***ArmA 3 Thread***

FPS has certainly improved, I only get bad FPS in multiplayer now (most of the time when playing Wasteland on Altis). Once the mission files are coded better and more optimisations are added it will be a lot better.

Get about 50-60fps playing Wasteland on Stratis, 20-30fps playing Wasteland on Altis. Invade & Annex gives me about 40fps on the majority of servers.
Playing maxed out with 150% sampling and my FPS is fine apart from badly coded missions. It will all sort itself in time, the game has only officially been out 3 days, I think a lot of the good mission coders were waiting for official release.
I loaded up altis yesterday. Ran for a couple of hours and then I slipped in to a bordem enduced coma. If it wasn't for the wife bringing me round with 4cans of Fosters I'd of still been there!
I loaded up altis yesterday. Ran for a couple of hours and then I slipped in to a bordem enduced coma. If it wasn't for the wife bringing me round with 4cans of Fosters I'd of still been there!

To be honest as a long time Arma fan I'm feeling the same, almost to the point of wanting my money back.

Crap weapons, no campaign on release, buggy gameplay (can't dismount friendlys from positions i.e mortars) lack of weapons and vehicles compared to previous releases.

Think this is the way PC gaming has now gone, paying for unfinished crap games. Preordering should be banned imho, a game should be rated on its release prospects, not massively empty promises.
To be honest as a long time Arma fan I'm feeling the same, almost to the point of wanting my money back.

Crap weapons, no campaign on release, buggy gameplay (can't dismount friendlys from positions i.e mortars) lack of weapons and vehicles compared to previous releases.

You must have seen that coming right? After previous release that's the standard bohemia thing. I said it earlier but the only reason I play the series are the mods and a certain community. The stock game is bad, same goes for A2 and A1, I can't stand it.

I don't care how long it takes, I don't expect to be playing the game as much as I do A2 for months at least, A2 is better in every respect except mouse movement and graphics and at this point, graphics don't make the game better.
Is it possible to get a refund ? feels like i have paid for someones ongoing mod project not a game.

I knew ages I wouldn't like this game when I fired it up and it felt like my player model was floating above the ground just something about the game that feels worse than arma 2.
Can't believe people are complaining already. Wonder if these are the ones who buy COD every year thinking it's value for money. I paid £20 for ARMA 3 and would say I've already got my monies worth but I know there's so much more to come from it.
Seems all a con really. No idea why I bought a none finished game.

The term clairvoyance (from French clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses,[1][2] i.e., a form of extra-sensory perception. A person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant ("one who sees clearly").

Surely you would have known you wouldn't enjoy it before you had it in hand?
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