Are you addicted to buying games on Steam?

Games owned - 384
Games not played - 295 (77%)
Games not in store - 22
Hours on record - 662.1h (14.3h last two weeks)
Value - £3495 (£907)

I wouldn't say I'm addicted, I've actually been more sensible the past few sales and really only buying games that I would consider a bargain or if it's at least 60% ish off before buying.
Games owned - 384
Games not played - 295 (77%)
Games not in store - 22
Hours on record - 662.1h (14.3h last two weeks)
Value - £3495 (£907)

I wouldn't say I'm addicted, I've actually been more sensible the past few sales and really only buying games that I would consider a bargain or if it's at least 60% ish off before buying.

77% not played.. have you ever considered that by the time you ACTUALLY DO get round to playing something, it'll be much cheaper anyway due to age?
The games I have picked up from tremor games are all from IOS app downloads ( Free ), Surveys and watching a vid. Half hour a night mate. 9400 dollars worth from steam in 1 year.

And you can pick whichever games you want? Or are they specific to the 'task you've got to do'?
I had a look at this Tremor Games and registered and started gathering coins, but it doesn't really seem worth it. Too much time to invest in tasks that pay you peanuts (I have 606 coins), much more economical for me to do some extra work from home and earn money the regular way, which I can spend during a Steam sale.
My slow Internet simply prevents me from buying anything since I've then got to wait a week to download it. It's a good deterrent if you keep pressing the buy button. Optical media is still the primary choice for me because of this.
I had a look at this Tremor Games and registered and started gathering coins, but it doesn't really seem worth it. Too much time to invest in tasks that pay you peanuts (I have 606 coins), much more economical for me to do some extra work from home and earn money the regular way, which I can spend during a Steam sale.

Half an hour a night, 9500 dollars worth within 12 months, it's defo worth it. If you have an IOS device thats the quickest way to earn. Download an app -run - delete.
Didn't last long. Abit of sweet talking and I'm up to 101 games now. (4 are origin)

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: $1374 ($453 with sales)
  • Games owned: 97
  • Games not played: 70 (72%)
  • Hours on record: 74.4h

Massive increase in games since then.

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: £1705 (£485 with sales)
  • Games owned: 174
  • Games not played: 88 (51%)
  • Hours on record: 329.2h
No. I used to be. I have 166 games on Steam. Now it's all Early Access, Pre-order and Indie rubbish so it's very easy to not spend any money.
I got a bit caught up in the hype that was H1Z1. Even though i didn't like the look of it from when they streamed it pre release on twitch, I still went ahead and bought it. I have played it for a few hours but not touched it in about a week or so. I dont intend on playing it for a little while to be honest.

Also bought Satellite Reign (Like syndicate wars) but even that hasn't really got a lot of content and haven't played that for at least a month. Im a bit peed off as it cost £20, i wouldn't have minded if it was say £10 or so.

The best early access game i have bought is Wreckfest (Next Car Game). I have put about 30 odd hours into it and still enjoy it for an hour or so. It runs really well, has some really good tracks and the damage is epic.

I think i need to invest more time watching other people play it first before i decide to part with my money. I feel i should have done that with H1Z1 & Satellite Reign.
I would say I used to be addicted. I've seen sense over the past 6 or 7 months though and am now trying to catch up on the backlog of games I haven't played rather than buying new games.
I am addicted to buying games as downloading them is so great only get then when there really great games or on sale or spare pennies....

but the last 1 hardly ever comes into it now I have a newborn xD haha
Used to be but definitely stopped now, I don't even buy the humble bundles anymore as there is no point.

My backlog is so insanely huge and life getting busier by the day there is no point in adding new games.
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