***ArmA 3 Thread***

Are there releases of Blastcore and JRS? And is it worth downloading them or will I have to redownload on the full release of ARMA 3 ?

JSRS has been released for clients. No bikey yet so you can't use it online. Nowhere near being complete with just some basic rifle/vehicle sounds.


Blastcore isn't out yet. Can't wait for that!
Any idea how to get weapon mods working? I have added the folder and the command line to steam but can't find the virtual ammo box in editor....
Would there be much of a diff fps wise between a i7 950 at stock compared to my i5 3570k at 4ghz, as my mate has crap fps compared to me with my i5. We both have a 670 card, me 2gb him 4gb card. I have 8gb ddr3 he has 12gb.

In helicopters scenario i get 50fps he gets 25. Matched our gfx settings and same drivers and stuff.
Any ideas?
Would there be much of a diff fps wise between a i7 950 at stock compared to my i5 3570k at 4ghz, as my mate has crap fps compared to me with my i5. We both have a 670 card, me 2gb him 4gb card. I have 8gb ddr3 he has 12gb.

In helicopters scenario i get 50fps he gets 25. Matched our gfx settings and same drivers and stuff.
Any ideas?

ARMA 3 is definitely CPU intensive :) Get him to OC it to 3.5 - 4.0 and he'll definitely see an improvement.
Right then gentlemen! I have finally found a mission that seems to work on a dedi box, is well made AND is fun!


Attackers should capture the objective area from the defenders before time runs out, while defenders need to prevent them from completing their mission. Game is played in a "best of" system. To keep it balanced, your score must also be higher than the enemy by at least 2 points.

The objective area is picked at random from pre-defined areas, while insertion position and method can be selected by the leader of the attacking team.

Once there are more attackers than defenders within the objective area, they will begin to capture the zone. The higher the difference between attackers and defenders, the faster the capture speed. Capturing alone takes 60 seconds, while each additional player will bring down the duration significantly closer to the minimum capture time of 20 seconds.

Equipment is given based on a class system. Available classes depend on whether you are defending or attacking - attackers have superior equipment available.

So who's up for this tomorrow evening around 8ish? We have a dedi server we can use for up to 20 players (we have another we can use if more players want to join). Also have a TS server we can use.

We tested it with about 4 players earlier and it was fun even with the low numbers. 10v10 should be a riot! Setting up trip mines for the attacks should be interesting!

Oh, and first person only so get your FOVs adjusted!
Still can get this mod to work: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22402

I got VAS working and put all the mods in the right folder with command line on steam and it loads fine but there is no ak-74 in the VAS where can if find this userconfig. file?]

"When present place the "userconfig" folder into your game install folder, usually:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3".
You may already have "userconfig" folder from other addons/mods in which case it is safe to merge the contents from this archive."
Works fine for me.

Confirm you have VAS working in a mission in the editor.

In your A3 folder create a new folder called "@AK". Within that folder create a new folder called "addons". Drag the "arma3-mikes-ak-pack.pbo" into the addons folder. Launch A3 with the @AK mod enabled. Should be a winner.
Works fine for me.

Confirm you have VAS working in a mission in the editor.

In your A3 folder create a new folder called "@AK". Within that folder create a new folder called "addons". Drag the "arma3-mikes-ak-pack.pbo" into the addons folder. Launch A3 with the @AK mod enabled. Should be a winner.

Thanks buddy that worked :D
Or use ARMA II launcher which you can get from here..


Just change the main .exe file location to the arma 3 one..

Place all your mods into one folder with the same structure as above. Add that folder within your addon option tab. Choose your profile and start up options from the launch options.
Most people have nosplash, empty world, no pause, your profile name checked and the amount of cpu cores you have. I also added -vrammax=2700 in additional parameters.

Then within your addons tab, create a group on the right hand side, and drag the mods you want to use over to the group, make sue they are ticked and hit start. Thats it.
Bumping for tonight!

Server is called [DEV] GamingDeluxe.co.uk- OCUK and MBS Test Mission Server

Time will be roughly starting at 2000.

Allowed mods - CBA, ST Hud, Babe Midtex, Landtex and TAO Foldmap.

Edit - Teamspeak IP -
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Right then gentlemen! I have finally found a mission that seems to work on a dedi box, is well made AND is fun!


Attackers should capture the objective area from the defenders before time runs out, while defenders need to prevent them from completing their mission. Game is played in a "best of" system. To keep it balanced, your score must also be higher than the enemy by at least 2 points.

The objective area is picked at random from pre-defined areas, while insertion position and method can be selected by the leader of the attacking team.

Once there are more attackers than defenders within the objective area, they will begin to capture the zone. The higher the difference between attackers and defenders, the faster the capture speed. Capturing alone takes 60 seconds, while each additional player will bring down the duration significantly closer to the minimum capture time of 20 seconds.

Equipment is given based on a class system. Available classes depend on whether you are defending or attacking - attackers have superior equipment available.

So who's up for this tomorrow evening around 8ish? We have a dedi server we can use for up to 20 players (we have another we can use if more players want to join). Also have a TS server we can use.

We tested it with about 4 players earlier and it was fun even with the low numbers. 10v10 should be a riot! Setting up trip mines for the attacks should be interesting!

Oh, and first person only so get your FOVs adjusted!

Im up for this mate, are you going to post the server details etc?
I would recommend them all. The choice between Landtex/Babes Midtex is down to what you think looks best.

You won't need any of them to play tonight though, so if you don't use them it's no problem.
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