Apex Legends BR

How does the discord work, just join one of the rooms and wait for others to join you?

Wouldn't mind getting a few games together with the same team (doesn't even have to be a good team :p:p:p)

Aye, just join one with space or start a new one, post in the apex chat and someone will likely join after a bit. Was I think 6 full squads online last night!
yip - just join a room (think there is currently 8 rooms setup) - join another room if a space is there.

Never had to wait more than a few minutes for someone else to turn up and play.
Think i've got over the initial learning curve of this game, got my first win after 4 days last night, then picked up back to back wins with 5 kills in each game.
Finally dipped into this for a game yesterday having resisted BR games until now.

I have mixed feelings. On the one hand it's a really well crafted game with lots of appealing elements but on the other hand, I feel the sheer number of character classes ("special moves"), weapons, armour, upgrades etc over complicates things and spoils the game. I feel that the whole "loot gathering" thing (to get the fancy bits and bobs) detracts from the game too.

No doubt I'll give it another few goes but I think I'm more of an old schooler, preferring a more fixed inventory and traditional pew-pewing.

(I played the medic woman and our squad lost to the winners at the very end. I was pretty useless though, spending all of my time keeping up with my more experienced squad mates. I scored 0 kills and 1 revive).
Finally dipped into this for a game yesterday having resisted BR games until now.

I have mixed feelings. On the one hand it's a really well crafted game with lots of appealing elements but on the other hand, I feel the sheer number of character classes ("special moves"), weapons, armour, upgrades etc over complicates things and spoils the game. I feel that the whole "loot gathering" thing (to get the fancy bits and bobs) detracts from the game too.

No doubt I'll give it another few goes but I think I'm more of an old schooler, preferring a more fixed inventory and traditional pew-pewing.

(I played the medic woman and our squad lost to the winners at the very end. I was pretty useless though, spending all of my time keeping up with my more experienced squad mates. I scored 0 kills and 1 revive).
I don't find medic useful when it comes down to the last three but then again I'm likely just not good enough yet at using her
I don't find medic useful when it comes down to the last three but then again I'm likely just not good enough yet at using her
It's a tradeoff though. She's excellent early to mid game as you can drop those supply drops to buff your team up, and the revive shield and healing are great too.

Late game, pathfinder and wraith can be excellent to get your team out of a bad spot into somewhere more advantageous. I quite like bloodhound as that extra context of "someone was here 30 seconds ago" can make a huge difference at any point, and the ultimate is pretty decent if you have a shotgun. At the very end, generally it's just a case of whether your load out of weapons fits the situation and how good your aim is.
The whole squad should give the medic their Ultimate Accelerant particularly towards endgame because the loot in her "Birthday Presents" gets better and better.....
I only play lifeline as she's the one I have most kills on and it looks bad when playing another character and it says zero kills!
Haven't been able to finish a single game since launch without a crash to desktop, somtimes get an error R5epx.exe memory error and sometimes just nothing at all, just a boot to desktop.
Finally broke 10 kill barrier. Come at me 20 :p

R-301 / Wingman master race


I really can't see me going back to Fortnite now. This is the new king of BR games.
I don't find medic useful when it comes down to the last three but then again I'm likely just not good enough yet at using her

I've no idea, it's all a bit "rock, paper, scissors" for my liking. I've a feeling people will be arguing over which is the best class/weapon/upgrade or squad combination until the cows come home. That's what puts me off.

Give me "man/woman with gun", no magic moves and only three or four gun types otherwise it feels more like a First Person Collecting game rather than a FPS.
You can make the game whatever you want really. Drop last out of the way and collect gear, drop hot and straight into the action. Cooperation is the key, along with good, fast aim and tactical awareness. Avoid firefights centre circle in mid-late game. Because you will take damage and other squads will try to pick up the pieces ....
This weekend I've noticed a lot more of the empty an entire clip into someone at close/medium range and seemingly do no damage at all thing. Hadnt really noticed it much at all , IF at all, prior to this weekend but just today I've had 3 or 4 one on one fights where I've emptied an entire Devotion clip into them and barely damaged them at all and dont even take their armour off. Weird, dont know if its some sort of hit detection issue or what.
You can make the game whatever you want really. Drop last out of the way and collect gear, drop hot and straight into the action. Cooperation is the key, along with good, fast aim and tactical awareness. Avoid firefights centre circle in mid-late game. Because you will take damage and other squads will try to pick up the pieces ....
More than once we've dropped early, not had any decent gear and been ganked within a minute. It's highly not recommended.
I think my squad dropped fairly late (I could see folk were getting killed in the notifications as we were still free-falling). We "wingsuited"(?) very far north and because of that (I think) we didn't see or hear anyone for a long time (que me trying to keep up with my squad as they ran about opening and pinging stuff). Eventually, after the circle had shrunk twice, we engaged in a firefight. Enemy was high above us on a distant ledge and had us pinned. I didn't get a clear shot but fired off a few just to feel like I was doing something. Then I reivived a team mate shortly before I died.

It was a bit underwhelming to be honest, but granted it was only one round.
Another 3 wins this morning, definitely getting better. Picking 4-6 kills up per game.

Edit - Bangalore and Lifeline are my go to characters. Level 19 and climbing.
Haven't been able to finish a single game since launch without a crash to desktop, somtimes get an error R5epx.exe memory error and sometimes just nothing at all, just a boot to desktop.

I had a similar issue, I could never play a game as it would always crash to the desktop or hang on a black screen that I could not alt-tab out of or bring up task manger. (I tried updating the drivers, turning off g-sync, and combinations). I have a gtx1080 with 8gb and this was selected in game as the memory amount to use for texture streaming I changed it to 6 and have not had a crash since.

As for the game I liked it but I'm currently hopeless at it and most games involve me either getting lots of loot and seeing no action until I do and then die, or just die straight away. Once of twice the squad I am in win a battle or two and it's a real buzz when it happens.
I love the fact that this game has no building like Fortnite. In fortnite when two players start fighting it's just about who can build fastest. However, as someone else has mentioned, this game has too many features which overcomplicate the game. I'm removing it from my PC which is a shame as it looks great, it's just that the mechanics of the game suck hard.

Also something to note: in Fortnite my old eyes can spot another player off in the distance immediately, in Apex, due to a quirk of the graphics, I sometimes don't notice other players until I am very close to them, not sure why this is. Very frustrating. It is also very easy to run out of ammo which is really really annoying, headshotting someone with your last bullet only to have them turn around and kill you with their pistol is so incredibly annoying.
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