as everyone saying it's better, but maybe that's partly why my aim is off?
Its a good game though, quite enjoying it especially when you get a good team, but I wish getting into games was just a little bit faster.
They need to be very aggressive now with the updates. This game is going to live or die based on the next few months, they need to get season 1 out and also by spring have some significant map/weapon changes like in Fortnite.
As the game levels off you'll find yourself dying faster as the big boys get into your matches.

I find a lot of people will stand there and take a enitre 301 clip and wonder why they died so fast.

Also best way to counter shotguns is more shotguns
I unlocked Caustic early hours this morning before sleeping, I tried 8 games with him and 7 were DOA. Two games I was a solo squad, next few games I had a Rambo team mate, next few were duo squads, and the rest my team just plain sucked and lost their fights after landing.
It feels to me as if the combat style suits people who grew up on Quake, UT "arena shooter" type games better than those that are more used to CS and other more tactical shooting games... certainly when you encounter another squad up close it comes down to being aggressive, making the most of the movement abilities and the environment and placing your shots... the PUBG-esque crawling along walls and trying to take up positions etc. often just sees you completely trampled before you even know what's happening...
Yes its hard to adapt after playing CS, the lack of recoil from moving around so fast is hard to adjust to.

On a side note, i saw they are charging £15 for a skin, i know its f2p but come on thats got to be wrong?
So close to first win last night, last two squads left in round 5, enemy had a sniper rifle that knocked a full level 3 shield and 95% off my health off in one hit, can only assume it's the one from care package drops.

Yea the Kraber sniper from care package, 150dmg regular and 250dmg headshot. Absolute beast but also a slow reload so you just gotta get in their face hard.
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