***ArmA 3 Thread***

Arma 3 is patching now. :)

1.0 arma 3 is out now. :) Insurgency seems to be up all ready. Tho had teamkillers on and a drunk pilot so..

Edit - hmm maybe wrong i duno, it seems that the version number is 1.0 and all that and the message on main menu says welcome to arma 3 instead of siterep etc. Hmm maybe it does switch over in 47 mins time as the main site says. :/

Nope i was right its out.

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Doubled the number of showcases, no campaign, added all the stuff in the world i think i tried a civilian hatchback which looked terrible and the wheels arnt touching the ground on the right side when moving forward.

Someone do me a favour please, within the credits. At the very end before the supporters edition names, who is the last person in the special thanks section.

You need to click on the the top ARMA 3 pic within the credits section to get them scrolling..

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Its... it's glorious. Console version 1.00 we have longed for you! :D

You need to click the ARMA III text or right click it to get access to full credits.


Its the special thanks I want too find out, if I am correct it should be your profile name, im just curious about something though... thanks
@MarkeR, Thanks. :)

@ Suarez7, Don't use the dev branch anymore. In the future it may have a lot of fixes before normal branch but not for at least a few days to a few weeks i think they said.
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I was looking at getting this. Having little experience with Arma 2 (I only lpayed for a few mins and found the controls confusing) I am very skeptical.

I may play a bit more of Arma 2 tonight, set the controls I like and give it a go.
I think arma 3 is more steamlined and easier for people compared to arma 2 because i didnt like arma 2 that much but arma 3 i get on a lot better with. Also nice to have a mate around that can help you now and then if you dont know how to do somit.
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