***ArmA 3 Thread***

The term clairvoyance (from French clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses,[1][2] i.e., a form of extra-sensory perception. A person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant ("one who sees clearly").

Surely you would have known you wouldn't enjoy it before you had it in hand?

I had a headache the day I hit buy.
I forgot I was going to get my name in the supporters credits. I checked and I am in it excellent. Can't wait for the campaign to come.

Screenshot :D someone should have put ocuk in there, the supporters edition came with every copy of arma released I think wasnt it

Seems all a con really. No idea why I bought a none finished game.

I figured ages ago that many would be disappointed. The mainstream contigent that arrived from the mods released with last version. I think it just means you need to wait for some nice mods to arrive this version and then hopefully everyone will be happy.

The engine itself appears to be better graphics, Im not blown away but its not bad right. Not sure about physics improved, I flew a heli the other day and its ok; it stalls on hard banking (not on puppet strings) but its still lacking any special attention? They did improve releases last time
Can't believe people are complaining already. Wonder if these are the ones who buy COD every year thinking it's value for money. I paid £20 for ARMA 3 and would say I've already got my monies worth but I know there's so much more to come from it.

This, personally I think the game is excellent. The little details and graphics are amazing. I can't wait for the user made content etc which is what I am told Arma is all about (this is my first Arma aside from a small dabble in Dayz on Arma 2)
To be honest as a long time Arma fan I'm feeling the same, almost to the point of wanting my money back.

Crap weapons, no campaign on release, buggy gameplay (can't dismount friendlys from positions i.e mortars) lack of weapons and vehicles compared to previous releases.

Think this is the way PC gaming has now gone, paying for unfinished crap games. Preordering should be banned imho, a game should be rated on its release prospects, not massively empty promises.

Yeah me and a friend ran around for a couple of hours on Altis Wasteland but there really is **** all to do!
Lol don't blame crap missions. Wasteland needs to be completely re-done for it to function correctly on Altis. There's plenty of content if you look at all the missions that are being released.

As for the people complaining about lack of campaign....this is arma. We all know what the campaigns are like. I do miss the ridiculous Scottish voice over from BAF though. Guess we have Marker and CAI for that though.
Join as the pilot but get into the gunners seat. Order the co pilot to get in and he will then respond to move waypoints you put on the map.

That should work unless the release has changed something and broke the mission. I'm only able to use the internet of my phone for a week or so can't update arma to check :-(
Slightly annoying when the rest of the roads broadband is working but the infinity lines might take up to two weeks to fix. None of em are even broadcasting that openzone gumf :-(
I think I should elaborate rather than being a 'COD whinger' (Just for the record last cod I bought was bargain bin MW2, barely played it)

What I like so far:

Graphics, they are great.
The maps are fantastic, you can tell a lot of effort has gone into them.
The tool tips (you know the press 'h' for a description) are really good for newcomers

What I dont like so far:

On a personal note only, I feel that the weapons are a bit too space age to make me feel like its a combat simulator, I am aware that they may exist however they seem a bit too 'futuristic' for me.

As before, the lack of a campaign. I have played some of the SP missions fom the workshop but I feel that even if I had been made to wait another month, it should have had something at release.

Overall as has been said somewhere above this will all improve over the next few months, but I think its a bit cheeky to just release the game engine and rely on the community to pad it out until you're ready to finish it.
The community has always padded out the games, right from OFP. That is one of the major selling points for the game, as there will always be new stuff added. Even now people are releasing a shed load for A2...

The reason for no campaign on release, was that BIS changed the storyline, possibly something to do with their two employees who were arrested last year while photographing the island.

Got to agree with the lack of equipment though. On the good side, BIS are releasing the A2 kit to be officially merged with A3 soon..
Unfortunately, upgrading the Arma 2 massive content library to Arma 3 standards is beyond what we can do in reasonable time. So instead, what we are going to do will be similar to Arma 1: we are going to release the entire Arma 2 library to the community and allow them create any derivative work within Arma 3

You had me excited for a moment, community to the rescue though...
whats the 699 mb update ? :D

EXE rev. 110133
Size: ~696 MB
•Fixed: Incorrect duplicate of get-in points for Speedboats
•Rolling credits now end after finishing and a short timeout
•Fixed: Flipped moon
•Rebalanced mine damage and overall mine usability
•Fixed: Bag weight for static weapons. It was too high for our maximum soldier load (WIP)
•Changed pistol weights to match maximum soldier load count
•Fixed: Several inventory capacity issues
•Fixed: OPFOR pilots ammo load
•Civilians are more prone to be killed by anything
•Fixed: Some groups spawned by Sites module had their skill set too high
•Fixed: CAS bombing issues in Supports Module
•Added: New runway parts for Left and Right airstrip
•Fixed: Darker runway in far distance and with overcast weather
•Fixed: Animations of static weapons
•Action menu priorities have been tweaked (WIP)
•Fixed: Negative friction of 120mm shells
•removeWeapon can also unlink assigned items now
•Fixed: Action Drop Backpack was not working
•BattlEye has new libraries and supports mission callback
•Added parameter turretCanSee config parameter to distinguish usability of compass for copilots
•Removed strange zoom when aiming while trying to sprint with high fatigue
•Added compass and additional radars for copilot seats
•Fixed: Rare occurrence of undefined variable for civilian randomization scripts
•Fixed: Game sometimes got stuck in loading screen after respawn (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14474).
•Fixed: Respawn position selection list was blinking
•Added: Warning about using BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition - calling the function on client at the mission start will result in data not being broadcasted correctly
•Fixed: Modules were not executed in the right order on server
•Fixed: Sending multiple recipients to BIS_fnc_MP caused the function to be ignored in single player
•Added: Recipient sent to BIS_fnc_MP can now be string - variable name of an object. The function will be executed where the object is local.
•Fixed: Incorrect returned value when task checked by BIS_fnc_taskCompleted didn't exist
•Fixed: Positions of location labels (e.g., town names) in Splendid camera were offset
•Fixed: "Vehicle Respawn" module didn't recognize airplanes, rendering them non-respawnable (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13078)
•Fixed: HQ entities created by Headquarters module (used for example in Defend and Seize missions) were all using European voice. Correct voices (English for NATO and Persian for CSAT) are assigned now.
•Fixed: "Set Task Destination" module is now optional, destination can now be configured in "Create Task" module. The same is true for task state (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4144)
•Fixed: Ladder on hospital building has been reversed (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13399)
•Fixed: Functions with tag without specific name (i.e., no 'tag' attribute) were incorrectly categorized in the functions viewer.
•Fixed: Class name in title bar can't be edited any more in Insert Unit and Insert module in mission editor
•Fashionable LCD panels for MBT gunners instead of old-style optics, and new reticles displayed on them
•Fixed: Blinking resolution lods on signs
•Many small Altis object positioning tweaks and other fixes

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