Brilliant game going on at the minute on EUTW #3! Playing as BluFor and we are slowly taking back the map from OpFor.
U wot m8? Gabber.
Haha that was hilarious. When that guy said, "You don't know who I am?" after he crashed is helicopter and I accused him of being a bit rubbish. He was convinced he was some Arma superstar!
So I'm new to this what should I be doing and I would like a group to play with if possible
What sort of thing are you wanting to do?
I am not sure tbh I am abit over whelmed. I am happy to see what the game offers and try other things.
I tried the king of the hill last night and it took me a while to get to grips with what I needed to do, I found it very hard! but I still managed to get a few kills off!
I tried Altis Life and again didnt have a clue and didnt enjoy it one bit! I will be back on it tonight so I will try out Next is EUTW CTI see what the crack is!
Had a good hour on this earlier (#2 as 3 only had 5ppl on it), interesting and fun concept! need to team up though was a bit boring on my own and i kept getting killed by tanks and the like.