I've got a couple of Vardars but not on a PC. I have an under-stairs server cupboard with a 140ER as pull intake through ducting from in the kitchen under the oven and through a vent.
And a 120 Furious Varder (3000rpm) as push exhaust through ducting through a 13" thick 'external' wall into the utility room.
Got them for the static pressure. They run with an inch thick wooden door shut and they're turned down to 1600rpm and 2200rpm. Wouldn't say they're silent at that speed but there are other fans in the cupboard (server, router, PBX, switches) and it's not really noticible. Definitely not had any buzzing when running them off an Aquaero 6.
Nothing stopping you running different fans on the same bank. Only issue to be aware of is that if they're identical the tacho running off one of them is going to be representative of the speed of all of them. Similarly if you control the speed (either voltage or PWM) then identical fans are going to run at about the same speed. This won't be the case for different fans...but it may not make that much difference to you.
When you have multiple fans next to each other on a rad, you will get an effect called beating as they run at similar but slightly different speeds. As they drift in and out of phase they will either interfere constructively (sound louder) or destructively (quieter) so you do get the sound level going up and down. It's annoying but there's not much you can do (someone please tell me if I'm wrong here!) apart from turn the speed down so there's less noise in the first place. A dissimilar fan may make that effect better or worse, you'd have to try it with a bank of BeQuiet's and the Apache - preferably in situ. To be honest, it depends on you more than anything. Fan noise is really subjective and as you make one thing quieter you start hearing something else. It's what I call the inverse
Deep Purple effect - everything quieter than everything else!
This is the reason I've just watercooled my wife's PC as she shares the office with me.
Edit: Did check the FF5-120 Furious Varder which has a minimum of 40% duty cycle. If set to 40% it does seem to run at around 40% of max - which isn't always the case with PWM stuff. It also stays at that speed if you set it to 25%.