I was in the closed alpha about a month ago for EU version.
It was ok, but didn't really grab me tbh. I made it to level 10 or so before getting bored.
My advice: Don't pay £109, wait for the launch or at least the cheaper beta founder pack in June.
It's a shame as I was looking forward to getting a new MMO to no-life in 2014. So far they've been major let downs. ESO I already anticcipated to suck and was not wrong, ArcheAge I thought would be amazing but it feels a little dated in the combat department. WildStar is good fun, has cool ideas however it is an unashamed WoW clone which isn't necessarily a bad thing but does make me wonder if I should just play the WoW expansion instead.
I backed Shroud of the Avatar as my wildcard MMO of 2014, and of course Star Citizen. I guess I'll wait to see how those turn out and possibly spend a month ****ing around in Warlords.