ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

You might want to look into ways of making more gold Jegethy? I make between 30g-75g per 500 labour, so I am more than happy to spend 12g-15g per 1000 labour from a potion.

There are other things of course that I don't make as much gold from, levelling up certain proficiency's that will make me more money later but not have good return at the moment, but it's about balancing it out and making good choices with your labour.

A few pages back I have mentioned briefly how the labour system controls the economy, I think it's a really good system tbh. Just my opinion though :)

May i ask what you do to make that amount of gold per 500 labour? That seems like an excellent profit ;D I have just started on my 8x8 farm and planeted some aspen trees as well as a few cotton bushes. I have heard gingseng sells well but not tried that myself yet
May i ask what you do to make that amount of gold per 500 labour? That seems like an excellent profit ;D I have just started on my 8x8 farm and planeted some aspen trees as well as a few cotton bushes. I have heard gingseng sells well but not tried that myself yet

You may not ask as your are suppost to be at work now get out the office :D
May i ask what you do to make that amount of gold per 500 labour? That seems like an excellent profit ;D I have just started on my 8x8 farm and planeted some aspen trees as well as a few cotton bushes. I have heard gingseng sells well but not tried that myself yet

Hey mate, sorry but I wont be posting exactly what I'm doing on a forum that gets as much traffic as this, I expect my profits would drop somewhat ;)

I will say though that the lower end of that scale comes from trade packs. Most people are doing the common trade runs everyone else is and are making more like 15g-20g profit per 500 labour. You need to look outside of what everyone else is doing to make money.

If you don't have much time to play though and are rolling in labour, go for the shorter runs that give you better gold per hour, don't let that labour go to waste, never be labour capped!

If you are more like me and play a bit more and find yourself struggling for labour, you need to look at which packs are making you the most gold per labour, so high profit per pack but will be a longer run so take more time to do. (This is not to say that all longer runs provide better profit, you must take into account the cost of the materials of course. Even if you craft these materials, you need to take into account the AH prices, as you could also sell them.)

The higher end of that scale is coming from professions, look through the folio (press O in game) to see what all the professions do, check the AH to see how much the materials cost and how much you can sell the result for and also how much labour it costs. Find where the profit is on your server.

The top end of that scale (75g / 500 labour is my best atm) comes from higher tiers of proficiency, as less people have these higher tiers at the moment so less supply, so you will find you need to spend gold/time levelling them up before you can reap the higher rewards.

Don't waste you labour spreading it around in multiple professions, find something with good profit and focus all your labour on getting that profession to the required tier. The quicker you get there the more profit there will be, you are in a race against other players as like I said, the more people who get those higher tiers the more supply there is and so less profit.
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Hey mate, sorry but I wont be posting exactly what I'm doing on a forum that gets as much traffic as this, I expect my profits would drop somewhat ;)

I will say though that the lower end of that scale comes from trade packs. Most people are doing the common trade runs everyone else is and are making more like 15g-20g profit per 500 labour. You need to look outside of what everyone else is doing to make money.

If you don't have much time to play though and are rolling in labour, go for the shorter runs that give you better gold per hour, don't let that labour go to waste, never be labour capped!

If you are more like me and play a bit more and find yourself struggling for labour, you need to look at which packs are making you the most gold per labour, so high profit per pack but will be a longer run so take more time to do. (This is not to say that all longer runs provide better profit, you must take into account the cost of the materials of course. Even if you craft these materials, you need to take into account the AH prices, as you could also sell them.)

The higher end of that scale is coming from professions, look through the folio (press O in game) to see what all the professions do, check the AH to see how much the materials cost and how much you can sell the result for and also how much labour it costs. Find where the profit is on your server.

The top end of that scale (75g / 500 labour is my best atm) comes from higher tiers of proficiency, as less people have these higher tiers at the moment so less supply, so you will find you need to spend gold/time levelling them up before you can reap the higher rewards.

Don't waste you labour spreading it around in multiple professions, find something with good profit and focus all your labour on getting that profession to the required tier. The quicker you get there the more profit there will be, you are in a race against other players as like I said, the more people who get those higher tiers the more supply there is and so less profit.

Thank you for the thorough response.

I appreciate what your saying, but you have definitely given me some direction to follow.

I am about to complete my trading quest this evening, i am lvl 21 at the moment and missed it first time round.

I will let you know if i manage to beat your current record ;D

Thanks again
63k fishing now :D
sharing a boat with some guy in my guild we just split the money we make using his boat 50/50.

whole alliance is on the same teamspeak server 6 different large guilds.
fisheruu channel at the top usually with 20-30 guys in the same raid fishing :D
times are good men!

making like 100gold minimum each per 45minutes fishing marlin ;)

Just caught my biggest marlin yet before the server game down a 39.73 gold bad boy :D
So I tried my hand at scamming today (I know dirty :D ) and well I pulled it off amazingly, 4x lumber packs, over 600 ingots, nearly 100 stone bricks and some random mats.

Also carried some newbies at 1g/each per trip (Get the money before you sail) who had trade packs... well I sailed to some bugs, watched them die rather quickly and got out of dodge complete with 3 trade packs to turn in!

Not bad for a few hours work.

Also had some taste of pvp at level 35, I have been enjoying just building up my resources and doing quests while leveling at a nice slow pace, there is no rush when playing with friends!
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So I tried my hand at scamming today (I know dirty :D ) and well I pulled it off amazingly, 4x lumber packs, over 600 ingots, nearly 100 stone bricks and some random mats.

Also carried some newbies at 1g/each per trip (Get the money before you sail) who had trade packs... well I sailed to some bugs, watched them die rather quickly and got out of dodge complete with 3 trade packs to turn in!

Not bad for a few hours work.

Also had some taste of pvp at level 35, I have been enjoying just building up my resources and doing quests while leveling at a nice slow pace, there is no rush when playing with friends!

It's a shame that some people get really mad about scamming in this game. I love it, and only idiots allow themselves to get scammed.

Their loss is our gain :D. It's a genuine way of making money.
Well ive hit 50, and the game seems less interesting to me now, apart from farming hasla which is a total nightmare on melisera or farming my 16x16 plot, all thats left is fishing, so made a bamboo rod, bought some worms and sat in the lake at silent forest and blew 2k labour auto fishing, only to increase skill, for that 2k LP i got to aound 2k+ fishing, crikey going to take a while to be able to sport fish.
KnightStalker, you are doing it wrong mate :)

You don't need to wait to sport fish anymore! Since 1.2 (all we have ever had) you can sport fish at 0 proficiency.

Don't waste time fishing with bait worms, you will be lucky to break even on profit and it takes a long time.

Go find a guide or youtube video on sport fishing and get to it, it costs you nothing (it is done with items from vocation points, and you get more points back than you spend), has a hugely better return, and levels your proficiency much faster.

Though, you always get the same amount of proficiency per labour point spent for whatever you do, 1 labour always gets you 1 proficiency. So your 2k labour got you exactly 2k proficiency, not 2k+.

But with sport fishing you will burn through that labour much quicker and have more time for other things, like making gold to buy labour pots to do more sport fishing :p
KnightStalker, you are doing it wrong mate :)

You don't need to wait to sport fish anymore! Since 1.2 (all we have ever had) you can sport fish at 0 proficiency.

Don't waste time fishing with bait worms, you will be lucky to break even on profit and it takes a long time.

Go find a guide or youtube video on sport fishing and get to it, it costs you nothing (it is done with items from vocation points, and you get more points back than you spend), has a hugely better return, and levels your proficiency much faster.

Though, you always get the same amount of proficiency per labour point spent for whatever you do, 1 labour always gets you 1 proficiency. So your 2k labour got you exactly 2k proficiency, not 2k+.

But with sport fishing you will burn through that labour much quicker and have more time for other things, like making gold to buy labour pots to do more sport fishing :p

I am trying to get into this, but the only guides I find are very vague and not very detailed.

From what I can gather I need to go straight into sport fishing and ignore the bait worm fishing. But wont I need chum buckets for the specific school of fish? If so dont I need 20k proficiency to use these?

I am also going to be doing this solo and dont have a clipper, only a rowing boat........anyway Im a bit confused with this tbh
Ok Ok I'll help you fella's out, lazy gits :p

I'm at work so can only type so much at a time before I have to alt-tab out, so gimme a few mins and I'll edit this post with detailed instructions!


So I'm going to assume we are starting with 0 proficiency and experience with fishing (so others reading this who may have done no fishing at all can get going).

First thing you need to do is get yourself a fishing rod. The first rod that you can use is the bamboo rod, this has a 3 days timer on it after which it expires (3 days real life time, counts down wether logged in or out). These are pretty cheap to buy on the AH, about 3g on my server, but there is also a quest you get from a fisherman on the dock of Ezna (if you are Nuia side, not sure on the other side) which rewards a bamboo fishing rod.

Next you need to get yourself some bait and lures. These are purchased from the Blue Salt Brotherhood Merchant, which is in Windshade on Nuia side (sorry again not sure on Harani side, but sure you can find it). You will start with fresh water sport fishing, so you need to get yourself two types of bait for the different kinds of fish that spawn in fresh water. The first you need is Chum, which costs 600 vocation points, and the second is Chopped Squid, which costs slightly more (675 I think? Not 100% sure). Then grab yourself 20+ yellow lures, these cost 20 vocation points each.

Now you need to find a lake to sport fish in, on Nuia side go to the lake in Two Crowns, on Haranya side go to the lake in Silent Forest.

You need to look out for a load of seagulls flying around an area of the lake, this means there is a school of fish in the water there. Put your mouse over that area of water and it will tell you what kind of fish are there, check which of the two baits you bought earlier you need to use on those kind of fish. Throw the correct bait into the water (right click it in your bag and click the fish) and it will send those fish into a "feeding frenzy", this is when you can catch them.

I should also mention that there won't always be fish/seagulls on the lake, they spawn randomly. If when you get to the lake there are no fish/seagulls, hang around for a little bit or go away and do something else for 15mins, they don't take too long to spawn usually.

So equip your fishing rod and you will see the icon for the ability "sport fishing". Use this ability and click on the frenzied fish. You will hook a fish instantly, spending 100 labour, gaining 100 proficiency in fishing and 100 vocation badges. Now sport fishing is a kind of mini game, and if you are wanting to catch the fish you look for the icon that appears above it's head and you must click the same icon on your fishing rod ability bar.

But we aren't going to catch the fish at this stage. While you have less than 10k proficiency it takes too long to catch and will be a waste of time. Do nothing and after 30 seconds the fish will be released. Then you cast a lure again into the frenzied fish and gain another 100 proficiency and 100 vocation badges, at the cost of 100 labour.

Now as you probably noticed each cast is costing you 20 vocation points, but you gain 100 vocation points back. So each cast you gain 80 vocation badges, after about 8 cast's you have earned back the cost of the bait, and it has cost you nothing.

Rinse and repeat until you have 10k proficiency, and now you can set sail on the sea in search of seagull's ready to make some real money! Fishing will now make you a pretty good profit!

When you start catching them for profit rather than just to level proficiency, you will need to take the fish to the fish scales that are on all the docks in the game to claim your cash.
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Got all set up, went to two crowns and no birds :confused: gutted.

SO I took out my rowing boat onto the open sea and still found no birds :confused: How far out to sea do you need to go? And how high are the birds, are they just above the water or quite high up?

Sorry I should have mentioned that, the spawning of the fish/birds is random.

Sometimes it can take a while for them to spawn when you turn up, so just hang about the lake for a bit or go do something else for 15mins and come back, they will spawn.

Same deal with the sea, but there is a much larger area they can spawn, so sometimes you gotta sail around a while to find them. Your bait won't work on the fish that spawn in the sea if you only bought the bait from my "guide".

You won't miss them, they are right above the water and plenty of them flying around in a big bunch.

Go back to Two Crowns :)
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OK so I got some yellow lures, found some electric eels. Someone was already fishing there so they were in a feeding frenzy already.

I cast into them and nothing, the blue sport fishing bar just decreased for ages till it had gone, did this 5 times and nothing.

Then on the 6th cast about half way through the bar it caught a eel so i let it go and i got the points. However the next 10 casts I got i doing something wrong?
Ok Ok I'll help you fella's out, lazy gits :p

I'm at work so can only type so much at a time before I have to alt-tab out, so gimme a few mins and I'll edit this post with detailed instructions!


So I'm going to assume we are starting with 0 proficiency and experience with fishing (so others reading this who may have done no fishing at all can get going).

First thing you need to do is get yourself a fishing rod. The first rod that you can use is the bamboo rod, this has a 3 days timer on it after which it expires (3 days real life time, counts down wether logged in or out). These are pretty cheap to buy on the AH, about 3g on my server, but there is also a quest you get from a fisherman on the dock of Ezna (if you are Nuia side, not sure on the other side) which rewards a bamboo fishing rod.

Next you need to get yourself some bait and lures. These are purchased from the Blue Salt Brotherhood Merchant, which is in Windshade on Nuia side (sorry again not sure on Harani side, but sure you can find it). You will start with fresh water sport fishing, so you need to get yourself two types of bait for the different kinds of fish that spawn in fresh water. The first you need is Chum, which costs 600 vocation points, and the second is Chopped Squid, which costs slightly more (675 I think? Not 100% sure). Then grab yourself 20+ green lures, these cost 20 vocation points each.

Now you need to find a lake to sport fish in, on Nuia side go to the lake in Two Crowns, on Haranya side go to the lake in Silent Forest.

You need to look out for a load of seagulls flying around an area of the lake, this means there is a school of fish in the water there. Put your mouse over that area of water and it will tell you what kind of fish are there, check which of the two baits you bought earlier you need to use on those kind of fish. Throw the correct bait into the water (right click it in your bag and click the fish) and it will send those fish into a "feeding frenzy", this is when you can catch them.

I should also mention that there won't always be fish/seagulls on the lake, they spawn randomly. If when you get to the lake there are no fish/seagulls, hang around for a little bit or go away and do something else for 15mins, they don't take too long to spawn usually.

So equip your fishing rod and you will see the icon for the ability "sport fishing". Use this ability and click on the frenzied fish. You will hook a fish instantly, spending 100 labour, gaining 100 proficiency in fishing and 100 vocation badges. Now sport fishing is a kind of mini game, and if you are wanting to catch the fish you look for the icon that appears above it's head and you must click the same icon on your fishing rod ability bar.

But we aren't going to catch the fish at this stage. While you have less than 10k proficiency it takes too long to catch and will be a waste of time. Do nothing and after 30 seconds the fish will be released. Then you cast a lure again into the frenzied fish and gain another 100 proficiency and 100 vocation badges, at the cost of 100 labour.

Now as you probably noticed each cast is costing you 20 vocation points, but you gain 100 vocation points back. So each cast you gain 80 vocation badges, after about 8 cast's you have earned back the cost of the bait, and it has cost you nothing.

Rinse and repeat until you have 10k proficiency, and now you can set sail on the sea in search of seagull's ready to make some real money! Fishing will now make you a pretty good profit!

When you start catching them for profit rather than just to level proficiency, you will need to take the fish to the fish scales that are on all the docks in the game to claim your cash.

awesomer guide, extremely helpful. Thank you very much
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