I would shave my head, were a hockey mask and tell people to 'just walk away' through a cheap loud speaker
Why? everyone is saying this. but there is no point. Water is abundantly available in the UK and as long as it is boiled is safe. Why carry heavy loads of water or defend a clean water supply. when 5there is so much fresh water rivers, streams and other sources.
I would shave my head, were a hockey mask and tell people to 'just walk away' through a cheap loud speaker
Btw if zombies are just "the dead rising again" wouldnt that mean they would simply freeze to death in winter and roast to death in the summer what with having no bloodflow?
Better hurry up and find that woman....
i'd fap.
No rush the bodies will still be good for a few days.
Surely you want them to be warm?
well downstairs I've got tents, ration packs, hexi and gas burners, compasses maps, water filters, and purification tabs, climbing gear (ropes, harness, nuts, cams etc), good selection of walking, climbing, and alpine style boots and crampons and a good supply of tools, so probably load up the car and head out to the country or something try and pick up anything else on the way.
perfectly drinkable as long as it is boiled for most apocalypses.
can also do basic stills where you collect the evaporation for most contaminated water.
you can find all this and some air rifles at your local army barracks
Is it still gonna be drinkable after boiling if it's poluted with chemicals/nuclear etc?
if there's enough fallout/chemicals to pollute all the natural sources of drinking water you'll be dead i na few hours anyway.