
Not bad for your first score.

I usually get better as the night goes on. Trying for my 575 badge at the moment.

Recently bought a new recurve bow. loving it so far. the draw is sooo smooth.


Recent last end: :)
Nice grouping :-)

I was just using a single Cartel long rod, but the new Triad setup is so much more stable.
30" long rod & two 7" short rods. May play with the short rods & ditch the right hand side one. The spirit level in the scope always shows me having the bow leaning to the right.

This was 60yds last year, spot the first 2 arrows as i got the sight sorted.

60 yards by spg_mutts, on Flickr
My club is moving outside this week.

Its going to be a challange, your confidence is built up when your inside then your groups increase in size outside.

Plan is to get my 80yd 252 badge.
Think we're outside soon. The added benefit of cross winds & headwinds ;-)
interesting watching the flight differences between my XX75's & my FMJ's, the 75's seem to fly so slowly. Will be able to wind the bow up for outside :-)
Just completed a beginners course at my local club, only shooting at 16yards but really enjoyed it. Hoping to join the club and use club bows for a month or two then looking at getting my own recurve :)
Just completed a beginners course at my local club, only shooting at 16yards but really enjoyed it. Hoping to join the club and use club bows for a month or two then looking at getting my own recurve :)

Just like photography, Archery has "Gear Acquisition Syndrome" ;)
Plenty of good shops as well, Quicks, Merlin Archery, Aardvark & Archery World.

My goal is to try & beat my best 15 arrow score at 16yd's. Managed 148 scoring recurve, but was 139 as i shoot compound. That damn compound 10 is a bugger ;)
Just like photography, Archery has "Gear Acquisition Syndrome" ;)
Plenty of good shops as well, Quicks, Merlin Archery, Aardvark & Archery World.

My goal is to try & beat my best 15 arrow score at 16yd's. Managed 148 scoring recurve, but was 139 as i shoot compound. That damn compound 10 is a bugger ;)

Aha yep, already finding myself looking around various shops/sites at all the different bits of kit. I am a clay shooter as well so know that syndrome too well!
Aha yep, already finding myself looking around various shops/sites at all the different bits of kit. I am a clay shooter as well so know that syndrome too well!

lol, GAS is a bugger ;)
My son is looking for new stabiliser setup, so he's been searching the websites & catalogues looking at shiny stuff!!
I keep looking at new compound sights, but they're blooming expensive. Then you have to add the scope to it, same with releases. Want to try a thumb release, see what its like compared to my wrist release. Again they ain't cheap. At least I can sneak things past the wife as she never looks in the bow bag :-)
Have you tried the archery interchange classifieds? Apart from the website not letting me post and the guy who runs it being a dick the classifieds are good.
yeah, keep looking on there every so often, same with fleabay. Need to sort re-stringing as well, that'll mean a trip to Leeds & visiting Aardvark
Oh your not far from me. I shoot at Wakefield.

your in the Peoples Republic of Yorkshire then ;-)
Main thing this year equipment wise is arrows. Need more of the bloomin things. Got XX75's for indoors(can't beat the size of em for line cutters) and FMJ's for outside now.
Do you fletch your own arrows? If so what glue do you use?
tried superglue & proper fletching glue on my lads Jazz's but they keep coming off. Removed all the old glue, then prepped the surface with a sanding block. Doing my head in :(
I have a set of accs and yes i do fletch my own. Should do with a last name of fletcher. I use fletching glue and arrow wraps, non have come off since i did them 6 months ago. Do you want to know the brand?
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not tried wraps, maybe that could be the key on these jazz's. They are only a 1416 shaft. Which brand glue do you use? I've tried Bohning Fletch right Platinum. Works great on the XX75 but just doesn't agree with Jazz shaft.
The Platinum is the stuff that I use:

I presume your using a jig.

On another note can you update your trust details so I can sent you a message, want to ask you a question.

Thats the stuff im using, yep got a fletching jig as well. Nice how they dont include instructions but at least youtube has more videos than you can shake a stick at on how to use it.

trust details updated, should work now.
We have some more archers - welcome.

Note to self need to subscribe to this thread.

I've been shooting outdoors for the past few weeks now. Shot American today in cross winds and rain, what a challenge and half - only scored just under 400.

Like you guys I've been out shopping too, got myself some ACCs to give me the distance and a new stabiliser setup Easton X10 (long rod, side rods, extender and adjustable V Bar) and some Win&Win Fomax Damper.

PS. Robert lovin' your new bow
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