If there is no software fix for the iPhone 4s's absolutely pathetic battery life then bye bye phone!
Yup =) Should be lighter and thinner as well, I know the difference between the 1 & 2 in weight and thickness was a fair bit, though rumours are saying this one will be slightly thicker... Not really bothered as it will still be thinner then my old one. Can't wait. Also interested if they change anything with the Apple TV as I was considering buying one, I have a WDTV Live but never use it; probably because its not on the network. If I could stream something though from my phone to TV, or even from PC to phone using Air Video and then to Apple TV it would be nice. /Research required
So, no home button too it seems
iPad 3 left, 2 on the right.
shame that the bezel looks as big as it has been for the first two series
I prefer that, it makes holding it with one hand easier as you can rest your thumb on the bezel area and not activate the touch screen. It would be a nightmare if it was say half the bezel size. Plus I can put it in a skin nicely to come up around and protect the sides.
Powered by the expected iPad 3 announcement, Apple's market cap has just passed $500 billion.