Apex Legends BR

This is still my main fun game to play after fifa went to pot

Managed to get the 2k damage badge 2 days ago, which is achievement as this is my first ever FPS. I'm probably getting 1k damage now nearly every game I have, or when I survive to end

had the best game other day, paired with this guy 2 squad, and he was insane.. he wasn't a hacker, you can tell he was good. He finished with 19 kills and 3.5k damage and I had 8 kills and 1.1k damage, squad after squad rolled up on us on them houses between market and skull town, i couldn't keep up with him
This is becoming close to being my favorite game atmo after CS:GO and FM19.

I cant wait until they add 6 tier match making experience it will make the game so much more enjoyable.
Wish they would fix the wrong server bug. Never had it before the legend of the hunt event but since then 8/10 times I'll be in a OCE server even if I change it manually on the server select screen.
There always 4-6 players from here on the discord channel each night, i'm only on 2-3 times a week these days as i mostly play CSGO.
Been trying to play this today but it's giving me the high ping thing in the corner, the only thing using network according to task manager is Apex??
Been trying to play this today but it's giving me the high ping thing in the corner, the only thing using network according to task manager is Apex??
Sounds like the current server randomness. Load the game up but leave it on the main title screen for a minute then hit quit and then cancel. You’ll have an option for your data centre at the bottom. Sydney Australia currently shows as -1 for ping so some have suggested that people are being connected there. Of course choose London.
There was mention of larger things coming to the game in the season 2 release hype.

On a different note, is there a way to swap-pickup a weapon direct to the second slot? I.e. lets say I have an R301 in slot 1 which I'm running around with, and a mozambique in slot 2.... and I'm running around and come across a peacekeeper. Is there I way I can pickup direct to slot 2 without having to swap away from the R301 ?
There was mention of larger things coming to the game in the season 2 release hype.

On a different note, is there a way to swap-pickup a weapon direct to the second slot? I.e. lets say I have an R301 in slot 1 which I'm running around with, and a mozambique in slot 2.... and I'm running around and come across a peacekeeper. Is there I way I can pickup direct to slot 2 without having to swap away from the R301 ?
Not AFAIK. It will always take the slot of the weapon you're currently using.
no worries ... Its just I'd thought id seen it happen when watching other people play.

Just watched a dragan fly about in the match ... was flying over by the swamps out towards where the big creatures are in the water....

... and to add to that, saw another flying off with a deathbox in its feet
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