Ark: Survival Evolved - Dinosaur MMO/Survival PVP funz!

Josh got a refund without problems, I am waiting on mine still.

The game has a lot of potential but personally I couldn't put up with the performance issues and some game breaking bugs:

- fps was dropping to sub 20's, mostly around 30-40fps and the graphics looked awful (imo), if I can play crysis 3 maxed out with a constant 50+ fps then I should get better in this
- texture pop is too much and very distracting
- getting stuck on objects i.e. tony's trex in the base lol
- floating objects

and a few other things.

And to top it all of, imo in its current state, it is not worth £22, if it was £10, then I would have kept it.

I know it is only an alpha so when he gets most of that stuff sorted, I'll probably re-buy it.

22 quid lol really??? It's alpha mate, I'm not getting those issues and I'm on a weaker card than yours and and bigger res screen. The trex issue is nowt to do with game, that's our fault for not building a higher ceiling. I would have just kept it, it's being updated on average 3 times a day.

Josh was loving it last night, he must have had a scary dream about a Dino lol
honestly not too sure. Just installed the game, made my person, loaded up on a beach and it said my gfx card crashed... but only the game closed, no driver crash or anything to indicate it was the card.

Weird. Well if it does it again check windows logs you may find the answer in there.

Generally a verify local files on steam and then restarting it works.

Turn off the distance shadow setting should fix the flickering. The latest driver was supposed to fix it but failed.
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22 quid lol really??? It's alpha mate, I'm not getting those issues and I'm on a weaker card than yours and and bigger res screen. The trex issue is nowt to do with game, that's our fault for not building a higher ceiling. I would have just kept it, it's being updated on average 3 times a day.

Josh was loving it last night, he must have had a scary dream about a Dino lol

£22 is quite expensive for an alpha game imo, you can get good/better stable games for that price or less, if he gets the game to a more polished state, I would happily pay £30. Lets puts it this way, I won't even pay £12 for batman AK because of the state it is in :p

Yeah like I said to mynight in ts, it is probably just something on my end but I couldn't be assed trying to mess with multiple settings etc. and even still, an average of 40 fps feels pretty bad to me, the frame latency was 25-30ms, which I find stuttery in games and I just couldn't get on with the poor graphics even with your settings, most of textures just had no detail to them, perhaps an issue on my end again though.

haha yeah I thought that was the cause of the trex issue, you guys really need to get a bigger play area for them :p Why don't you keep them out in the open to protect the base? I had the same issue with the saber tooth as well, getting caught on the other dinos/walls etc.

He probably had nightmares about my character doing things to him :D
Josh was loving it last night, he must have had a scary dream about a Dino lol

Looks like I may need the hire car for another week until my new one comes. Means I need another £180ish, so need to be frugal until the end of the month.

Being grown up sucks sometimes. I want to throw my poop at people.

I'll defo get it at the end of the month...again!
Just bought this, I'm getting like 20 fps on medium settings. Must be something wrong surely?

I have an i7 4770k, 16gb RAM, GTX 770 4gb

Just updated drivers too
Yeah, kinda holding off on this until it's possible to average an absolute minimum 40fps.. Watched a video the other day and other player movement was not smooth at all either :/
Hmm what program are people using to record average fps?

Using the inbuilt steam one I seem to generally average ~55 I do have single figure lows in high density areas for example flying through a forest kicks my card in the nuts repeatedly until it begs for mercy :(. If there's too many dinos on screen at the same time I start getting chippy movement but I'm unsure if that's server lag or my gpu.

I'm on a 7970 so nothing special but I'm running medium for most but with AA and distance shadow turned off. I'm on 1440p so it should be more degrading but I don't really notice it much.

I will say in the 2 weeks I've played performance has increased massively I've increased from lows to mids and draw distance at epic with about the same fps. So whatever they're doing is working just got to give it time.
I use msi afterburner with riva tuner, fantastic and a must have program. If you want just a simple FPS tool then fraps.

Frame latency is a more important figure than fps imo, although both are generally tied to each other but not always.... Anything below <20ms is smooth and anything @ or <15ms is buttery smooth to me, once you get over 20ms, things get a little stuttery and then anything over 25ms is just not nice, to my eyes anyway.
Mynight I think we've made a few upgrades to the base for more defence if you want another look.
The guys that raided us a few days ago (using the unlimited c4 exploit) were given a massive dose of their own medicine last night by our boys. Killed all their dinos, destroyed some of their base and took out their only turrets.
Apparently the guy that was bragging about raiding us (no idea why as they still couldn't get into our building and left us with more gear than we had) was screaming that he'll wipe us off the map.

Bring it on.
I'm thinking I might get this game, but the thought of Nexus in pink furs on a pink Trex trying to procreate with anything that moves is a concern. :eek:

That and having all you've worked for taken by a bunch of kids with nothing better to do during the school holidays.
can't get my mate off this! lol, watched him play it abit and while it looked pretty good, still looked like it needed a lot of fine tuning! especially with movement, tho he did tell me it was early days on it so those should be ironed out pretty quickly
Where Mynight this morning, come on mate, been on since 8am for Dino day, I'm farming all on my lonesome. Got excellent news about smurfnation as well :)
Where Mynight this morning, come on mate, been on since 8am for Dino day, I'm farming all on my lonesome. Got excellent news about smurfnation as well :)

Did they get bummed in the bad way? I was on your ts a couple of days ago with Mynight and Possum (I think) and he was telling me there was on big problem tribe who recently got wiped.

I got him to stream me so we could show our base off to you guys and to give you ideas of some of the defences you could put up to defend yourselves against griefers.
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