ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

Hey guys, is it worth having the multi threaded rendering option checked or unchecked, a lot of people say it stops flickering and the like, but ive got no idea what it does lol.

took a while but thats a big house. on one of the most populated servers and hardly anyone has a medium/large house down yet.

starting to question whether my patron status is in effect, had 2k queues today but it is the weekend...

ps, your labor is account shared but the timers are character based so what people are doing is making multiple chars to lvl 15 and popping pots. if you have say 3 lvl 15+ chars you can pop 3k labor every 12 hours... kinda annoying. potentially you could save up 5k, pop a vocation tonic use the 5k then log out and pop another bunch of pots and carry on
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Gotta say, after a proper play session this weekend, this game is amazing!

Brings back the proper old school community vibe of MMO's past. Had an absolute blast just farming and doing trade runs with some newly made friends.

I have at least 100g waiting to land in my mailbox throughout today from my trade runs :D

Being chased down by an infamous pirate of my server while carrying about 60g's worth of trade packs, running straight into a swarm of seabugs, fighting for our lives and escaping by a hair... just one of the awesome adventures I've had this weekend.

Brilliant game.
I'm still trying to get my head around this game. It seems too good a game to give up on just yet.
I get the feeling its not for casual gamers like myself. The starter area for humans seems active and 'explorable' but when I went to try the Firran the area was dire, no thought in it at all. Also the Firrans seemed a bit cheesy.

To be a pirate can players of the same race fight each other?
Also do you have to take other classes at level 10? Or can you max out your levels with one class, is it even viable to do so?

In comparison I could never craft the top gear in GW2, I simply don't have the want nor time to grind the materials. I get the feeling that even the most simple of necessary items in Archeage need a lot of grind?

When playing a class do they have certain skills that others cant use? I.e. can Vitalism revive skill only be used by certain builds or can anyone who levels up in Vitalism use the skill? Thus making a healer a bit pointless.
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Anyone can use any skill from any tree if the spend the ability points on it.

It doesn't make a healer pointless though because you couldn't take a Battlerage type guy, all decked out in Strength gear, give him Vitalism and suddenly he's the best healer for a group.

Because, he has no healer gear! You can mix and match skill tree's, but your gear really dictates what you are good at. Also levelling alternative skill tree's takes quite a long time, it's not something you can do at a whim really.

The game is a bit grindy, especially when it comes to questing, it's very generic "kill 50 mobs", "gather 25 flowers". But I didn't do any questing at all this weekend, gained nearly 5 levels and had some of the best multiplayer gaming in a long time. The game shines in player driven gameplay rather than just following the quite boring questing.

But I don't think you need to grind grind grind just have the basics, I made a respectable amount of money this weekend, got 2 farms (could place a house but don't want to just yet), helped my guild build towards a large boat etc etc... and that was in a relatively short time, other than this weekend I haven't really played because of the queues haha.
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With the time you could save queueing, may as well just reroll and leave the old character :P If a few of the guilds from each faction did that from the overpopulated servers we would be in a much better state.

As it is i have the option of instant queues on kind of dead/uncommunicative servers, or crazy ass queues to get onto an established one. Need some middle ground lol.

All servers have queues in the thousands, so which servers do you think are dead? I'm on one of the new servers and its very much alive. Like I say, all servers have constant queues so they must be full.

Just the original servers have all the established guilds I guess with mostly patrons, where the newer servers are mostly F2P players (cause they couldn't get into the original servers for all the patrons).

This also means there is a lot more free land on the new servers because of all the F2P players who can't place land, this might make the servers look more empty but the players are there, just not the buildings. I think this is a good thing, more choice for me!

The guilds will form and communities will grow on the new servers, they are all populated.

Edit: I guess that's all you were saying really, that there aren't lots of established guilds on the new servers, went on a bit of a rant just to say "it will come" didn't I lol.
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The game is brilliant and has so much to do, it's just a shame the publishers are a mess. That said hopefully in a week or two things settle down and people really see how good it is and not how long the queues are, which I do agree is awful and should never be this bad.

If all you want to do is quest then yes it is a grind and very basic. The game is semi sandbox so basically the questing isn't the main focus but it's there for those who enjoy it and it's a way to get to level 50.

That said if you have the labour it's not the quickest way, that would be crafting, gathering, farming but you soon run out of labour.

You could become a gatherer, a farmer, a crafter. You could play just for PvP, questing, trade runs.

You can build your house or like me, build 2 large farms and 2 small farms so i have plenty of space for farming.

Decide what build you would like, plenty of info on the net and select those 3 trees, once you hit level 50 they will be at level 50. You have the ability to select 23 skills at level 50 so there is lots of options.

The biggest grind to the game is weapons and armour, once you hit Tier 6 crafted weapons then its complete RNG, the stats are random so you can craft your T6 and it have none of the stats you want. This gets expensive, i'm currently using a T5 weapon but waiting for my guilds weaponsmith to hit 20k so he can craft me a T6.
Do you stand to gain anything by doing PVP in this game?

Is it just a case you want to be a bar steward to someone else and make their day that little bit worse or do you get any kind of drops or other rewards?
Makes my trade runs on two clippers look laughable!

Can't wait for the guild galleon to be built, we're about 1/4 of the way :)

Edit: If you kill people on traderuns MeAnBoY then you get their trade packs which you can turn in for gold! That's the whole point of being a pirate really. Other than that you get Honour for PvP kills, but I haven't looking into what you can actually do with that yet.
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Ok so which of the new servers have people here moved to/made characters on? (Western or Eastern continent?)

We've people talking about making characters on the newer servers but very few people telling us where they are.
I can't speak for others but I am on Orchidna on the Western continent.

I'm part of a pretty active guild, if you feel like coming over whisper me on "Ctuchik" and I will ask someone to invite you :)

Edit: Oops, completely forgot the name of my server there and said the wrong one as well! Is correct now.
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I can't speak for others but I am on Orchidna on the Western continent.

I'm part of a pretty active guild, if you feel like coming over whisper me on "Ctuchik" and I will ask someone to invite you :)

Edit: Oops, completely forgot the name of my server there and said the wrong one as well! Is correct now.

Might have to come join you there, not seeing much in the way of guilds on melisara and i want to make a new character anyway :)
Pretty much gave up on this from a F2P pov :(

Might re-visit it at a later point when the queues go down, don't really want to pay £10 sub for something I may not have time for.

If the F2P queues go down and I like it i'll pay the sub :)
Pretty much gave up on this from a F2P pov :(

Might re-visit it at a later point when the queues go down, don't really want to pay £10 sub for something I may not have time for.

If the F2P queues go down and I like it i'll pay the sub :)

pay once, then just trade/mine and make gold to pay for future subs :) Only the initial tenner required.
Well once the queues stop it'll be fine, can easily do and play the majority of the game as a F2P'er just makes it easier not being one. Just wait it out and play when they stop and don't give up on such a good game. :)
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