Apocalypse Happened would you?

I think I'd be tempted to climb in yo windowz and snatch yo people up.
Maybe rape your kids, rape your wife and rape your husband to, rape everybody up here.
Why? everyone is saying this. but there is no point. Water is abundantly available in the UK and as long as it is boiled is safe. Why carry heavy loads of water or defend a clean water supply. when 5there is so much fresh water rivers, streams and other sources.

If you continued through the entire post, it would become plain that I was talking about basic supplies to facilitate a move from a high risk urban area.

Unfortunately clean water supplies are not always avaliable and the first order of business is to make sure you have enough for 72 hours, this will give you enough time to concentrate on other things.

In the breakdown of society you cannot be guaranteed unpolluted water be it in rivers or otherwise so until you can secure a means of testing or cleaning the water (boiling is not always sufficient) it woudl be sensible to secure a clean supply for the midterm.
Btw if zombies are just "the dead rising again" wouldnt that mean they would simply freeze to death in winter and roast to death in the summer what with having no bloodflow?

they go hard it he cold but that's about it :p

remember traditional zombies are essentially powered by magic and so conditions arn't really a problem (ie their cells are already dead so over heating isn't going to affect them)
Run my bath, fill up as many containers with fresh water. Stockpile tinned/non perishable foods. Grab a few weapons (Knives, Blunt but manoeuvrable)

Get allot of supply's before the **** really hits the fan. And just go from there.

My house is fairly remote, around 10mins walk from a suburban estate, but 2mins walk from the nearest neighbour, lots of fields and open space nearby.
well downstairs I've got tents, ration packs, hexi and gas burners, compasses maps, water filters, and purification tabs, climbing gear (ropes, harness, nuts, cams etc), good selection of walking, climbing, and alpine style boots and crampons and a good supply of tools, so probably load up the car and head out to the country or something try and pick up anything else on the way.

you can find all this and some air rifles at your local army barracks
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