Are you proud to be British?

I would be glad of having such a father though.

Yeah, so you've just admitted you would feel something, whether you call it being proud or not, the underlying feeling & emotion is still there, hence you are getting caught up in semantics. We all know what the OP meant by the question.
It has nothing to do with semantics. This is the core f the debate. Why do you feel proud of something you had no control over and did nothing about?
If we're being a bit pedantic, then there's definitely a thing you might call collective pride.

A footballer can be proud that his team won the tournament, even tho he didn't play in the final (etc, etc).

You definitely can be proud of being a part of a collective, or in fact any group that you consciously take upon yourself or accept membership thereof.

Pride does not have to be about one's personal achievements. You can also be proud of your father, sister, friend...
Buy a plane ticket to UK.
Claim asylum.
Be proud.

Actually that would be quite an achievement, more than most Brits will amount too.
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Not really just glad I wasn't born in to a **** hole 3rd world country either to die of hunger, disease or be tortured to death. Same goes for the times we are born in. Don't think I would have wanted to be around 500 years ago. Feel very lucky tbh.

And can live a life here of my own volition.
Some of you need to study language a bit more - it is perfectly acceptable to feel proud of things that you have not personally achieved as an individual. Think about the meaning behind terms like national pride or patriotism.

The terms proud and pride are an awful lot broader than the majority of posters in this thread are interpreting them.
Some of you need to study language a bit more - it is perfectly acceptable to feel proud of things that you have not personally achieved as an individual. Think about the meaning behind terms like national pride or patriotism.

The terms proud and pride are an awful lot broader than the majority of posters in this thread are interpreting them.

Well since I was a kid it's changed to the point where showing patriotism is directly correlated with the right wing.

I'm not surprised people no longer care.
Well since I was a kid it's changed to the point where showing patriotism is directly correlated with the right wing.

I'm not surprised people no longer care.
It's frightening how quickly the term "right wing" has been given such a negative connotation. Through use of the term "far right" when describing fascism it leads one to believe that with "far right" being very bad that so the "right wing" must be considered a slightly lesser degree of bad.

Extreme nationalism is a trait of fascism and it follows that patriotism is a trait of the right wing and people who generally lean in that direction.

So what of the left then. Well the modern left embraces a borderless world, multiculturalism, equality. All of them nice things to aspire to, but all of them lead into another thing. Communism.

And we all know that the only good Commie is a dead one.
Well since I was a kid it's changed to the point where showing patriotism is directly correlated with the right wing.

I'm not surprised people no longer care.
Stop being told what to say, think, feel by lib/leftards.

They are warping society with the authorative agenda.
I used to be, I mean we have a great and rich history and culture and have influenced the development of the world.

Modern Britain, not so much, as a population we have become lazy and entitled, resting on our historical laurels. Then the internet came along and you realised how many Chris Wilsons, deuses etc there are out there and then the Brexit referendum confirmed the majority of the people in this country are morons.

Now I just despair.
I don't feel like I should take pride in what are essentially other people's accomplishments, I feel lucky to live in Britain and be British since it's one of the best countries in the world with one of the finest histories in the world.

Britain created the industrial revolution and Democracy. Between the fall of France and the invasion of the USSR, Britain stood alone against Nazi Germany when we didn't have to, we sacrificed a hell of a lot economically for the Allies to be eventual winners.

Following losing our Empire and being financially ruined, we still managed to recover and have one of the biggest economies in the world.
I always knew OcUK was full of foreigners, first generation born Brits. So obvious with the comments, a true Brit knows His land; the land of our fore Fathers. Do you even know England means the land of Gods new covenant, you would be surprised to find out how many of us still remember.

Typical englishman thinking Britain = England

a True Brit would know that there is more than 1 country in Britain.
And America created freedom, right?


Well the Magna Carta was the basis for modern Democracy, we didn't invent it as a concept. America and the UK have certainly done the most to preserve freedom in the past 100 years, from defeating the Axis to stemming Communism post WW2.
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