One of the videos showed someone using a gamepad. As you can see thru it, it'll either be the actual gamepad you see, or a AR version of the one you are holding. I would assume given everything else they've done, a future launch of 2 hand controllers for traditional roomscale would be trivial.
I think the tech that apple have announced on this device is awesome, I imagine given the length of time in R&D, its very much a loss leading product even at its crazy price, and take up will be miniscule, but there is so much innvovation going on in that headset it has to be fantastic for the years ahead for some of that stuff to trickle down. For once Apple has genuinely, no argument, launched a product far far ahead of anything else in the category. If you just look at a relatively simply aspect, say the rear headband, the thought and time put into re-imagining that alone shows the detail put into every aspect of it. And they have tackled headon the thing that everyone else has just decided can not be addressed, that being the default numpty look of anyone wearing a VR capable headset, you look foolish and are oblivious to people in your surroundings.
Launch of hand controllers would be trivial, but not cheap. I couldn't see them being less than $500.
I'm not sure having some sort of ghoulish vision through the headset stops you looking ridiculous, and it's been years that passthrough has been doable (albeit not to this quality, but that's why it's 10x more expensive).
The eyes through the headset is weird, but I can appreciate it, not sure if it'll stick. Not much else immediately jumped out as revolutionary, simply expensive (though their processing chips are unique to them). I don't see why another manufacturer couldn't have produced something like this, it's simply only Apple that could probably convince people to hand over $3500 for it!
And in the end, they haven't yet launched it. There's potentially more than a year until release. PSVR2 was revolutionary when announced in 2021, but by the time it was actually launched, pancake lenses had become the expected standard for a good quality product etc, in 2021 it would have been amazing, by launch it was just good. The VR tech space is moving fast.
I've just watched a nice video from MRTV (I know!) showing off developments to full human vision lenses (basically 2 pancakes on each eye, wrapping around the head) offering insane FOV. That's a big step forward in my mind, rather than just using more expensive parts.
Apples headset is looking like it'll be the best mixed reality headset for media and business use, but there's still a lot of questions there. Battery life, and how easy it is to charge on the go, or hotswap batteries?
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