ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

Must admit that having watched some videos, it certainly appears to be an MMO which appeals to me, would love to give it a shot straight away but I'd be hard pushed to justify £110 for the alpha so will have to wait
level 40? this isn't Ultima :(:mad:

Right, I heard the 2 factions are isolated from eachother & the PvP is on its own continent, Eg. Huge Wow battleground. Mortal Online is the closest to a modern UO.

School of Stuttering has many different abilities, that help the character survive. Those are skills that increase HP of the player, that stop the enemies from casting, that aggro monsters. So, evidently, this is the tanking school.

Stuttering huh, School of Survival sounds better. School of stuttering sounds du-du-dumb. I know some crazy people who paid $150 for unlimited alpha play & some other perks, but for a f2p game that is kind of nuts.
Must admit that having watched some videos, it certainly appears to be an MMO which appeals to me, would love to give it a shot straight away but I'd be hard pushed to justify £110 for the alpha so will have to wait

If you have the time, can be arsed there is a russian version and an unoffical English patch. Will give you an idea of the game
im loving it, did my first jail break today after i got killed in the enemy land and got put on trial for uprooting peoples crops and trees lol.
The missus and I spent some time running around Archeage this weekend. She is a little unsure of the game still and really wants to get to PvP in the game before she makes a judgement on whether she likes it or not. One of her favourite MMOs to date is Aion as she loves the open world pvp and the heading into enemy lands and getting involved in small skirmishes.

Anyway, my thoughts so far (only level 12) , questing is the usual fare, rather dull and linear. Zones seem sizeable though they don't seem to be overly populated by npcs/mobs, which does leave it feeling like a rather empty world in places.

Its a funny thing, but after playing ESO , I really struggled at first with the combat in Archeage. Returning to a tab targeting style of MMO with no active dodging etc turned out to be surprisingly difficult (even though I had spent years and years and years beforehand playing that style of MMO). The skills seem fair enough though I seem to have some skill lag but it is only alpha.

Loot doesn't seem to have much variation so far and the gear is all rather bland looking so far.

The player trial/crime system so far seems to be a tad pointless, I don't think I ever saw any player on trial actually get a not guilty decision, everyone basically just seemed to want to see people being guilty so voted guilty irrespective of situation. However the actual idea of the system is one that I like.

Talking of systems that I like. I really like the gardening/housing/farming system. Its brilliantly implemented , with no instancing, without consuming the gameworld in player "structures". In fact, its implemented so well that it makes you wonder why every MMO doesn't have housing/farming like this.

Ships are also implemented very well, and are again something which makes you wonder why every MMO doesn't do it.

Gliders seem ok, but I need to practice more with them as I don't seem to be able to fly them very well at all, I tend to end up just going in a straight line into the ground and cant seem to get any decent height or distance. So far, I'd say the wings of Aion are done better but maybe practice will improve that for me.

With the way the game is designed, I'd definitely say that a good guild is a necessity, I imagine the game could easily become an exercise in frustration if you were unguilded or running around in smaller groups or alone.

I'm on the fence about the game currently, as is often my concern with heavily intensive PvP MMOs, its always population that worries me. Whether the game will have enough population to make the gameplay viable or whether it will rapidly become a ghosttown game. Not really the fault of any MMO that, more just the way the MMO userbase has changed over the years.
Thanks for that Tomb :) How do they manage non-instanced housing then, is it pre-available plots of land that you can claim, like Horizons used to be?
Thanks for that Tomb :) How do they manage non-instanced housing then, is it pre-available plots of land that you can claim, like Horizons used to be?

Pretty much yeah, its areas within the land masses where you can build things. So you don't get a UO situation where every piece of clear land has a building on it, instead you have areas with housing and areas without, and because the lands are a good size, you don't get the feeling that the non-instanced housing is cluttering things up
level 40? this isn't Ultima :(:mad:

I know - I said the same earlier when somebody said "Well I'm now at level......"
The second the world "level" is used we know that once again it's a lazy exercise in XP farming and certainly nothing like the UO skill gain system.

I'm sure it's great, but a "UO rebirth"......nope.
Damnit, this game has utterly consumed me and my time. Game just has so many features to it , that its insane. I only meant to test it out for a bit and instead have ended up devoting almost all my gaming time to it. Just so many options of what to do on a day, do I farm, do I breed some animals, do I go pvp, do I do a traderun across the seas, do I go sailing, do I quest or dungeon or raid or just level, do I build stuff for a house and so on. Before you know it, 8 hours have passed.
Did you buy it Tomb?

Yeah, got me and the missus an alpha account each to take a look at it, see what it was like. I always like to generally check out each MMO that arrives, some, like Wildstar and SWToR, I spend 1 day in and know its not for me. Others I try and find that I like them. The missus is totally enamoured with Archeage and says she cant believe how many things there is to do, although even with all those things to do, she spends all her time either farming , doing traderuns, or harvesting resources.

(having said that, she has stolen so many peoples trees and plants now that she is now showing as an outlaw and in danger of being taken to go on trial and to prison if found guilty , for her thieving lol )

Theres a few months yet til release I guess, but I can see that when it is released I may have to make a decision between ESO and Archeage, as I dont have time for 2 mmos simultaneously. (thats assuming of course that playing the alpha/beta doesnt burn me out and make me not want to start again from level 1 at release)
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The missus and I were pretty lucky, we bought the accounts for £65 each, which is much closer to the sort of price I'd pay for a collectors edition of something anyway.

There is something all rather addictive about logging in, going to your house, harvesting the crops you planted the night before, feeding the animals you are breeding, sheering the sheep on your farm for the wool. Sticking some of the crops and wood you grew overnight on the auction house. Then truddling down the coast in your ship, stopping at a town to pick up some of its produce and then sailing across seas full of players trying to pirate you, to cash in the produce for a whack of money at some foreign city. That trade thing actually kind of reminds me of a fantasy version of Elite lol. Then going on a bloody rampage trying to kill a wodge of the enemy players and stealing their tradepacks to cash in for yourself, then returning and collecting some lumber or iron to build that multiperson galleon you and your friends want, or to build yourself a larger house :)

I now have an insane number of methods of travel, I currently own a donkey (for rapid movement when carrying heavy tradepacks) , a horse (for non tradepack rapid movement) , a glider (for airborne rapid movement) , a rowing boat (carries 2 players, for slow waterbased movement) , a clipper ship for fast waterbased movement (can carry loads of players, includes a couple of diving breathing apparatus for underwater exploration, 1 cannon (to be manned by a player on board), handheld harpoon gun (to be fired by another player on board). Along with those I also have a combat fox-like animal (levels up and has armour that can be bought and put on it and skills to help in fights) and a newly acquired combat wolf (levels up and has armour that can be bought and put on it and skills to help in fights). I also have a small farm (8 x 8) and a large farm (16 x 16) and a small house. Would like to try building a larger house or a frigate/galleon thing now.

Certainly hasn't yet been a shortage of choices of things to do ingame. Its a very different beast from the other MMO I currently play (ESO), ideally I would quite like to play both , so that I get to enjoy the two different play styles, but time constraints in life make such things so hard. Curse you work, why cant I win the lottery !!? :D
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