ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

Have to say, rushed in once I could finally make a character on one of the new EU servers, got my house and farm up, leveled to 30 and already a little bored, farm was fun for a week or so and now just feels like a chore. Cant see me playing much past the first month ive paid for.
Any graphic tweaks i can do to this, running a little jumpy in places where it shouldnt be, found a cfg file tweak thread but it was for alpha and apparently doesnt work anymore.

DX11, R9 280x DD, windows 8.1 with latest 14.9 drivers.
What the point to this game?

All I hear people talk about is farming and cutting down trees, anything else? :p

The point is that it is mainly a sandbox so people will find plenty of things to do. Exploring, fishing, farming, trading, piracy, ganking, crafting, making music, arenas, gladiator rings, mass PVP, owning property, mining, market trading, soon to be castle making and destroying, car racing, polar bear and yata breeding, gliding, running dungeons, killing world bosses, collecting titles, getting great crafted gear, and most of all what this game seems to do other than any MMO in a long long time - it makes stuff fun.
Its really not. And if I was explaining wow to someone who has never heard of it before I would say you have mounts, so I don't understand your complaint.
Its a okay game, but i laugh at you putting gliding... thats like saying wow has horse riding lol.

When I first got my flying mount in WoW (well, flight form as a druid, because it's so much cooler) I spent an inordinate amount of time swooping around pointlessly for fun.

The ability to fly/glide around in an MMO is worth noting, even if it's not the #1 selling point.
Its really not. And if I was explaining wow to someone who has never heard of it before I would say you have mounts, so I don't understand your complaint.

Exactly. Gliders are a pretty unique aspect to ArcheAge and they open up a lot more options to explorers than the mounts alone do.

I wouldn't necessarily agree that mounts are a feature as they are somewhat expected these days in some form or another, but the inclusion of gliders most certainly is a feature and a great one at that.
The main problem with Archeage is the stupid 'labor' mechanic. If your the type of player that wants to collect resources then go craft items and build stuff your restricted due to the 'Labor' mechanic. For example, It costs 'Labor' to mine ore, it costs 'Labor' to craft into ingots it then costs 'Labor' to make an item using the materials. Run out of Labor and you can't do any of the above!

I can understand limiting free to play gamers but why stop subscribers from playing the game they want ? I'm quite sure someone will have a reason, but I can't see a sensible one.

I'm enjoying the game, I like the combat mechanics and look forward to trying the mass siege battle at some point if I ever make it to cap ;)
Now that I am 50 I am finding that labour is becoming a problem. I never seem to have enough.

I haven't even started crafting my own gear yet, but I have noticed that it costs up to 800 labour per craft at higher proficiency levels. That means if you don't have patron and you're at labour cap you can only craft 2 things before running out, or 6 things as a patron with the 5000 cap.

I seem to be running out just pottering around on my farm and doing some mining. I can't warrant spending 300 credits/12g every 12 hours just for the little extra labour either.
You might want to look into ways of making more gold Jegethy? I make between 30g-75g per 500 labour, so I am more than happy to spend 12g-15g per 1000 labour from a potion.

There are other things of course that I don't make as much gold from, levelling up certain proficiency's that will make me more money later but not have good return at the moment, but it's about balancing it out and making good choices with your labour.

A few pages back I have mentioned briefly how the labour system controls the economy, I think it's a really good system tbh. Just my opinion though :)
Is this a medieval Eve? Are there free-for-all zones and zones in which you are protected? Are there skills similar to those in Eve or Runescape?
A few pages back I have mentioned briefly how the labour system controls the economy, I think it's a really good system tbh. Just my opinion though :)

This 100% i like, If you look at some MMO's its always the same person selling the silk or the ore they collect it 24/7 to make money. This system makes you think what you going to do make some money? make some armour? maybe you farm? you cant have it all and it gives everyone a fair go :D
The point is that it is mainly a sandbox so people will find plenty of things to do. Exploring, fishing, farming, trading, piracy, ganking, crafting, making music, arenas, gladiator rings, mass PVP, owning property, mining, market trading, soon to be castle making and destroying, car racing, polar bear and yata breeding, gliding, running dungeons, killing world bosses, collecting titles, getting great crafted gear, and most of all what this game seems to do other than any MMO in a long long time - it makes stuff fun.

Bang on - when you get past all the leveling fluff, the game is so rich and diverse it's almost overwhelming. The only exception to this and the comparison to wow is the less focus on dungeons and raids, basically linear content. As that is the only comparison in every other aspect of the game it is far deeper and richer than any new generation mmorpg i have played
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