** Apple Media Event - March 7th **


iPad 3 left, 2 on the right.

Something's not right there, Im looking at my ipad2 right now and it's not that much out of focus, it's the camera and the aperture affecting the depth of field........
Nice, that's definitely a step in the right direction. With any luck they'll offer digital audio out on the iPad 3 as right now you have to faff about with the CCK if you want to use an external DAC.

Fostex HP-P1, or Cypher Labs Algorhythm Solo both do this for portable use, for desktop there's plenty of cheaper options (iStreamer and so on).
MacRumors.com said:
Last week, we noted that shortages of the Apple TV at third-party retailers had begun spreading to Apple itself, with a number of the company's own retail stores reporting that the set-top box was unavailable for immediate in-store pickup. With a part number for a product with the code name of "J33" and known to be the next-generation Apple TV also surfacing last week, it certainly appears that an update is imminent...


Certainly looks like we'll be seeing more than just the next generation iPad tomorrow! Any guesses as to what they'll be including in a possible next gen Apple TV (ATV)?
I'm both excited and slightly gutted about potential releases. Bought an ATV2 and iPad 2 32GB Wifi last year ! Nevermind :)

Need to start working up to swapping things round ;)
I would be in no rush for the ATV3 myself either, the ATV2 jailbroken with XBMC is a fantastic device as it is
Agree on the 720p, but I will imagine it will be a long time before the ATV3 is jailbroken and has as much support as the current ATV2 does.

Would be interested if the ATV3 can read from network drives natively
Eurgh, i seriously can't wait.

I don't care for anything else except for the release of 5.01 iOS, if that doesn't happen to fix the battery life, this is getting sold (iphone 4s) straight away!
Agree on the 720p, but I will imagine it will be a long time before the ATV3 is jailbroken and has as much support as the current ATV2 does.

Would be interested if the ATV3 can read from network drives natively

Yes, I was thinking that until someone told me a jailbroken iphone/ipod touch running xbmc with the HDMI adapter works just as well :eek: :cool:
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