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3 Nov 2007
Highlands of Scotland
Would be hilarious if people get their cards first from other places and who have not pre-ordered and just buy once stock hits...

You’re basically chaining yourself to ocuk...with an order that may not be fulfilled for months and months...

I’ve been in this game countless times...and the people who pre-order apart from a select few end up waiting longer than the people who just wait for stock to hit and keep an eye out ...

Not really no. I keep my order with OCUK and if one did come up elsewhere then I will buy it and cancel my OCUK order once it arrives.
6 Jan 2015
If you take payment for an item, you better have it in stock, soon to be in stock or have a reasonable expectation for delivery. They have none of those. It could take months and months for people to get their orders and they're still taking the orders (and money) which is just making it worse. They haven't even given people an idea of their place in the queue for them to make a choice on whether or not it's worth bothering to wait. This is pure negligence and incompetence on a massive level.

I agree with all of this. The OC site was clearly misleading - they knew they had very little stock yet chose to take thousands upon thousands of payments without a clue of how/when they would fulfil those orders. I'm unaware of any other website that you can buy from today that doesn't give you an ETA on the product you are ordering.
1 Oct 2009
Norwich, UK
To those confused, the data serves a few purposes, it allows us to predict the number of total orders, and our place in that list, and then as deliveries are made what our moving place is in that list and make guesstimates of when we might expect a card.

Many of us paid a premium to reserve a card which is either in stock or expcecting stock soon, and will still have to pay that premium if the card is late. So we can make decisions about possible cancellations and moving the purchase elsewhere with smaller queues or in stock cards.
24 Dec 2005
To those confused, the data serves a few purposes, it allows us to predict the number of total orders, and our place in that list, and then as deliveries are made what our moving place is in that list and make guesstimates of when we might expect a card.

Many of us paid a premium to reserve a card which is either in stock or expcecting stock soon, and will still have to pay that premium if the card is late. So we can make decisions about possible cancellations and moving the purchase elsewhere with smaller queues or in stock cards.

Go on then....predict who is going to get their card first? :)
27 Jul 2015
I do wonder if this unusually high order numbers has been caused by nVidia overpricing the original RTX cards, perhaps with the midguided idea that ray tracing was so amazing everyone would want to buy into it regardless of the price, (well that didn't work), creating pent up demand, and then releasing something much better at what people think is a reasonable price.

Well it's not really a whole lot cheaper than RTX 2080 Super was, it's the performance which has changed, and the fact that many many people simply didn't see ray tracing with no performance gain as an upgrade path which delayed demand until now and it's like a dam breaking.

NVidia knew the performance gains, because it told us- some say it even overstated those gains, and given that it knew gamers were upset about fps, it should have known full well that people who had deferred puchase were going to bite the bullet with this generation. The fact it seems surprised should lead to the sacking of the marketing director !
18 Sep 2020
Hey...sounds like a plan...:D

Have your money tied up in someone else’s bank in the vague hope you may get a card...

who cares who’s bank it’s in? How much interest would you make on £800 in your own account over a couple month? Pennies. If they wanna hold £800 to keep me in a queue fair enough. If I find a card elsewhere sooner I’ll order that and cancel this order
12 Mar 2006
N.E England
Not after a refund. Just want to know my position and then decide what to do. Its only fair. Chances are I will wait but at least we also know if there is progress rather than endless silence.

Thousands of orders happened on launch day ordering at 10pm on launch day would mean you
How long the wait is kind of like how long is a piece of string. It’s going to be dependent on the partners to make the cards and then shipping times to over here. Production started I think in middle to late August, there is also a Chinese holiday in October. But I reckon the production will now be being ramped up as the QC yields get better and such, depending also on the other supply chains from memory to the coolers (such as powerlogic)

Middle to late August was ridiculous, never enough time to have mass amounts ready
17 Oct 2007
Some where in England
Sorry but you cant advertise a card with a FREE game and then turn around and scream sorry mate its only for the first 1000s ! Orders ..... This is getting more of a joke by the day ! I don’t’ mind waiting but if you saying some of us wont get a card until next year your having a laugh...

Direct from Nvidia To celebrate, we’ve lined up an amazing bundle for you that goes live September 17th, the day GeForce RTX 30 Series GPUs start arriving in stores. If you purchase one of these new GPUs or a pre-built GeForce RTX 30 Series PC at a participating partner, you’ll get a PC digital download copy of Watch Dogs: Legion, and a 1-year subscription to our GeForce NOW cloud gaming service, enabling you to play your PC games on other devices and when you’re away from home. Where does it say only the first 1000 orders ???
24 Dec 2005
who cares who’s bank it’s in? How much interest would you make on £800 in your own account over a couple month? Pennies. If they wanna hold £800 to keep me in a queue fair enough. If I find a card elsewhere sooner I’ll order that and cancel this order

I care where my money is...it’s got nothing to do with interest...I’m not paying out like a chump for a card that does not exist.

Certain places have taken down the ability to preorder as they have no solid clue if they can fulfil the orders in any given timeframe...
30 Sep 2015
Certain places have taken down the ability to preorder as they have no solid clue if they can fulfil the orders in any given timeframe...

This is an odd decision from OCUK indeed. I've checked other places and you cannot even pre-order but here the button is still up.
Maybe they have a reason, other than gimme your money. :)
12 Aug 2013
I care where my money is...it’s got nothing to do with interest...I’m not paying out like a chump for a card that does not exist.

Certain places have taken down the ability to preorder as they have no solid clue if they can fulfil the orders in any given timeframe...

That's my issue also, I'd rather have been told sold out than sold a false promise then told the next day haha well the funny thing is guys we put you in a queue hope you don't mind but it might be ... like November? and then leave pre-orders up for more people to join that queue.
25 Mar 2005
Torquay, Devon, UK
Read so much tonight about the 20gig Super/Standard 3080 soon to be released that i'm kind of glad that I did not get an early 3080 and that i've requested today a refund from Overclockers for my pre-order.
18 Sep 2020
I care where my money is...it’s got nothing to do with interest...I’m not paying out like a chump for a card that does not exist.

Certain places have taken down the ability to preorder as they have no solid clue if they can fulfil the orders in any given timeframe...

It’s a pre-order - you’re paying for OCUK to get one as it comes in, on a first come first serve basis (hence folk looking at order numbers to get an idea if they’re at the front or back of the queue, how many people are ahead, etc)

I do think at at this stage, given the size of the queue, they should either stop taking pre-orders or at least better manage customer expectations on the product screens
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