ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

The real currency in this game isn't money ... it's labour points, without them you can't do anything, and the only way you'll ever have enough of them is by getting out your credit card.

Or being good at the game and making gold to buy labor potions.
TBH I think people aren't really having problems with Archeage the game they are having problems with the way Trion are implementing it in the West. It's a thoroughly great game but Trion seem to suck and don't come across well. EU servers but no EU live chat support that's just on US time - hence when there are the Bots building up during those hours etc. Along with poor design decisions from Trion eg offline and online labour point differences etc and poor server management.

I can see why people are annoyed and disenchanted and tbh I am not that impressed I still haven't got the patron stuff sorted but that hasn't stopped me enjoying what is an excellent game. I do feel the game would be better served though with a better publisher and a subscription model.
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TBH I think people aren't really having problems with Archeage the game they are having problems with the way Trion are implementing it in the West. It's a thoroughly great game but Trion seem to suck and don't come across well. EU servers but no EU live chat support that's just on US time - hence when there are the Bots building up during those hours etc. Along with poor design decisions from Trion eg offline and online labour point differences etc and poor server management.

I can see why people are annoyed and disenchanted and tbh I am not that impressed I still haven't got the patron stuff sorted but that hasn't stopped me enjoying what is an excellent game. I do feel the game would be better served though with a better publisher and a subscription model.

Agreed on all points.
game is fine....

queues happen in all launches but they have to be careful with this one since u cant merge the servers if they die a few months in the game. you cant merge because of the non instanced housing.

i have 3 lvl 50 trees and 2 37 trees on my main.

the guild has a stone mansion, 2 galleons and several other ships.

best game ive played since lineage 2.
I gotta say, this does look really good. Going to give it a go.

EDIT: What server are people on?

From what I've played, I do find the game quite fun (even though I thought I was completely burnt out of playing MMORPG's).

Currently the queue's (usually 2k-3k) are causing huge problems. I actually haven't managed to get on to play today. I've gotten disconnected from the queue many times.

As for server it seems people on here are spread across all the servers.
There is word of them adding more EU server/s, so I may keep an eye on that to see how that affects the queues on the other servers.
Anyone know how long it takes to level skill trees if you swap them out? I'm thinking of swapping out occultism for battlerage to change my character from Skullknight to Abolisher (getting bored with the low damage on occultism) but don't want to gimp myself. Character is only lvl 22 atm.
Anyone know how long it takes to level skill trees if you swap them out? I'm thinking of swapping out occultism for battlerage to change my character from Skullknight to Abolisher (getting bored with the low damage on occultism) but don't want to gimp myself. Character is only lvl 22 atm.

Level 22 is doable!

I'm at 38 now and want to change out my build as I'm struggling with the mobs solo.. (Archery, Shadowplay, Auramancy) but I just get smashed when I use different skillsets because of how low level they are.
I tried it for a while. Its not for me. I cant actually see what there is to appeal to anyone. Seems like an uninteresting grind. Where everyone looks the same and farms. What a chore!
Level 22 is doable!

I'm at 38 now and want to change out my build as I'm struggling with the mobs solo.. (Archery, Shadowplay, Auramancy) but I just get smashed when I use different skillsets because of how low level they are.

Ta, changed my mind though. Came across this Skullknight pvp video and decided to stick with it :p

He could, but then he has to spend labour points to "identify" loot grabbed off mobs, and if he comes across any resource nodes on his travels then that's more labour points if he wants to harvest them.

The real currency in this game isn't money ... it's labour points, without them you can't do anything, and the only way you'll ever have enough of them is by getting out your credit card.

Personally I've found the game interesting enough, but the launch has been terrible, and I don't have sufficient trust in Trion to want to pay them anything. Might be a game worth looking at in several weeks/months down the line once the dust settles a bit. I can see a lot of people moving on after a month or so ...

I get your point but if anyone refuses to pay towards a game and wants it for completely free then sacrifices are made.

f2p make 5 labour every 5 mins, it costs less than 5 to open an item you have received such as weapons or armour.

You can completely play this game f2p if you just quest or pvp and you will make money to buy weapons. Wanna craft, place houses etc... then as expected you have to part with your moolah. They aren't a charity.

There are things that need sorting, queue times are terrible, reduced/no LP when out of the game is to blame for a large portion of it.

Make it equal LP offline and online, this will sort a decent chunk of the issues straight away. People will still buy labour pots so they won't exactly be losing an awful lot of money, this part is greed.

Apart from that the game is a corker and although grindy, it's been fun.
Guys, I really need a little guidance here, pls if you dont mind.

The grind was insane yesterday, went from lvl12 to lvl21, all grinding main and side quests, which to be honest, is getting a touch boring. I'm trying to get into crafting and making things, but without a house and a farm, I'm really struggling how to do it. It's such an awesome game, I am full phat patron with 5k labour sat there doing nothing. I've managed to make a ton of Iron ingots and Stone, but have no idea what to do with it now. How the hell do I find a plot? I'm looking everywhere but everything is absolutely taken. I just need something to get crafting, it feels I'm missing out on what I want to do the most.

Could you help me pls, some advice. I'm on Dahuta, out in the sandy desert area, near the coast.
If you want to use some labour points up then get to Glitterstone Mine in Tigerspine Mountains and go mining, then smelt the ore, create the bricks etc.

If you're on the west side, then I'm not sure where the best place is to mine.

Getting a decent plot is going to be tricky, all you can do is look really, I'm sure there'll be a few plots available when people forget to pay tax or have moved on.
Probably better off to get a blueprint and trying to put it down, saves the disappointment when you think there is room :p

I imagine you have enough Gilda for the small house blueprint anyway? Are you doing the trade quests btw?

On a related note; I keep seeing these icons of plots/areas for "medium+ sized houses" on the minimap in various places yet there are no houses there?! Is it a bug that the icon is shown? Or why has nobody got houses there if the medium sized houses are only 100 Gilda..?
yes I have around 60 Gilda now.

And no, not done any trade runs yet, I have a few trade quests where I have to craft some items to make something and take it somewhere, but I have no idea how to get the individual items. For instance, I have to get trimmed meat, flowers etc craft them and take them somewhere, but without going to the auction house to buy the meat etc, how do i do that without a farm? I want to be self sufficient.
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