For anyone else upgrading, recycling sites (use for comparison) are offering £440 for the iPhone 6S Plus 64GB, which is an awesome price. I did mine today as the quote is locked in for 10 days so I can see what's happening tomorrow, if you wait until tomorrow no doubt the price offered will plummet when everyone starts doing it
I'll probably just pass my phone to my family and get the IP7 Plus.
No doubt the best camera feature will be on the Plus model.
Yep agreed on the best features being on the plus. I am still on an IP5 so really looking forward to launch and a nice big upgrade from what I have.
Don't forget you'll be able to trade your phone in with Apple direct.
I don't think they've added the 6S or 6S+ models to the pricing structure yet as my phone isn't coming up, but I used the system to help a friend upgrade recently and it worked quite well.
I imagine they'll add prices for the 6 and 6+ once the 7 series is released.
Exactly. Mines has a few scratches so no chance I'll get a decent amount privately.
Music magpie are collecting my phone on Thursday.
Hmm, I would be surprised if you get full value for your phone from one of these trade in places then. They will give you a price for a certain condition and if yours doesn't meet that they will reduce it.
£235 for an iPhone 6, not bad, I think I paid about £550 at launch?
I think they were the same as the current 6S prices, so £539, £619 and £699
£235 seems pretty good for a 16GB model.
I'm such an idiot. I just spent half an hour getting the lounge ready, made some popcorn, hooked up my laptop to my TV so I could watch it on the big screen, got myself a nice drink, loaded up the keynote web page.....'s on the 7th, today is the 6th. Whoops
I've got a £5 phone from tesco that literally texts and makes calls and that's itlooks like a calculator out of a cracker