daft question, are you using the separate increase/decrease thrust in game control assignments? I only ask because I only get that 50% thrust/50% slamming brakes which those assignments. Assigning both throttle axis to the analogue thrust assignment makes throttle response much more natural, and I have the brake assigned to a separate button for when its when needed.
whats with Eurogamer not reviewing Arma 3 in its "current state" - as its not a "complete game" ??
it has been released - its not a Beta - should be reviewed as is IMO
Have a really smooth Wasteland Altis mission now, a lot more fps than previous versions.
Fear not gentlemen, I'm still alive! Some fantastic person decided to crash into one of those magic green internet boxes on my road so I've been without the internets since Tuesday. It *might* be fixed today, not holding my breath!
You can come round and use mine if you like.
That is an entrance!
I badly need this game, steam is just fishing my money recently
If you get on when the server is restarted it works fine for about 20 minutes, then crawls to a halt.