Bumping for tonight!
Server is called [DEV] GamingDeluxe.co.uk- OCUK and MBS Test Mission Server
Time will be roughly starting at 2000.
Allowed mods - CBA, ST Hud, Babe Midtex, Landtex and TAO Foldmap.
Edit - Teamspeak IP -
Will be there, is there a mod yet for a purple pimp suit with complimentary purple hat with tasteful gold trim? I need to look classy on the battlefield.
I quite enjoyed that pvp mission last night. Reminded me of CS back in the day!
Working on editing that swamp mission also. Making it easier for the "Swamp Monster"!
Good morning from Tenerife. Got 30 mins of net time. Any news on insurgency for arma 3 yet? How is wasteland playing on the full map?
Ps Suarez I got the Samsung 840 256gb SSD.
Rather good fun that, but yeah...swampy needs a hand. How about using the shack in the north west marshland as the redneck shack?
Forgot to post this. Swampy comes in at about 1.10!