Lmao XysteR,
Yeah, over 2hrs trying to get off the darn carrier, then i hitched a lift in a helo
Then the pilot switches to manual aiming and starts hosing the damn carrier
I bailed and went in the drink, only to swim around the carrier for 10mins to find no way to get back on deck
Then i heads to the island just north
After endless swimming, got a kindly helo pilot to land, but the helo enter bug stopped me from getting in !!!
And to top and i mean top all this
Whilst swimming for hours to the ******* island i lost my weapons !!!! hummphhh
Yeah i think one of those box jellyfish almost got me, and i had to hold my bladder in case one of those wee wee fish wanted to hitch a lift ashore with me !!
Crabs i caught from the lady who runs the lighthouse on the island lmao
Fun in a way, but man the tk'ing is bad
btw that guys name was Thommi
also that skidmark guy lefthandskid or somert, Cor would rem his name lol
This is where i swam ashore ................
This is me looking outward trying to see the carrier, alas i had swam so far it was out of sight