ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

For flowers/plants etc, get up a mountain and try to find a hidden spot - keep using the glider to get to otherwise inaccessible places. Make sure you're there as soon as they're ready to harvest.
Also some flowers/plants can be found naturally i.e. Rose, Clover, Lily etc.
It does seem like a difficult task without a farm though tbh.
yes I have around 60 Gilda now.

And no, not done any trade runs yet, I have a few trade quests where I have to craft some items to make something and take it somewhere, but I have no idea how to get the individual items. For instance, I have to get trimmed meat, flowers etc craft them and take them somewhere, but without going to the auction house to buy the meat etc, how do i do that without a farm? I want to be self sufficient.

I used this guide :D

the crafting is a real time sink imo ;) unless im doing it wrong I guess .
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I tried it for a while. Its not for me. I cant actually see what there is to appeal to anyone. Seems like an uninteresting grind. Where everyone looks the same and farms. What a chore!

Maybe you just dont like mmo games? I think its brilliant but my mmo history started with wow (which was amazing and i played it for years on and off since release) and then attempts to get into other mmo that all seemed clunky and boring compared to wow. Archeage is the first one i have played that just feels good, feels like wow but better.

There are a magnitude more things you can do in the game; actual interaction with others required instead of just sitting in the city being teleported everywhere with strangers where you just spam a couple of keys due to everything being dumbed down and then teleported back to the city. Wow has become the definition of grinding with its dailies and lfg/lfr to 'buy' new gear. Archeage has you go on trade runs into hostile areas where you could well be attacked and have your stuff stolen if you dont have a group making the trip with you, on ships....ships that players have to build....if pvp is your thing you can do arenas or even attack your own faction? Then there is the trial system, piracy.....the game is immense, what more do you want from an mmo? :|
Im tempted to diwnliad this but ive heard the game is heavily focused on pvp, does that mean theres a lack of pve stuff to do? I enjoy dungeons, raids and just general questing really, not getting pounded by leet pvp mvp's!
Oh thought you might be interested in this:

1) Make a new character.
2) Do the first few green quests until you have 2 Gilda Stars.
3) Go find a guest bed and lie down, to get the Good Night's Sleep buff.
4) After 10 minutes, you now have 100 more labor.
5) Exit to character selection and delete the character.
6) Repeat until max labor.


Just kill those guys on the Island for the "Protect Ynystere" quest where you need to kill hundreds.

They are near a boat down the hill on the beach. You can just OS them and they give you 1 kill.

Pretty sure this is not as intended.

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I logged on at 09:00 with no queue, my friend tried at 09:15 and managed to get on about 2 hours later after being caught in the queue and it crashed.

Just got logged out to server screen:
4300 on Melisara and 3350 on Dahuta, I only want to log onto Dahuta to delete my toon.
I 'engaged' patron mode and haven't seen a queue since :p

Just need to find a guide on obtaining silly amounts of logs with minimum effort and time sink, anyone got any tips ?
Im done just made a new account to see the Aier queue its now 5000! Tried every server 2 @ 3800 all the others at just short of 5000 people that's 25,000 people waiting to play I think I will be back in a few weeks.
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