Apex Legends BR

Had a string of crap games last night trying to get into the elite queue, then when finally did wrecked by a hacker. On 20 kills with like 8 people speccing him. Presumably all reporting him haha. Most blatant aimbot I've seen yet, even pinging people through the map while he was running along. Our 3rd guy had some weird network lag and just stayed in the same spot from the start, moving slightly left to right the entire game on a roof. He managed to get us to 4th just doing that though :P.
elite queue - 10 squads still up in later circle - only 19 players. wtf is this?

all the noobs are running away from fights and just trying to get top 5.

i think my mate got 15/16 kills in a game yesterday too. he had like 12 kills after the first 10 mins. we just ran into squad after squad.

he's a beast with a wingman.
Been killed a few times by silly stuff like trying to res a team mate, or close a door and it apply focus to the "fancy kill" instead. Irritating. Also.. I suck at this game lol.
Been killed a few times by silly stuff like trying to res a team mate, or close a door and it apply focus to the "fancy kill" instead. Irritating. Also.. I suck at this game lol.

Yup managed to close a door instead of rezzing someone and also enter the finisher move when trying to rez someone when they were close to each other. Finisher move should be something like hold E and left click or similar.
Game is playing lovely since the big update, hadn't played in over a month. But have racked up 5 wins in the last two dozen games.

Worth giving it another try if you haven't played for a while.
Been doing a lot better recently. Actually prefer playing without my my friends as they have been playing it much longer and always run ahead when I am trying to find ammo etc. Trying out lifeline most recently.

I like the big dude but he has such a big hit box. I have found his shield does barely anything to actually help you.
Fyi in the elite queue the first ring with straight up kill you in 7 second now.
In an attempt to curb behaviour of camping outside the circle to wait out the match and get Top 5 in the Apex Elite Queue, we’re trying increasing the damage caused by being outside the circle in the Apex Elite Queue only.
First circle now does 15% damage per tick
Second circle now does 20% damage per tick
Remaining circles no[sic] do 25% damage per tick.
Wish i never touched it now, my game instead of taking 5 mins to launch while it sits in the background now takes 10 mins after i reinstall to a different drive which made it even worse :( Its like back to the days where your loading zx spectrum games. I reckon its some time out issue with connection or just some bad app coding/packaging with patch.
In an attempt to curb behaviour of camping outside the circle to wait out the match and get Top 5 in the Apex Elite Queue, we’re trying increasing the damage caused by being outside the circle in the Apex Elite Queue only.
First circle now does 15% damage per tick
Second circle now does 20% damage per tick
Remaining circles no[sic] do 25% damage per tick.
Wish I knew this last night! Lost my 5 game streak because of this, was mucho sad. Died in first circle in what I swear was about 7 seconds and like 3 health loss ticks. Was over before I knew it. Whole squad typed in chat in shock at what happened. We weren't camping we just landed far away by chance :(
Had a few decent games last night - overall I like the update, seems like they've put a lot more effort into some of the skins/ cosmetics, which is nice to see.

I just wish they would tone down the muzzle flash a little; fair enough they've blocked the commands to remove it now but it's just horrible, feels like there's no point ADS'ing with some guns as you can barely see what you're shooting at.
My god that attempt at doing an "animated short" like Blizzard tend to do with Overwatch to introduce the new legend was awful... I mean just truly terrible in every way (in keeping with the far less well realised characterisation of the legends in Apex in general)... really makes you appreciate how good of a job Blizz do of that kind of thing
ARghghgh i just manage to get my game working and another patch comes out. Been lagging all night with constant packet loss symbol. Also noticed Apex exe taking up 3.5Gb of memory, that normal?
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