Holy Thread revival
my new bow arrived today.
A Martin Ridge Hunter compound bow.
Its great as lets me have a 31" draw length, plus it'll go from 35 to 50lb in draw
weight. Will get a decent pic of it at weekend.
Glad you did it! Been reminising a lot recently about how much I used to love archery when I went to Sunday classes, after I saw this thread I decided to contact the local archery club to see if I can join! Fingers crossed.
I'm a bit of a traditionalist though to be honest, I don't like all these new fangled bows with sights and all sorts of gizmos to cheat! I used to stick with a decent wooden longbow.
sounds like a good setup.
Archery is such a calming sport (unless your in the middle of a competition).
I finished my beginners course last october.
Have you shot a Portsmouth round yet? what club you at?
yeah im going for my 575 badge, is a sod to get.
my pb is 556. But since Christmas I have changed my technique slightly and haven't got back over 550 yet.
You must be a real old hand at this, shooting 565 - well done fella !
Perhaps we should get a table of our best scores etc? Starting with this seasons outdoor (though I guess indoor is just a bit easier to compare really) dependent on your experience and type of bow...
Might actually make me try and get out there more (though I wont have a chance much til April really) with a bit of healthy competition...