Apex Legends BR

It needed some big changes, I'm pretty happy with it so far, plenty of new variety. A lot more verticality in the map has made Pathfinder even better though.

I'm liking the circle changes tbh, means you don't get those long loot rotations where you can end up not seeing anyone until there's only 5 teams left. There's more urgency, you've got to be aware where the ring is straight away and think about where you have time to rotate though, and be aware that other teams are getting squeezed similarly so you end up running into more fights mid-game.

Plus I'm all for being forced to fight with crap guns, again, takes away the boring early game where you just have to plod around until you've got your usual selection of favourite weapons.
That's not how it worked out though.

First game we get to second circle nearly everyone is dead.

We get to third or fourth circle only 3 squads left. Kill 1 player 2 squads left. Kill another and we won. Was too easy.

Both those squads only had 1 player each in them.

There is now zero time to get revives and respawns in as circle too aggressive.

I agree with it needed changing but too much too quickly.

Lifeline is useless now.
Watched a video there of Alternator with new hop up attachment. Must have got about 15 kills with it. Seems insanely OP now, though he is a verry good player. I'll probably just miss every shot as normal and not notice any change.
That's not how it worked out though.

First game we get to second circle nearly everyone is dead.

We get to third or fourth circle only 3 squads left. Kill 1 player 2 squads left. Kill another and we won. Was too easy.

Both those squads only had 1 player each in them.

There is now zero time to get revives and respawns in as circle too aggressive.

I agree with it needed changing but too much too quickly.

Lifeline is useless now.
You can't even get revived outside the ring and get healed past the second round. Syringes take too long to apply that you're down before the heal completes. Forget a med kit or Phoenix Kit! Lifeline can't even drop DOC to help.

They need to give DOC health points as well so it gets damaged as players do so late game it doesn't last as long. This would prevent camping late game but still allow some flexibility early game when sometimes you have half the map to traverse to get inside the ring.
Still prefer it, starting to get my muscle memory back using a mouse.

Obviously a lot of new players in the game as the quality of players has plummeted since the season started, even my potato aim is winning most firefights.
You can't even get revived outside the ring and get healed past the second round. Syringes take too long to apply that you're down before the heal completes. Forget a med kit or Phoenix Kit! Lifeline can't even drop DOC to help.

They need to give DOC health points as well so it gets damaged as players do so late game it doesn't last as long. This would prevent camping late game but still allow some flexibility early game when sometimes you have half the map to traverse to get inside the ring.

it's retarded now. they have messed it up to the point. it's now advantageous not to fight people. as in too many people converging too fast. we won 4 games but they were all messy start to finish. in fact i feel like the map changes are terrible too. there is too many sounds and too much crap on the map now.

your constantly just hearing shrieking and whaling. they changed far too much and took a great game and made it terrible.

the gun changes are fine. but the circle, map and sounds is awful. i agree they needed to do something to the circle but they have done far too much. all it needed was maybe to move quicker. more damage, smaller circles and no chance of heal bot is terrible.

i don't agree that people camping outside the zone was an issue. it never was. now all my games have squads of 1 or 2 people. you can't respawn players as the circles move too fast and do too much damage.

classic EA for you. they mess up every game. i think people were complaining they weren't doing enough and now decided to do a ton of stuff nobody wanted or for the worse.

Watched a video there of Alternator with new hop up attachment. Must have got about 15 kills with it. Seems insanely OP now, though he is a verry good player. I'll probably just miss every shot as normal and not notice any change.

alternator wrecks a full shield in 2-3 bullets. it's OP now. i reckon it's time to kill is one of the fastest in the game now if you have team mates helping you. i basically had a team of 3. i shot 3 bullets at all 3 and all of their shields gone. and then teammates finished them all off. it melts shields for fun.

you dont need a team mate helping you if it's 1v1.
Saving grace of the Alternator is that it's accuracy is poop beyond mid range. A few times I've cracked shields at range but haven't been able to get close enough to finish them off, you need to play really aggressive with it.

I've gone from being bang average to quite decent with this patch, maybe it was just digging my old gaming mouse out of the loft that did it :p It's seriously ghetto, an old Mad Catz engineering sample I got years ago, where the rubberized coating has decayed....looks rank
Aculite by any chance?

Haha yes it was Aculite, love his vids. Can confirm Alternator is OP and I'm fairly terrible. Was us vs last squad, found them in a house. I went in first with it. Downed 2 and had last guy wrecked before team mates even entered the house. Only reason I didn't get him alone was I had to reload. I think I melee'd him instead though ;).
Still prefer it, starting to get my muscle memory back using a mouse.

Obviously a lot of new players in the game as the quality of players has plummeted since the season started, even my potato aim is winning most firefights.

I wish I could get into it but this Battle Royale really doesn't do anything for me, sadly. It's not got the same excitement as Quake. At least Apex Legends has a relatively big player pool. Maybe I might try it once I get a new display but this looting stuff isn't doing it for me.
Haha yes it was Aculite, love his vids. Can confirm Alternator is OP and I'm fairly terrible. Was us vs last squad, found them in a house. I went in first with it. Downed 2 and had last guy wrecked before team mates even entered the house. Only reason I didn't get him alone was I had to reload. I think I melee'd him instead though ;).

Love watching Aculite, really chilled and confident gameplay, he's not god tier with aim/hits but his game sense makes up for it.

Also enjoy when he teams with Tomo and Fugg and they just constantly berate Tomo the whole game.
I wish I could get into it but this Battle Royale really doesn't do anything for me, sadly. It's not got the same excitement as Quake. At least Apex Legends has a relatively big player pool. Maybe I might try it once I get a new display but this looting stuff isn't doing it for me.

It's the first BR I've played. Tbh season 2 is going to be more off-putting to beginners, as previously it was quite possible to land somewhere quiet and take your time learning the map and weapons and attachments. You've got a lot less time on your hands in S2 and you get squeezed by other teams very quickly.

It's very different to Quake, it's much more tactical, about knowing the map, and knowing when to engage, when to push, when to break away, and those decisions need knowledge of the classes and weapons your team and the oppo have.
digging my old gaming mouse out of the loft that did it :p It's seriously ghetto, an old Mad Catz engineering sample I got years ago, where the rubberized coating has decayed....looks rank

Were they the ones that looked like transformers, all weird sharp angles and such?

But it probably has the ghost of your past self trapped in there that gets released when playing :)
I wish I could get into it but this Battle Royale really doesn't do anything for me, sadly. It's not got the same excitement as Quake.

For me it's the change in stakes that keeps me coming back. Quake and other MP shooters doesn't matter if you die, you've got a near instant respawn and carry on playing, there's basically no risk. Obviously with BR when you're dead, you're out and have to join another game.

I come from the likes of DayZ mod though and I like the permadeath gaming aspect, BR is a neat fit between the games like DayZ and a rinse and repeat MP shooter.
Love watching Aculite, really chilled and confident gameplay, he's not god tier with aim/hits but his game sense makes up for it.

Also enjoy when he teams with Tomo and Fugg and they just constantly berate Tomo the whole game.
Yeah same, not seen him with Fugg in ages though, must be the time difference involved and think he plays a lot of pubg instead. StoneMountain64 usually in his squad, he's nowhere near as good but more entertaining for the stream i guess. (i only watch the youtube clips tho).
@Mak3R I miss Fugg in the group as I struggle with Stone, he's too excitable and goes full on 'murica level excitement overload at times.

Did you see the Fugg / Tomo rap battle vids, bloody hilarious.
@Mak3R I miss Fugg in the group as I struggle with Stone, he's too excitable and goes full on 'murica level excitement overload at times.

Did you see the Fugg / Tomo rap battle vids, bloody hilarious.
haha no, will have to check them out. Only recently subbed to Aculite so may have missed them.
I played a game with Misschief last night, after about 5-6 failed games, we ended up coming second.

The alternator seems way OP now it has the hop up.
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