EXE rev. 110133
Size: ~696 MB
•Fixed: Incorrect duplicate of get-in points for Speedboats
•Rolling credits now end after finishing and a short timeout
•Fixed: Flipped moon
•Rebalanced mine damage and overall mine usability
•Fixed: Bag weight for static weapons. It was too high for our maximum soldier load (WIP)
•Changed pistol weights to match maximum soldier load count
•Fixed: Several inventory capacity issues
•Fixed: OPFOR pilots ammo load
•Civilians are more prone to be killed by anything
•Fixed: Some groups spawned by Sites module had their skill set too high
•Fixed: CAS bombing issues in Supports Module
•Added: New runway parts for Left and Right airstrip
•Fixed: Darker runway in far distance and with overcast weather
•Fixed: Animations of static weapons
•Action menu priorities have been tweaked (WIP)
•Fixed: Negative friction of 120mm shells
•removeWeapon can also unlink assigned items now
•Fixed: Action Drop Backpack was not working
•BattlEye has new libraries and supports mission callback
•Added parameter turretCanSee config parameter to distinguish usability of compass for copilots
•Removed strange zoom when aiming while trying to sprint with high fatigue
•Added compass and additional radars for copilot seats
•Fixed: Rare occurrence of undefined variable for civilian randomization scripts
•Fixed: Game sometimes got stuck in loading screen after respawn (
•Fixed: Respawn position selection list was blinking
•Added: Warning about using BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition - calling the function on client at the mission start will result in data not being broadcasted correctly
•Fixed: Modules were not executed in the right order on server
•Fixed: Sending multiple recipients to BIS_fnc_MP caused the function to be ignored in single player
•Added: Recipient sent to BIS_fnc_MP can now be string - variable name of an object. The function will be executed where the object is local.
•Fixed: Incorrect returned value when task checked by BIS_fnc_taskCompleted didn't exist
•Fixed: Positions of location labels (e.g., town names) in Splendid camera were offset
•Fixed: "Vehicle Respawn" module didn't recognize airplanes, rendering them non-respawnable (
•Fixed: HQ entities created by Headquarters module (used for example in Defend and Seize missions) were all using European voice. Correct voices (English for NATO and Persian for CSAT) are assigned now.
•Fixed: "Set Task Destination" module is now optional, destination can now be configured in "Create Task" module. The same is true for task state (
•Fixed: Ladder on hospital building has been reversed (
•Fixed: Functions with tag without specific name (i.e., no 'tag' attribute) were incorrectly categorized in the functions viewer.
•Fixed: Class name in title bar can't be edited any more in Insert Unit and Insert module in mission editor
•Fashionable LCD panels for MBT gunners instead of old-style optics, and new reticles displayed on them
•Fixed: Blinking resolution lods on signs
•Many small Altis object positioning tweaks and other fixes