Ark: Survival Evolved - Dinosaur MMO/Survival PVP funz!

right, i downloaded it last night to test it out, I must say it's a lot more polished than other survival games.

Where's the cheapest place to buy it from at the moment? Steam are offering it at £19.08

Without reading through everything here, anything i definitely need to be aware of going in to the game? must haves etc?
I'd get it through steam then at least if you hate it you can get a refund.

There's no sli support. Other than that nothing that can't be learnt easily.
Yup definitely worth picking up, for any newbies looking to pick this up we're on this server feel free to join us as we're looking to take more players in.

We're an open bunch and happy to take our time to show you the ropes, we also have a ts server as well which you're welcome to join.

in game name?

Just jumped on to it :)
Yup definitely worth picking up, for any newbies looking to pick this up we're on this server feel free to join us as we're looking to take more players in.

We're an open bunch and happy to take our time to show you the ropes, we also have a ts server as well which you're welcome to join.

Is this open invitation still open.

I really fancy this game, but it is a bit daunting.
Is this open invitation still open.

I really fancy this game, but it is a bit daunting.

Yeah man, we just had a treasure hunt on our server that got pretty intense.

Administration spawned some top loot and and then fired a flare up. Everyone had to race across the map in the night to find the loot. Many birds were killed, and afterwards a fairly butthurt player smashed into our dino pen with his t Rex and killed most of our dinosaurs. We killed him and it of course, but it took some doing! Currently fortifying our base for the inevitable war to come.
I want to like this game but it' just really making it difficult for me. If I do a search for servers it just nukes my internet and I lose the ability to browse the web whilst it searches?! :huh:

On the rare occasion I manage to find Ice's server, the ping is terrible. Looks like it's in France so that's just baffling :s
Gave up with getting this to work. Refund requested...

I do really hope they nail this, game has a huge amount of promise. But as it stands it seem to break my internet if I try and filter the server list or look at the unofficial list, even low ping servers feel unresponsive plus the game really runs badly on my rig. I accept my pc is aging a bit but I have to turn down the settings to the point where it looks worse than the original farcry before I get an acceptable framerate!
Gave up with getting this to work. Refund requested...

I do really hope they nail this, game has a huge amount of promise. But as it stands it seem to break my internet if I try and filter the server list or look at the unofficial list, even low ping servers feel unresponsive plus the game really runs badly on my rig. I accept my pc is aging a bit but I have to turn down the settings to the point where it looks worse than the original farcry before I get an acceptable framerate!

I think maybe wait until release (it is early access after all), as it really is great in terms of play.

We just got the inevitable backlash as that guy raided our base. Luckily I was still online and managed to kill him before he managed to do real damage or get into our base. Intense night though after weeks of farming materials. It finally paid off! All our dinosaurs are dead, which sucks, but man the action was intense. When the stakes are so high, the game is really fun.
Yeh I'll definitely keep an eye on the game. I do like the stakes like that, it's what appeals when I play Eve. When you die you're actually losing something so everything just means so much more. Don't get that feeling with many games these days!
Yeh I'll definitely keep an eye on the game. I do like the stakes like that, it's what appeals when I play Eve. When you die you're actually losing something so everything just means so much more. Don't get that feeling with many games these days!

You might like elite dangerous then.
I've hit an annoying glitch where it wont let me learn wooden foundation or wooden walls even though I have learnt the thatch versions and have more than enough points :(

Hope me and my raptor are gunna be ok tonight in my thatch house lol.

EDIT - Turns out its because I already learnt them *facepalm.

Ah well, its late. I'll take my chances in the 2x1 thatch hut for tonight. Wish me luck
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Started playing tonight. Lvl 6 and I am now near a tiny lake not far from the beach where I started.

After 30 mins I got killed by a sabretooth , but despite the set back I continued... :)

I might suggest spawning in the East or south. Up north can be very hostile for a low level player
I might suggest spawning in the East or south. Up north can be very hostile for a low level player

Dev he's joining us so might be worthwhile spawning North East Zone 1 if that's an option, we can then show you where we are.

I got told to shut the pc off by the other half just after the 1st attack and before the 2nd attack :( Totally gutted I missed that.

Ah well at least we know our weaknesses now and also our base is pretty impregnable unless you have over 200 c4 :D
Dev he's joining us so might be worthwhile spawning North East Zone 1 if that's an option, we can then show you where we are.

I got told to shut the pc off by the other half just after the 1st attack and before the 2nd attack :( Totally gutted I missed that.

Ah well at least we know our weaknesses now and also our base is pretty impregnable unless you have over 200 c4 :D

I got the game at the weekend and joined on the server you mentioned above but it is fairly deserted. Does it get busier? Saw max 15 odd people on.

I'm enjoying it for the most part it just seems really slow to level up. My best moment so far was finding a Parasaur stuck in a tree and taming it. Quickly followed by the worst moment when it got stuck in water and drowned with a load of my resources I'd spent hours collecting :(
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