***ArmA 3 Thread***

anyone else a bit dissapointed about the content with the full release?

ok the new map is big and pretty good

1 new weapon, 1 plane, and the tanks isnt a massive amount really
also most of the helis are just a reskin of arma 2 assets :(

hope they release more stuff without it being dlc :(

dont get me wrong a3 is a good improvement of a2, and I like a lot of the content just dont think there is enough of it
dont get me wrong a3 is a good improvement of a2, and I like a lot of the content just dont think there is enough of it

Hey dude, you have to remember that it's mods that are going to make the game better, which they do already. Modders have been the main source of content for a long time.

I'm not disappointed about how much we have, I expected them to release the game earlier than they'd like to and have a bunch of stuff missing or unfinished but again, it's always been a constantly evolving game with improvements always coming out.
Hey dude, you have to remember that it's mods that are going to make the game better, which they do already. Modders have been the main source of content for a long time.

I'm not disappointed about how much we have, I expected them to release the game earlier than they'd like to and have a bunch of stuff missing or unfinished but again, it's always been a constantly evolving game with improvements always coming out.


It won't take long for the awesome mods to start flooding in ;) looking forward to some sound mods most to be honest.
things like the tanks/jet just sound far too quiet at the moment.
I still think adding the sound of rain/wind hitting your helmet in First person view should be added too.
Ok Guys

As some of you may be aware, the throttle control on Arma for helis and jets isn't the best. Basically the AXIS of the throttle is split into two, the top half is from 0 - 100, the bottom half is from 0 - -100. This in essence means that you only have the top half to control your throttle, the bottom half is slamming the brakes on.

So, how do we fix this, so that the whole joystick throttle uses the full range from 0 - 100.

First of all we need two programmes... Get them from here, they are PPjoy and GlovePie. I have winrar'd these directly from my PC, virus scanned etc. Good to use..


First of all install PPjoy, you may have to reboot to fully install the drivers for the virtual joystick.

Reboot and finish the install, then open up ppjoy and add a virtual joystick, I used ppjoy1. I found using anything above that messed with the axis.

Now, open up GlovePie.

You will see a script window.

First two scripts that you want to copy and paste into that are.

debug = Joystick.z
PPJoy1.analog2 = (MapRange(-Joystick.Z, -1, 1, 0, 1))

Change PPJoy1 to the correct number of your virtual joystick number. If virtual 3, then it would be PPJoy3 etc.

I have a - in front of the maprange joystick settings, as I use a Saitek X52, which for some reason is inverse with ARMA, you might need to remove it for your joystick.

Hit run, and with luck you will see a number box appear next to the run button, when you move your throttle you should see the numbers move.

If this happens then go to 2. if not then read on below.

Where it reads

debug = Joystick.z

change the .z to another axis until you find the correct one. While writing the script, after every . within the script box a list of selections will appear to help you choose the correct axis.

Once you have found the correct axis, add a // in front of the debug line. This will comment out the unneeded line.

Once you have the correct axis working, open up the game controller properties and you should see the ppjoy virtual joystick, click properties and go into settings. DO NOT CALIBRATE the virtual joystick. Check that your throttle moves the correct axis within the ppjoy settings.

Now, open up ARMA 3 or even 2 if you wish. Go to the controls and the heli or jets control settings, Unmap the throttle controls from both standard and analogue thrust. We do not use analogue thrust any more, so using the standard thrust command, select it and push your throttle forward. You should see PPjoy axis z+. If you go to far you will also see your joystick axis, just delete it and click ok. Now go to lower thrust and map pull back on the throttle, you should see the exact same axis. This is correct, as in above it uses the full range of your throttle.

Do the same for the heli or jet, just make sure you do not use the analogue settings.

Test out your new throttle settings within game, but not before you map a button or in my case the small slider to act as a brake.

There are additional scripts to help the heli feel more responsive to the joystick commands. The one I have found to be excellent is below..

//debug = Joystick.z
PPJoy1.analog2 = (MapRange(-Joystick.Z, -1, 1, 0, 1))
//PPJoy1.Analog2 = (MapEnsureRange(-Joystick.slider, -1,1, 0,1)+1)/2
 if (!var.init)
   var.sensitivity = 1
   var.test = 0
   var.init = true

var.deltaX = Joystick.X - var.lastX
var.lastX = Joystick.x
var.deltaY = Joystick.Y - var.lastY
var.lastY = Joystick.y
var.keyTrim = Keyboard.b

if (var.keyTrim)
   PPJoy1.y = 0
   PPJoy1.x = 0
//    if (var.deltaX == 0)
//       PPJoy1.x = Joystick.x
//    endif

    if (var.deltaX > 0)
       if (Joystick.x > 0)
          PPjoy1.x = Joystick.x * var.sensitivity
       if (Joystick.x < 0)
          PPJoy1.x = -Joystick.x * var.sensitivity

    if (var.deltaX < 0)
       if (Joystick.x > 0)
          PPjoy1.x = -Joystick.x * var.sensitivity
       if (Joystick.x < 0)
          PPJoy1.x = Joystick.x * var.sensitivity

//    if (var.deltaY == 0)
//       PPJoy1.y = 0
//    endif

    if (var.deltaY > 0)
       if (Joystick.y > 0)
          PPjoy1.y = Joystick.y * var.sensitivity
       if (Joystick.y < 0)
          PPJoy1.y = -Joystick.y * var.sensitivity

    if (var.deltaY < 0)
       if (Joystick.y > 0)
          PPjoy1.y = -Joystick.y * var.sensitivity
       if (Joystick.y < 0)
          PPJoy1.y = Joystick.y * var.sensitivity

debug = "KeyTrim: " + var.keyTrim + "      JoystickX: " + Joystick.X + "   lastX: " + var.lastX +  "   PPJoyX: " + PPJoy1.X + "  DeltaX: " + var.deltaX +  "     JoystickY:  " + Joystick.Y + "   lastY: " + var.lastY + " PPJoyY: "  + PPJoy1.y + "  DeltaY: " + var.deltaY

Save your script within the glovepie folder. You will need to run this script every time you want to use it within ARMA. So I would recommend the below.

I use ARMA II launcher to launch both II and III. Definitely the best launcher I have found, with the most options for mods etc.

Within the external apps tab you can run progs to start with ARMA.

Create a new extarnal app run by clicking +.

Obviously name it and fill in the correct path to the glovepie exe.

In the parameters field use the following.

/run  "path to your glovepie saved script profile" /tray

This will start glovepie and minimise to the tray.

I also start fraps and the trackir prog with the external app addon..

Any help needed, just let me know..

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We seem to be missing a melbo. If anyone has seen this elusive creature could you please direct him to the MBS teamspeak. We have put up a reward of 37 pence to the lucky finder.

Please do not approch him has been known to bite after a few rums.

We really do miss him and hope he has not been arrested again.

Please come home melbo the arma community will be lost with out you.
We seem to be missing a melbo. If anyone has seen this elusive creature could you please direct him to the MBS teamspeak. We have put up a reward of 37 pence to the lucky finder.

Please do not approch him has been known to bite after a few rums.

We really do miss him and hope he has not been arrested again.

Please come home melbo the arma community will be lost with out you.

Got the weekend so he better turn up......a lot of potential but playing with fellas who don't know what they are doing :mad:

Swamp thing, CO OP missions or some balanced PVP stuff would make me itchy in the crotch.
I have faith he is designing an insurgency mission pvp style with IEDS and snack bars that runs like butter on jimmy savils butt crack and will be released before GTA and we will all achieve gaming nirvana;)
Fear not gentlemen, I'm still alive! Some fantastic person decided to crash into one of those magic green internet boxes on my road so I've been without the internets since Tuesday. It *might* be fixed today, not holding my breath!
lots of funky joystick config stuff.

daft question, are you using the separate increase/decrease thrust in game control assignments? I only ask because I only get that 50% thrust/50% slamming brakes which those assignments. Assigning both throttle axis to the analogue thrust assignment makes throttle response much more natural, and I have the brake assigned to a separate button for when its when needed.

Fear not gentlemen, I'm still alive! Some fantastic person decided to crash into one of those magic green internet boxes on my road so I've been without the internets since Tuesday. It *might* be fixed today, not holding my breath!

What an inconsiderate ******. Of all the things they could've hit, they just had to crash into the internet...
Just got back to Arma 3. I got a bit bored of Stratis. I am liking the Uuadcopter and the size of the map. I haven't had a proper play yet but I will see how I can get on at home with it. The ping at work was awful so I will try wasteland when it is better.
Just got back to Arma 3. I got a bit bored of Stratis. I am liking the Uuadcopter and the size of the map. I haven't had a proper play yet but I will see how I can get on at home with it. The ping at work was awful so I will try wasteland when it is better.

Have a really smooth Wasteland Altis mission now, a lot more fps than previous versions.

Fear not gentlemen, I'm still alive! Some fantastic person decided to crash into one of those magic green internet boxes on my road so I've been without the internets since Tuesday. It *might* be fixed today, not holding my breath!

Glad to know your ok, have you had to resort to playing old school tiddly winks and marbles to occupy your time without the net?

Hope it gets sorted today,we have some arma 3 to play.:)
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