Apex Legends BR

on the other hand, I feel the sheer number of character classes ("special moves"), weapons, armour, upgrades etc over complicates things and spoils the game. I feel that the whole "loot gathering" thing (to get the fancy bits and bobs) detracts from the game too.

However, as someone else has mentioned, this game has too many features which overcomplicate the game.

Personally I think once you get used to it, it's actually quite simple. There's only 4 types of ammo and they're colour co-ordinated. There's what, 4 attachments to a gun and they're colour co-ordinated for how good they are. It tells you if you can or can't use an item, it moves items from old weapons to new weapons where possible. I believe it will even equip stuff from your inventory when you pick up a weapon that can use things you already have. I think they've actually done a great job of making it easier for you.
Personally I think once you get used to it, it's actually quite simple. There's only 4 types of ammo and they're colour co-ordinated. There's what, 4 attachments to a gun and they're colour co-ordinated for how good they are. It tells you if you can or can't use an item, it moves items from old weapons to new weapons where possible. I believe it will even equip stuff from your inventory when you pick up a weapon that can use things you already have. I think they've actually done a great job of making it easier for you.

Sure, but why have so many weapons within each weapon group? Are the attachments specific to each weapon, or can they be used on any weapon within that group? It just seems overly complicated (although I am a simple soul :)) and obsessing over kit takes focus away from the pew-pewing.

Having said that, I just had another game and it was pretty good fun. I almost had someone (98 damage) but the kill was stolen from me.
Personally I think once you get used to it, it's actually quite simple. There's only 4 types of ammo and they're colour co-ordinated. There's what, 4 attachments to a gun and they're colour co-ordinated for how good they are. It tells you if you can or can't use an item, it moves items from old weapons to new weapons where possible. I believe it will even equip stuff from your inventory when you pick up a weapon that can use things you already have. I think they've actually done a great job of making it easier for you.

Agreed. It's a lot to take in with this game for the first few hours, then it starts to become second nature.
Sure, but why have so many weapons within each weapon group? Are the attachments specific to each weapon, or can they be used on any weapon within that group? It just seems overly complicated (although I am a simple soul :)) and obsessing over kit takes focus away from the pew-pewing.

There's only 3 types of most. That's not a lot I wouldn't say? Two of some. This is the point, just look at some loot and it tells you if you can use it. If you already have it or something better, it wont even let you pick it up! You really shouldn't be 'obsessing' for more than maybe a second. I do sometimes spend 3 or 4 seconds deciding if I should swap to a certain gun and change my load out based on what ammo and attachments I might have though.
There's only 3 types of most. That's not a lot I wouldn't say? Two of some. This is the point, just look at some loot and it tells you if you can use it. If you already have it or something better, it wont even let you pick it up! You really shouldn't be 'obsessing' for more than maybe a second. I do sometimes spend 3 or 4 seconds deciding if I should swap to a certain gun and change my load out based on what ammo and attachments I might have though.

It may be only a second each time, but the whole emphasis of the game (from what I've seen) seems to be constantly looking for better kit, and whovever has the best when the **** goes down, wins. Or am I doing it wrong?
Just had my first game with some ocuk guys, much better when your in a team, was a good game but only had time for one. I go as sneakysquid87 on origin feel free to add me

Think it was me (Slider_OG) and Sieze2 you were playing with, was a good game aswell.
It may be only a second each time, but the whole emphasis of the game (from what I've seen) seems to be constantly looking for better kit, and whovever has the best when the **** goes down, wins. Or am I doing it wrong?

Yeah, for sure, looting is a huge part of the game. I am living proof though that just because you have the best gear, you don't always win!
It may be only a second each time, but the whole emphasis of the game (from what I've seen) seems to be constantly looking for better kit, and whovever has the best when the **** goes down, wins. Or am I doing it wrong?

If I spend anytime looking at my loot its probably because I'm thinking "hmmm haven't played with this or I fancy trying something new". The looting system and pinging system in general is so streamline it makes other games feel clunky and slow.
A coordinated team with good loot is certainly going to be difficult to take on but not impossible, that's the whole point of BR games otherwise you would be as well spawning on the ground from predetermined points with a predefined load out.
Its the unpredictability that keeps me coming back.
Yeah, for sure, looting is a huge part of the game. I am living proof though that just because you have the best gear, you don't always win!

Haha! Fair play. :D

If I spend anytime looking at my loot its probably because I'm thinking "hmmm haven't played with this or I fancy trying something new". The looting system and pinging system in general is so streamline it makes other games feel clunky and slow.
A coordinated team with good loot is certainly going to be difficult to take on but not impossible, that's the whole point of BR games otherwise you would be as well spawning on the ground from predetermined points with a predefined load out.
Its the unpredictability that keeps me coming back.

Yes, fair enough. This is my first BR game so I'm going to reserve my judgement for a while, until I get more used to the whole BR dynamic.
Had a guy in the last match who was level 98 ! Highest I've seen, god only knows how much he has had to play to reach 98 in a fortnight. Which gets me to the question, is 100 the max level or is it not capped?
still feels a lot better than pubg to me.
Having put 2200 hours into pubg I have to agree. I went back yesterday for the first time in a week and it (pubg) feels so clunky in comparison. I hate being killed all the time and the random squads suck. Just need a regular team to play with in the evenings who use the ping system and not voice chat which is banned by 'er indoors after 5.30pm
Tried fortnight awhile back, found it boring, not much happening most the time apart from looting and running around.
Tried this for the last few days, same problem, boring and not much happening.

I guess I just don't see the appeal of battle royale games. It baffles me why they are so popular.
What drivers are you Nvidia folk using? Mine are fairly old but I can't see any ALBR specific optimisations in the last two releases (418.81 and 418.91?).
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