***ArmA 3 Thread***

whilst the inner pilot geek is doing backflips at the main airport runways getting proper L/R designations, has anyone else got texture issues with the runways themselves? Can't upload a screenie atm but its like the actual runway has squashed and the original photo texture(?) is showing in places at either end
Anybody running a decent co-op server? I'm getting really tired of trying to find a server with people that actually communicate, work together and don't get a laugh out of crashing helicopters. I want to play this properly and have a laugh as well, but don't want any of the OTT realism.
Anybody running a decent co-op server? I'm getting really tired of trying to find a server with people that actually communicate, work together and don't get a laugh out of crashing helicopters. I want to play this properly and have a laugh as well, but don't want any of the OTT realism.

If you find any, be sure to post them here as I am looking for the same too - play properly but not over-the-top serious. One I found so far which seems to be OK is 'A-Team Invade and Annex'. Have had 1 or 2 people be idiots but mostly everyone plays properly.
1para's Invade and Annex server is usually full of people that don't mess around constantly and seems quite organised; worth a shot if nothing else!

I've been whoring Invade and Annex servers for the last week or so, just love it :D
1para's Invade and Annex server is usually full of people that don't mess around constantly and seems quite organised; worth a shot if nothing else!

I've been whoring Invade and Annex servers for the last week or so, just love it :D

I'll have a look. Don't really want a server with more than about 16 or things just seem to get horribly disjointed.
ive just had a refund from that site orded Assassin's Creed 3 though my pay pal and the wanted id or something?????????? lol

so went though paypal :D

dont use them ppl
Well I've bought plenty and had 0 problems. Got my Arma3 code ready to pop into Steam.

Edit: Telling people to not use them just because you've had a problem? Sigh.

Edit2: If they need ID just fob them off.
what they said:

Dear Customer,

In order to avoid any possible fraud we require a colour scan or a photo of any valid identity document.

The most important information is : name, surname, city you live in, date of birth and expiration date of your document.
Other data such as document serial number or photo are not important for us and can be hidden.

Please put a piece of paper with hand written order number (invoice number) on the document and scan them together.

This is a one time procedure.
Once you have proved your identity and confirmed your PayPal e-mail address we will not ask for it again.

Your personal information will not be misappropriated.
Once your order has been processed , your information will be completely removed from our system.

Please retain all history if you reply to this mail.
If you have any doubts or questions please feel free to contact us. We are available 24/7.
Thank you for your understanding and apologies for any inconvenience caused.
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